BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day


Active Member
fuck ya'll suck my genie weenie.

you'll pay for the death of my son and good buddy of mine, you people are terrorists!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
Video of Bin Laden's 'Burial at Sea' to be Released...

Video of Osama bin Laden's dead body being
dropped into the North Arabian Sea from the USS Carl
Vinson early this morning could be made public,
according to officials.

The 40-minute ceremony, and perhaps photos of his
corpse, will be released "cautiously," according to
The Associated Press, citing two Pentagon officials.

The world's most notorious terrorist did not receive a
customary Islamic burial as he was slipped into the
North Arabian Sea today when no others countries
would accept his body, according to experts in
Muslim funeral rites.

"Dumping the body into the sea is not part of any
Islamic ritual," said Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the
American Islamic Forum for Democracy
and a
physician of internal medicine. "Koranic scripture
says God created him and he must return to the

U.S. officials told ABC News that the last thing they
wanted was to create a burial place which could
become a terrorist shrine. To avoid that, bin Laden
was buried at sea.

Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan said
earlier today that the administration would likely
release an image of bin Laden's body. He added that
they would do so carefully as, "We don't want to do
anything to compromise our ability to be successful
the next time we get one of these guys and take him
off the battlefield," he said.

Complete coverage of the death of bin Laden.

The corpse was taken to the aircraft carrier USS Carl
Vinson, officials told ABC News. The ceremony, done
according to Islamic law, began about 1:10 a.m.
today EST and lasted about 45 minutes, according to

Traditional washing of the body was followed by
wrapping in white sheets. A military officer read
religious remarks that were translated by a native
Arabic speaker, then bin Laden was eased into the

Officials said no other alternatives were available.

"We are ensuring that it is handled in accordance with
Islamic practice and tradition," an administration
official said. "This is something that we take very
seriously. And so therefore this is being handled in
an appropriate manner."

It is rare, but when a body must be buried at sea,
there are rules, according to Al Islam online.

The body should be lowered into the water, "in a
vessel of clay or a weight tied to its feet," and as far as
possible, it should "not be lowered at a point where it
is eaten up immediately by sea predators."

Tradition dictates that the body is washed by Muslim
men and a funeral prayer is said, then it is buried as
soon as possible, usually within 24 hours of death.
The body is wrapped in a shroud of white cloth and
the face is moved toward Mecca. The remains are
always buried in the earth.

Similar to the orthodox Jewish tradition, bodies
cannot be embalmed or in any way preserved and the
coffin, if used, must be wooden.

Cremation is prohibited, because it is considered
disrespectful, and unless a person died in an

accident at sea, they would never be thrown in the
water, according to Dr. Muzamil Siddiqi, chairman of
the Fiqh Council of North America and a scholar on
the legal systems of Islam.

"They don't even have a casket -- the body is in the
ground," he said. "After a person dies, the body is
treated like any other human being. We don't do a
retaliation on the dead body."

Scholars say that even those who are criminals and
murderers are given the Islamic rite of burial.

"Even those who are executed have a proper burial
given to them," Siddiqi said. "It is strictly forbade any
mutilation -- even of the enemy's body."

God reckons with a person's deeds in the afterlife on
judgment day, he said.

"This is not a normal procedure," Siddiqi said. "But if
scholars in Pakistan said this is OK, it's OK."

Sources told ABC News that President Obama
authorized the bombing of a compound outside
Islamabad in Pakistan last March, but worried about
collateral damage and wanted evidence of bin Laden's
body and DNA evidence.

No photos have been released.

Instead, he authorized a daring operation for ground
troops to enter the compound low to the ground and
undetected. It was scheduled for Friday afternoon, but
because of weather, was postponed until Sunday.

Critics Say Bin Laden Didn't Deserve Rites

Khalid Latif, chaplain at New York University and
director of its Islamic Center
, said Islamic law is
"flexible" in how it handles burial, especially in this
case. The question would be not "how to bury a body,
but how Osama bin Laden's body would be buried."

He said the government's approach was reasonable --
letting bin Laden's body, "wash back and forth in the

"If we think about burying him in the ground, there
are multiple scenarios," he said. "The problem is
people don't want him buried near them or their loved
ones. Giving him a place on land would create an
opportunity for many individuals to unleash and lash
out their rage against him. He made lives terrible for
so many of us."

Officials were also worried that having a burial site
might become a place where his sympathizers would
"glorify" his acts, according to Latif.

"There are people who believe that this man was
someone to look up to, even though he distorted our
teachings and grossly misinterpreted Islam," he said.

Some critics say the White House was trying to play
the "respect-for-Islam" card. But American Islamic
leader Jasser said Osama bin Laden is not worthy of
that respect.

"As one who is devoted to Islam and its ideology, it
makes me nauseated and sick that someone would
make sure he had a religious rite given to a man like
this because he was an evil barbarian who declared
war against our nation," Jasser said.

ABC News' Jake Tapper and The Associated Press
contributed to this report.




Active Member
Just want to voice my opinion..

Glad hes dead...but kinda nervous of the outcomes.

Just got a weird feeling about this...

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya im sure they got a preplanned doosy for us. lets just hope its nothing too bad and that we stop it before it happens. but id be surprised if theres no retaliation