no i still dont like ffof,i used good water, no nutes so it was the soil,ppl in the forums are getting the same problem from ffof. They say the new bags they get smell funny and they growned with it before and didnt have problems, they also said its constant.
Paper towel method worked fantastic for me,put em in a ziplog bag placed em in my gucci shoe box and they cracked.
The flush WASN'T the problem. I've had problems with the soil being to strong for the younglings, and have flushed a number of times. But based on my memory of the event, you were commenting that the water wouldn't drain out of the bottom...THAT was your problem. I have no idea why it wouldn't drain, but if it had drained properly, and you had been able to remove the nutrients from the soil (which was the basic idea), then you would have been able to add them back in as needed. I had the same problem you did, except with MG soil, and the flush worked wonderfully.
I'm sorry if you feel that we, or more to the point, that I, misled you. You have to know that wasn't my intention in any way. But I wouldn't give up on FF due to one back experience. If that didn't work for you, try FFLW (Fox Farms: Light Warrior) It's more for plants that are just getting started, and allows you to add nutes later on as needed.
Of course, i'm sure whatever you decide to use, you'll still be able to grow in it, as cannabis is quite versatile, adaptable, and dynamic.