DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Changed the rez today. Took all of the airstones out.
Soaked them in bleach water and scrubbed them. Works Like New!!
I am gonna run nutes this week.
Straight water for the last week.
Then 48 hours of darkness before chop.
Sounds good bro, you using anything to flush with? woops I reread straight water.


Well-Known Member
The crystals on these ladies look like ice frost on them.
Freaking awesome! :weed:
I touch the leaves and my fingers are sticky and smell of some good stink.
Hairs are starting to change colors from white to amber.
I also got a new thermometer/humidity meter.

PPM 1880
pH 5.8 (I got it working finally)
Cab temp: 80
RH: 48% (its raining outside so it should drop down after the rain is gone)
Water temp: 68



Well-Known Member
I decided to germinate 2 more Extrema seeds and try this again. Hopefully I will get a female out of one of these Extremas.
Gonna dig up the El Monstre clone that is in soil. Shouldn't be too established in there. Clean the roots and stick it in DWC.
I made another rez for them to live in for about 2 weeks.
By that time they should have started growing and I will transfer them into the big rez for more vegging once these El Mons are thru flowering.
Will use CFL's at first then switch to the MH. Only becuz I have one ballast that is being used by the HPS. If not, I would start them under the MH again.


Well-Known Member
God, sounds like a damn near full time job there bro....lucky bastard. haha.
Feels like it sometimes. I try and let them do it on their own for the most part tho. I make sure they have water and the temps and number are where I want them. Check on them a couple times a day before and after work.
Get all up in there to examine and admire them.
Ahh I love the smell!!


I'm a little late in the grow, but I have to say, I admire those budz! Bet all your problems and thoughts just disapear when you go spend time with your babies. awesome dude bongsmilie +rep


Well-Known Member
I'm a little late in the grow, but I have to say, I admire those budz! Bet all your problems and thoughts just disapear when you go spend time with your babies. awesome dude bongsmilie +rep
You're just in time. Glad to have you along.
Yea I like to go in there and clear my mind from time to time.


Well-Known Member
6 1/2 weeks into flower and I decided to build a smaller DWC in a small Rubbermaid.
Was gonna use a cooler but this is only gonna be there home for
2 weeks.
Once these are done flowering in 2 weeks
I will transfer them into the cooler and plan to have a total veg of 4 weeks.
These El Mons vegged for 7 weeks but I had root problems early.
If I don't have any issues this time then I should be good with 4 weeks
I transferred my El Mon clone from the soil pot into a net pot. Cleaned the roots really well.
I'll wait and see how she does.
Sprouted 2 Extrema seeds. They are in the dome until they show roots then they go into the net pots.
I'm bound to get a female from one of them.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
6 1/2 weeks into flower and I decided to build a smaller DWC in a small Rubbermaid.
Was gonna use a cooler but this is only gonna be there home for
2 weeks.
Once these are done flowering in 2 weeks
I will transfer them into the cooler and plan to have a total veg of 4 weeks.
These El Mons vegged for 7 weeks but I had root problems early.
If I don't have any issues this time then I should be good with 4 weeks
I transferred my El Mon clone from the soil pot into a net pot. Cleaned the roots really well.
I'll wait and see how she does.
Sprouted 2 Extrema seeds. They are in the dome until they show roots then they go into the net pots.
I'm bound to get a female from one of them.
I ordered regular seeds one time and on my first grow and got 3 out of 5 males. I vowed never again lol. Feminized all the way!


Well-Known Member
I ordered regular seeds one time and on my first grow and got 3 out of 5 males. I vowed never again lol. Feminized all the way!
Lol.. I have never had fem'd seeds. But what I have read alot is that they are prone to being hermie.
For the price they charge for them, they should all be females.
I'll take my chances with my reg seeds. Lol
I'm sure some has to do with the breeders. I planted 4 seeds from Sannies.
One I pulled up. 3 were left growing and 2 were female. so 2 out of 3 females. I'm pleased

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Lol.. I have never had fem'd seeds. But what I have read alot is that they are prone to being hermie.
For the price they charge for them, they should all be females.
I'll take my chances with my reg seeds. Lol
I'm sure some has to do with the breeders. I planted 4 seeds from Sannies.
One I pulled up. 3 were left growing and 2 were female. so 2 out of 3 females. I'm pleased
Thats not bad at all bro, I've yet to get a hermie but I'm sure my number will come up sooner or later.


Well-Known Member
Thats not bad at all bro, I've yet to get a hermie but I'm sure my number will come up sooner or later.
Luck of the draw I guess. I just know for half the price, I'll take my chances. I'm gonna grow these Extrema again and hope for a female.
Supposed to be diesel aroma and taste with a heavy stone.
Then I will search for another strain to grow. Was looking at Querkle and a couple others.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm ready to do a smoke report. Lol!
Tired of buying and smoking this reg bullshit bud
Buds are getting bigger. Can't wait bongsmilie


Active Member
Subbed. Next time you take pics, can you do a shot of the whole screen? Or just from a little further back so I can see how they came through it. I noticed you didn't train them through certain areas correct? I tried to read almost every page of this but some of your posts were larger paragraphs that i was too stoned too read through ;)