Ndangerspecimen's Synergistic Pick of the Month...


Well-Known Member
My words have been very idle. Most of you thought that my presence wouldn't brim over the mouse cursor of RIU again... perhaps thats too harsh a fact. All I needed was some juice to inflame my zeal again for the psychedelic community. To settle what lies in front of me before I fully engage as what I see is a big "hobbyist" factor in my life- which is delineating vital information to the psychedelic mass :D

For this particular thread I focus on two chemical mixtures that light both the frontal and lobal cortexes of the brain like an array of Christmas lights. And for all you research chemical evalators and in seach of a great new fix... this particular synergistic fusion is not something of the future... however, they're both old in there evaluations among human subjectivity. One in particular has gained massive global appeal and is fancied among the female crowd, as its the feel good remedy for weekend goers!

With those last words hinted, you might all agree I'm referring to the stone etch lettering of MDMA... or moreso purveyed as the hug drug! You might articulate your argument against the fact that MDMA alone provides the best synergy of human emotion, euphoria, the whole kit and caboodle! But there always lies a catalyst which reflects or more properly brings out certain characteristics which lose there value if not harnest correctly. If you're hopped up on some relatively high grade MDMA the after effects should be mild at most. Its a small gentle letdown from the once highly euphoric state you were once in! Although its that letdown that had me in search of a synergistic mix which negated that factor, and brought about a whole new peak once the plateau was carried out. If I were to say that using this catalyst could almost rid of the 3rd day blues and provide an almost analytical view to the empathogenic qualities of MDMA... would I be lying ;)

Let me unveil the ribbon off the smooth vial which holds the elixir to the synergistic mix of the MONTH:

Silence presumes... and the vial reads: Ketamine

Call it whatever you want... a downer, horse tranquilizer, cat valium! Apply small 25mgs bumps to your MDMA experience and you'll be one happy camper. Personally, I tried this cocktail 6 months back at a desert party and it was one big surgical success! The usual 3 hr roll was extended for another 3 hrs... without any noticeable fatique afterwards... and the next day rang with the same harmonic tone!

Perhaps this may be the reason why:


This particular breakthrough has caused a major stir in modern psychiatric medicine. Once only held as a good anesthetic is being looked at as potential depression medication. I fund independent research ;)

Lets not stop at this! Any of you who have some great synergistic breakthroughs please wheel up on into RIU's dormatory :D

I'll like to end with this... don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)
trippy shit man, i just take acid and the occasional boomers

Just take acid? You my man are blessed. You know how many acid deprived people are out there :lol:

The occassional psilocybe mushroom is more than abunbdant... but true fluff or needlepoint is rare in a lot of areas. Hold on dearly to it ;)

If you wild enough which I have a strong gut feeling you are! Gently apply some mescaline to your L voyages and you'll never look back :D
Not to bash mescaline but isn't just a bit rough? My friend ordered peyote cacti online and made it in his kitchen, told him mom it was a science project ha ha. Said he puked everywhere, the second time around he took some nausea stuff and didn't.
Not to bash mescaline but isn't just a bit rough? My friend ordered peyote cacti online and made it in his kitchen, told him mom it was a science project ha ha. Said he puked everywhere, the second time around he took some nausea stuff and didn't.

What he consumed wasn't wholly mescaline. It was a whole range of other psychoactive alkaloids. Plus any of that grime or tea concoctions usually causes nausea. Plus to make any mescaline over 90% purity takes some chemistry know how. He probably left crude stripping by products which caused the nausea in the first place. If done properly mescaline can be the most rewarding experience :D

But back to the main subject ;)
i would love to try that mix it sounds very nice. i did try 30mg MXE at the end of an MDMA trip with very good effects. similar to what you are describing.
i find my friend k to be the icing on many cakes. i still have yet to try lucy k and salvia at the same time. guess i am going to have to break down and hit a party if i want to get my old friend k back im my arms again. would be nice if someone could save me this trouble hint hint
How long does K usually last? Does it add or multiply the length? And do you have the effects of both for the entire time or does it flip flop? I was thinking about mixing Lucy and either 2c-b or 2c-p, I haven't tried B yet and from what I read it is kind of weak so I may go with P.
A+ read Danja.. as always.. Though your presence may be scarce, it only make the gifts you bestow the more sweeter :D

Before I re-injected my soul with this powerful medicine, through my research I also stumbled upon the potential anti-depressant properties. Very intriquing, because I bout with the devil from time to time. My studdies have yet to yield much, due to supplies ..

And I've also yet to find a definitive answer to my ultimate query: Like Lsd used for clusters, can a single large dose be effective for long periods? Or are frequent smaller dosings required? I'll be testing for personal results soon..
From my deduction .... our Hero has been Busy Disassociating .... hence his absence
and newly found wisdom.

From this day forward ... I will address the OP as
'Fusion Engineer' !

Good to see you friend !!

...and to my surprise the statements come rollin' like one hot filibuster ready to explode :D

In regards to Floridasucks experience with Ketamine's analog known in short as MXE... I can widely agree that it would show the same spurt of enjoyment as well as give MDMA more "characteristic" depth.

Proud to be labelled as the "fusion engineer" by the anatomical dissector of dissociatives who is no other then PUFFERFISH himself :D
Ndangered my man, good to see you back with us...

I will be stoked to try this combo... Well with a little Needlepoint added to it :D Yum!
i loved the combo of k and e.. absolutely wonderful combo if i do say myself.. i enjoy it much more than say candy flipping, my only problem is that i usually never seem to stop at 25 mg bumps.... :)
i love LSD + MDMA + Ketamine....

put on some easy listening tunes with the headphones...
wrap up in my most comfortable comforter blanket.
then close my eyes....

i loved the combo of k and e.. absolutely wonderful combo if i do say myself.. i enjoy it much more than say candy flipping, my only problem is that i usually never seem to stop at 25 mg bumps.... :)

Thus I declared the word bump, plural ;)

25mg's is merely a therapeutic dose to address functionality... 100mg's and yonder is where conversation with God is perpetually introduced :D