So Those People That Knock On Your Door


Well-Known Member
That's really not that cool - no insult intended. Just try to keep it straight.
Well ya, i said i made a mistake, and trolling was not intended. The problem is he offers no valid argument, just nonsensical trash and then moves on to insults (which i have quotes of from both threads).

But again, getting confused and traversing threads, was not intentional. Never said it was 'cool'.
That south park episode was awesome. I would love to see The Book of Mormon on broadway, or at least a taping of it. Matt and Trey rock.
Loved the episode, and im getting desperate enough to try to find a cam of that play =D


Active Member
The important thing to remember as you walk away from this thread (i have to remind myself every time) is that, as much as we like to think it, these bad apples do not represent the whole anymore.
Correction this is what one must remember:

Originally Posted by thexception
". . .U want people to bring proof to u, bring proof that they are just stories, bring proof that this outdated information is not as important or doesnt have as much meaning as it did...2,000 years ago. I will give you proof, the mere acceptance by the larger majority around the world on planet earth that do believe in a higher power and in Jesus, & in the bible. The acceptance that has been & will continue to be for another 2,000 years if earth last that long. What more proof do u need?" :-P


Active Member
If things were still run the way your great book says it should be, we would still be killing gays, lynching negroes, enslaving populations and murdering non-believers.
Most of what you mention took place under the "mosaic law" and have come to pass. Since you're not a bible scholar,you wouldn't know that.


Active Member
A manipulated collection of teachings.
Then how would you explain the Dead Sea Scrolls, reading today as it did 2,000 years ago? This is physical evidence, a reasonable person wouldn't ignore. Some people close their eyes to such prove, or you one? You can't touch that!!


Well-Known Member
Correction this is what one must remember:

Originally Posted by thexception
". . .U want people to bring proof to u, bring proof that they are just stories, bring proof that this outdated information is not as important or doesnt have as much meaning as it did...2,000 years ago. I will give you proof, the mere acceptance by the larger majority around the world on planet earth that do believe in a higher power and in Jesus, & in the bible. The acceptance that has been & will continue to be for another 2,000 years if earth last that long. What more proof do u need?" :-P

Argumentum ad populum
(appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people): where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.
Sorry, but many many people believe many many dumb things. Just because it is commonly accepted does not make it fact.

Most of what you mention took place under the "mosaic law" and have come to pass. Since you're not a bible scholar,you wouldn't know that.
And since gays still make your 'skin crawl' merely for being gay, id bet not as much has changed as you think.


Well-Known Member
Then how would you explain the Dead Sea Scrolls, reading today as it did 2,000 years ago? This is physical evidence, a reasonable person wouldn't ignore. Some people close their eyes to such prove, or you one? You can't touch that!!
Please tell me why they have banned several books out of the DSS then? This has been asked before...


Active Member
You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment Slojo made to him about homosexuality causing his skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all.

This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it.
Agreed Bro. i should NEVER have to explain why i feel a certain way. If i were gay and that was my priority, i would shout it from the rooftops. i'm not, but i AM a smoker. So i shout THAT from the rooftops.
Most agree, except for those in the Kloset!! :roll: :hump:


Active Member
Sorry, but many many people believe many many dumb things. Just because it is commonly accepted does not make it fact.
You mean commonly accepted ideas like the earth hanging upon nothing and being round. Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22

Yeah! most people do believe this-except you. LoL LoL


King Tut
Then how would you explain the Dead Sea Scrolls, reading today as it did 2,000 years ago? This is physical evidence, a reasonable person wouldn't ignore. Some people close their eyes to such prove, or you one? You can't touch that!!
Yeah, the Dead Sea Scrolls that only got partially used. You know, those "other" books of the Bible? ANYONE can pick through a collection of info and pick out only that which support his ideas.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you're referring to.
Yes you do, but, its off topic for this thread. It has been asked a few times here, and even more times in the other thread, but continue your dodging.

I will not be replying to this thread anymore (after this post) as it officially doesn't have a thing to do with what it started with anymore. The other thread, while still merely a troll gathering, is at least still on topic. (im betting i wont see you there anymore after i post this). If you feel like answering any of the many questions you have successfully dodged so far, we will all be eagerly waiting in the appropriate thread.


Active Member
And since gays still make your 'skin crawl' merely for being gay, id bet not as much has changed as you think.
I never said they make my skin crawl. However, the homosexual act itself is very "loathsome", but I never met a gay I didn't like-honestly. :-|


Active Member
im just saying that that the guy wasnt preaching and he was sharing his life experience which just so happens to be diffrent than what either one of us has experienced.. i did read this whole thread .. to be honest i feel the bibel is here for moral guidence through life
This doesn't matter to Klosetman, because he has a different agenda. His goal is "condone" homosexuality, regardless to what others my think. Judging form his post here and in the other threads, he's in denial about his sexuality-still in the Kloset. This is why he can't tolerate comments like the one Slojo made about.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of their religious beliefs, these people burn with a passion to help their fellow man.
Instead of saying to myself " these people are wrong, they are trying to convert me, I bet they go out drinking tonight, etc. I like to use it as a teaching moment.

I wont usually spend a lot of time with them but I give them a moment to listen and maybe learn something. I am always respectful even if I disagree with them from the start. Many times there is some eye candy if its JW or Seventh Dayers.

If nothing else use it as an oppurtunity to work on your debating skills. Just dont get mad if you lose.