off topic banter.... (As the law stands in my state, battery is touching somebody and can be remembered by taking a bat and beating them with it, while assualt is the threat of violence.. Whenever it's reported in the news, they usually use the term incorrectly but yes it depends on the state you're in I guess.)
Anyhow, I had a few visits over the last few months by Mormons & JW.. The first time I was visited by MM and I talked with the guys for a little bit. I'm usually interested in what type of knowledge they are working with and like to get a good grasp of what type of person they are. They never tried using any type of biblical literature but made small talk about life and related the general used qoutes of how God is good and knowing to the situation. I was busy at the time and after about 10mins or so I started giving them it's time to "rap it up" vibe, so the vibe was felt and they said they would be back to visit. I was kinda looking forward to them coming back because I did want to actually probe their mind with some of my own questions.
Not, even two days later, some JW came to my door and I just laughed to myself saying it must be that time. It was two ladies and although I was somewhat busy, I was willing to listen but their opening line was how was I doing with employment and the sign of the times and shit. But I was like I've been doing well. Besides being self-employed, I also work at a job where the postion is indpependent of sort in relation to what the ecomony may be doing (knock on wood). Anyhow not to get off topic, I was ready to end the conversation because I knew that this wasn't going to be a discussion about God/god/life but an all out recruit session. So I let them know I was busy at the time and that I would accept their literature to read and yes, they could get back to me later. I really wasn't interested but I thought it to be polite. I just might be feeling good that day they do show up and may wish to talk to them a bit.
Well, time passed and a few weeks ago they visited again, this time they brought a Sir with them while the other lady set in the car. This time I was really busy getting ready to walk out the door, as a matter of fact I thought they were the people I was waiting on. My wife saw them at the door and ran...

And yes, I did laugh at her and went to open the door. Anyway, the guy props my glass door open as if in the manner of he's not going to be shut out (this is amusing to me). So, he goes into his hook line sinker speech but I cut him off saying, I'm sorry but I'm in the process of leaving and that I cannot talk now. He then offers me some new special literature I didn't have last time they visited and wanted to know if I enjoyed the last piece. I told them yes I enjoyed it, thanks and have a nice day (I was being a lil aggressive in manner by now).
Well, now I think about that whole ordeal with them and wonder if I should start extreme means like some others I've seen do? But then again, I really do like embracing moments of life and that there is something to learn always. However I'm getting pretty tired of this crew, so I think I'll make things clear next time, especially if I'm busy again. I will take that as a resounding indication to the fact of we having nothing at this time in our life to discuss.
sorry....., so now back to your scheduled program...