Ron Paul 2012


Active Member
First GOP debate tonight... :blsmoke:

im watching the republican debate on DVR atm, Ron Paul is killing the other guys TBH.

edit: yeah I finished watching it now. Ron Paul killed the other guys. It's interesting how main stream weed legalization is getting, what was it, three candidates out of the five said they'd legalize? Or two, can't remember... It was worth the watch to say the least, even though I disagree entirely with all of their economic ideas. A FAIR tax? Really? Abolish the Fed? I mean, I know a lot of those ideas are popular on these boards but that doesn't mean that they're a good thing(hint: they aren't).
i laughed when i saw the other presidential candidate is the former CEO of a pizza company haha
im watching the republican debate on DVR atm, Ron Paul is killing the other guys TBH.

edit: yeah I finished watching it now. Ron Paul killed the other guys. It's interesting how main stream weed legalization is getting, what was it, three candidates out of the five said they'd legalize? Or two, can't remember... It was worth the watch to say the least, even though I disagree entirely with all of their economic ideas. A FAIR tax? Really? Abolish the Fed? I mean, I know a lot of those ideas are popular on these boards but that doesn't mean that they're a good thing(hint: they aren't).
So a UNFAIR tax, and MORE money printing out of thin air is the solution to all our problems eh? Perhaps they are the cause.

Even if RP Wins, he will be assassinated or air force one will crash or some godawful thing.
im watching the republican debate on DVR atm, Ron Paul is killing the other guys TBH.

edit: yeah I finished watching it now. Ron Paul killed the other guys. It's interesting how main stream weed legalization is getting, what was it, three candidates out of the five said they'd legalize? Or two, can't remember... It was worth the watch to say the least, even though I disagree entirely with all of their economic ideas. A FAIR tax? Really? Abolish the Fed? I mean, I know a lot of those ideas are popular on these boards but that doesn't mean that they're a good thing(hint: they aren't).

i was actually talking with a friend earlier about how its funny that its okay for conservatives to want to legalize drugs now. all of a sudden its not a terrible thing anymore? lol
just watched it.

who i liked best: 1=johnson, 2=cain, 3=paul

who i think stands the best chance (of these 5): santorum, cain, johnson

i can elaborate on why if you want, but don't want to right now.
So a UNFAIR tax, and MORE money printing out of thin air is the solution to all our problems eh? Perhaps they are the cause.

Even if RP Wins, he will be assassinated or air force one will crash or some godawful thing.
Yes. I'd like to hear you're thoughts on what's so wrong with a progressive tax system, actually.
who i think stands the best chance (of these 5): santorum, cain, johnson
Santorum? IDK about that one, he'd get eaten to shreds in a general election IMO. He's too socially conservative to be viable in the eyes of the middle/left for sure. He could win the primaries if Paul, Romney and Huckabee fell off a cliff but otherwise I dont think even the conservatives think he can beat Obama.

My list would be 1)Paul 2)Pawlenty 3)Johnson... Based off of how the crowd reacted at least.

None of this matters though, as Obama is likely to win 2012 anyway.
Pretty ironic how two of the GOP Candidates are for legalization and the Democrats won't touch the issue with a ten foot pole.
Yeah.....there weren't any GOP Candidates on that stage last night. I don't know why Ron Paul has such limited appeal but sadly he isn't going anywhere.
Yep, and RP will probably get the most votes out of that group in the primary election. About 6% He does not appeal to the average GOP voter. Never has. Never will. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to core Republican values that I appreciate, RP speaks of those values. Independence. Liberty. Get the fuck off my lawn. I can dig it.

He simply isn't Baby Jesus enough and he has an advanced degree from a real school. That shit just don't fly with your average "Real-America" GOP voter. Just look at RP's history as a candidate.
I was impressed with Johnson. I'm a Ron Paul supporter, but Mr. Johnson seems like a workin class mans man. If you ask me a Paul/Johnson line-up would be more than this country could ever ask for and then some.. I just don't get why people are afraid of limited government. We are beyond a point for a simple change as promised by Obama, We need a REVOLUTION... BAAAAD!!!!!!
replace mccain with paul.

you know who might stand a chance in the gop primary? rand. good ol' opossum hat wearing rand.

he would get slaughtered in the election, but might get the primary.

I have to say, Rand sounded like a crazed lunatic during the election but since he has got to DC, he's sounded pretty level headed. But yeah, he would get slaughtered in the General Election but I'm not sure I can't say that about anyone the GOP tosses to the lambs in 2012. I wouldn't wantt to be a Republican Candidate that year. I think I'd sit it out myself.
Yes. I'd like to hear you're thoughts on what's so wrong with a progressive tax system, actually.
It breeds malcontent, class warfare, envy. Man was created equal, he should be treated equal. Making the more you make the more you get taxed is a sure way to ensure people never try to make more.
It breeds malcontent, class warfare, envy. Man was created equal, he should be treated equal. Making the more you make the more you get taxed is a sure way to ensure people never try to make more.

Actually, it helped to create the greatest nation on the planet. Quite the opposite of what you claim. Progressive Tax is nothing new in America and Federal Tax rates are at astonishing low levels. Reagan taxed the rich 50%.
It breeds malcontent, class warfare, envy. Man was created equal, he should be treated equal. Making the more you make the more you get taxed is a sure way to ensure people never try to make more.
and what would you do to prevent oligarchy? Money is power as they say.

Also, I've talked quite a few times about incentive to work - the French for example, are just as likely to work at prime age as Americans, although they work less hours overall. I dont buy the "incentive to work is diminished" until you start talking 50, 60+ percent effective tax rates (which isn't ever going to happen again anyway so it's moot).

Say I make $300 a week and lose $100 in taxes. If I could make $1000 a week and payed $500 in taxes, I'm still in a better position overall than if I was making $300 a week... That's plenty of incentive. If I made $1000 a week and payed $800 in taxes, well then obviously it feels pointless - but we aren't anywhere near that point.