Ron Paul 2012

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul never said anything remotely close to what you falsely accuse him off in his newsletters. It has been debunked many times before by individuals who have interacted with Ron Paul.
lol? I didn't accusing him of saying anything. I just said things like that will come up in a major election. It doesn't even matter if they are true or not. Most of what has been used in attacks against Obama are false, but that still factors into how people vote.

The newsletter had changed hands and although Ron Paul did not write them said he had a 'moral" obligation to pay attention to something with his name on it. NOT ONE member of Congress has said he is racist. In fact they say the opposite.
uhhh. So you're saying Ron Paul's own newsletter was putting out false quotes about Ron Paul? Interesting. Not really believable, but interesting. Do you really think the American public will believe that Ron Paul's own newsletter was slandering him? I don't think so.

Jeez. You Ron Paul people act like you're some sort of cult. Ron Paul can never make a mistake! And if you don't support him you're a puppet of the corporate media! It's pretty bizarre.

How would Ron Paul be destroyed in a debate?
Ron Paul's solutions to our problems are deeply flawed. He gets people to believe him by very correctly identifying problems in a truthful way that other politions do not, once he has people sucked in, he presents false solutions. Because he is so honest about the problems, people falsely assume that he is also correct about the solutions. But he is not. And a well funded staff like Obama has will absolutely destroy Ron Paul's flimsy logic in a debate.

Basically, Paul advocates bringing back the robber barons and financial deregulation. Mainstream America will not accept that because it's insane to want those things.

Did you miss the 2008 republican debates? What could they possible bring up?
Ron Paul was right about the housing crisis from day one. He tried to pass a bill in Congress to reverse it.
Being right about a problem and being right about the solution to the problem are two different things.


New Member
Dan the reason everyone tells you that you are brainwashed by media is because you are regarding Ron Paul, your opinion of Ron Paul is based solely on every half-truth and lie about Ron Paul ever told. You seem to buy into some kind of twisted conspiracy theory that Ron Paul would cause corporate takeover and mass chaos, do you see how ridiculous that sounds?


Well-Known Member
Someone earlier mentioned that if Ron Paul was elected he would either be assassinated or would die in some tragic fluke accident. At this point, if that happened, I would know in my mind that America is a fraud. I would leave before either my future family, or I ever had the opportunity to deal with a homegrown dictatorship. That's me waving a white flag. Just thought I'd say it...


King Tut
Someone earlier mentioned that if Ron Paul was elected he would either be assassinated or would die in some tragic fluke accident. At this point, if that happened, I would know in my mind that America is a fraud. I would leave before either my future family, or I ever had the opportunity to deal with a homegrown dictatorship. That's me waving a white flag. Just thought I'd say it...
Fuck THAT! i got a secure shelter, a lot of canned food, a lot of fire-power and a friend that has the lead, brass, smelt, molds, powder, and primers plus MORE food. This is MY country y'all.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of that, I'm amazed what RP knew and said and how long ago he said it in this 1988 series of video's. Holy shit batman!

It's the longest and most involved talk on subjects nobody else ever talks about I think I've ever heard from him, confirms many things most of us are only now learning and that he doesn't even speak that much on any more, and having watched all 5 parts I find it unreal he's still alive but others are dead.

Shit these people kill world leaders point blank and reporters and whatever innocents and wives and kids get in the way, and even throw the whole UN at entire countries who've said much less than he said in just this one series of videos.

Maybe it's because the american attention span is so short few will have watched the whole thing or hear all he says in the 5 clips above?
Maybe there's enough good people watching over him that do want him to inform the rest of us? They don't want a martyr? What?

Plan goes way back doesn't it?

Way way back... This answered my previous question about why Obama is all the sudden telling Israel what to do about palestine now. When all along previously we supported whatever killing and theft of palestinians and their land Israel wanted,
You'll also notice Egypt just opened their border finally with palestine. If the last part of this is true prepare for another false flag, somebody's about to be thrown under the bus.


Well-Known Member
Some people just don't understand that the newsletter is NOT Dr Pauls, its got his name on it and thats all Dr Paul has to do with the newsletter. He doesn't write any of the articles, he doesn't publish it, he doesn't edit it and he doesn't even read it.

Now if I go and make a newsletter called Dan Kone and in that newsletter I advocate hanging minorities, beating women and molesting children does that mean Dan Kone is all those things? Does it really?


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul's solutions to our problems are deeply flawed. He gets people to believe him by very correctly identifying problems in a truthful way that other politions do not, once he has people sucked in, he presents false solutions. Because he is so honest about the problems, people falsely assume that he is also correct about the solutions. But he is not. And a well funded staff like Obama has will absolutely destroy Ron Paul's flimsy logic in a debate.

Basically, Paul advocates bringing back the robber barons and financial deregulation. Mainstream America will not accept that because it's insane to want those things.
So mr smarty pants, if you know what ideas will not work, then please tell us, what ideas WILL WORK to bring the economy and Banksters under control? Give us the answers since you tell us that you know for sure what won't work. I doubt you even understand Dr Pauls plan, I doubt you have an inkling as to the things he would like to do.