Ron Paul 2012

It breeds malcontent, class warfare, envy. Man was created equal, he should be treated equal. Making the more you make the more you get taxed is a sure way to ensure people never try to make more.

funny, we have a progressive tax system in place and people certainly still seem to want to make more.

empirical evidence proves your assertion to be false.
Actually, it helped to create the greatest nation on the planet. Quite the opposite of what you claim. Progressive Tax is nothing new in America and Federal Tax rates are at astonishing low levels. Reagan taxed the rich 50%.
So the USA was a shithole prior to 1913? 3rd world?
WW2 and the near total destruction of all developed countries and their production capabilities is what made the USA the greatest power, not progressive taxes.
funny, we have a progressive tax system in place and people certainly still seem to want to make more.

empirical evidence proves your assertion to be false.
Empirical evidence? Hardly.

Do you know any people who want to make less? I would propose that every living soul on this planet wants to make more, but I highly doubt any of them WANT to pay extra to do it. Do you?
So the USA was a shithole prior to 1913?
Pretty much.

"[SIZE=+2]T[/SIZE]he Progressive Era lasted from 1895 until World War I. This was a period of unrest and reform. Monopolies continued in spite of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Social problems flourished in the U.S. During the 1910s labor unions continued to grow as the middle classes became more and more unhappy. Unsafe working conditions were underscored by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in which 145 female workers were killed. Children were hired to work in factories, milles, and mines for long hours in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Though efforts to pass a federal law proved unsuccessful, by the middle of this decade every state had passed a minimum age law. A commission found that up to 20% of the children living in cities were undernourished, education took second place to hunger and while children worked, only one-third enrolled in elementary school and less than 10% graduated from high school. The status of the Negro worsened. Skilled negro workers were barred from the AF of L. Women were also striving for equality.The first suffrage parade was held in 1910 - the 19th amendment finally ratified in 1919. "

Tax Rate for the richest Americans during WW2 was 88%!!!!!!!!

So it's funny when I hear people cry today about taxes. Spoiled Fucking Brats they are. Their grandfathers are completely ashamed of them.
Empirical evidence? Hardly.

Do you know any people who want to make less? I would propose that every living soul on this planet wants to make more, but I highly doubt any of them WANT to pay extra to do it. Do you?

You can propose whatever you want. I'll supply the facts.

Warren Buffett: Read My Lips, Raise My Taxes
Pretty much.

"[SIZE=+2]T[/SIZE]he Progressive Era lasted from 1895 until World War I. This was a period of unrest and reform. Monopolies continued in spite of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Social problems flourished in the U.S. During the 1910s labor unions continued to grow as the middle classes became more and more unhappy. Unsafe working conditions were underscored by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in which 145 female workers were killed. Children were hired to work in factories, milles, and mines for long hours in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Though efforts to pass a federal law proved unsuccessful, by the middle of this decade every state had passed a minimum age law. A commission found that up to 20% of the children living in cities were undernourished, education took second place to hunger and while children worked, only one-third enrolled in elementary school and less than 10% graduated from high school. The status of the Negro worsened. Skilled negro workers were barred from the AF of L. Women were also striving for equality.The first suffrage parade was held in 1910 - the 19th amendment finally ratified in 1919. "

Tax Rate for the richest Americans during WW2 was 88%!!!!!!!!

So it's funny when I hear people cry today about taxes. Spoiled Fucking Brats they are. Their grandfathers are completely ashamed of them.

Revisionist History! Talk about cherry picking.
I am going to be making and banking money. I would be fine if my money got taxed because I know I can give up something to help everybody (especially Medicare) freedom isn't free in America.
Bummer and sorry to hear. Most people that make more than 200 grand a year are able to keep their properties and companies making over 250 grand a year in profit are usually able to pay their light bills. Don't let that Cantor guy lie to you.
Gee, nice rebuttal to the facts. Got anymore?
Those might have been facts, but not a single one of them proves that more taxes fixes anything. Not one tiny little itty bitty shred of evidence. I could say that it was the invention of the popscicle that caused all those things and then go to provide all sorts of evidence that shows all sorts of great things happened after the introduction of that sweet frozen snack as proof of its effectiveness.

Find a REAL argument, not dreams.
I am going to be making and banking money. I would be fine if my money got taxed because I know I can give up something to help everybody (especially Medicare) freedom isn't free in America.

Have you ever heard of property right? The American Constitution was built around them. How can Freedom and Forced extortion exist in the same place? Freedom is free, I was born Free. What's not free is keeping people from creating Entities that will steal my God Given Right to said freedom. Labor=Money=Property. I say theft should be illegal for everyone.
Those might have been facts, but not a single one of them proves that more taxes fixes anything. Not one tiny little itty bitty shred of evidence. I could say that it was the invention of the popscicle that caused all those things and then go to provide all sorts of evidence that shows all sorts of great things happened after the introduction of that sweet frozen snack as proof of its effectiveness.

Find a REAL argument, not dreams.

You are right Drama. But when folks like Brewer, who have a twisted and perverted view of history, take events that might had occured out of context, the stated events no longer are facts.
Just for the record Brewer, Child labor laws are bullshit and I think it was a tragedy that they ever existed.
Just for the record Brewer, Child labor laws are bullshit and I think it was a tragedy that they ever existed.

You should ask the 3rd world countries how they feel about their children working at near slave labor prices with no hope for a real future and get back to me on that one. I mean, seriously?

Freedom really is slavery with you libertarian types, isn't it?
You should ask the 3rd world countries how they feel about their children working at near slave labor prices with no hope for a real future and get back to me on that one. I mean, seriously?

Freedom really is slavery with you libertarian types, isn't it?

not to mention up is down and black is white.

give me freedom*!

*to keep minorities away from my lunch counter
You should ask the 3rd world countries how they feel about their children working at near slave labor prices with no hope for a real future and get back to me on that one. I mean, seriously?

Freedom really is slavery with you libertarian types, isn't it?

LOL! I knew I would get someone. No, Governments enslave..... never in history has anything else committed the crime of slavery. As for the Child labor thing. If it was an easier life living in the rice patties then they would stay there. If it was an easier life on the farms half starved then they would stay there. These slave labor prices might be low but they give these poorest on earth the opportunity to do a little better. I despise a government that dictates who can prosper and who can't and that is all labor laws do.
It's always "race" with you philosophically dwarfed and stunted types. Race, Race, Race...... So 1800's.

i wouldn't have said anything if opossum head had not said it first.

always about race with people that wear an opossum on their heads.


edit: never trust a man with an opossum on his head.