Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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I got the same e-mail with an order number in the subject. They had the fake name I used correct. I thought, "Did I get high and order something" only to find it was a sales pitch. I have used Nirvana, Attitude, and Gypsy. I can't look it up as my email settings do not save deleted or sent messages. I don't know where this is coming from, but from the details there is or was a leak.
I don't do Facebook at all, and never will. I also do not do Twitter. I am also not a Sony on-line gamer so I am not sure if that data breach could be used to cross match info to piece this together.


There you go ..apologies as my stoned ass took all this time to recall and find it

I read that whole thread. Very interesting. Was Hobbes banned? I hope he is ok, very helpful dude. Some people were pretty tuff on him.

will u send me $70,000 I could really use it, just a small loan that's all I'm asking.

Most likely the reason the RIU message was included was because we all use the 420 code to save 10% on our purchases, which is a RIU discount. RIU doesn't have any of my info...none of us would be here if an address was required to register.
Mine said null on 1 email and it was blank on another.

I often cough when I fart..................
Do you cough to cover it up like Peter Griffin or does the cough cause the fart? heh My wife is pregnant and pees when she sneezes. lol


On a side note, amidst all this arguing and back and forth, I have never ordered from any other seed company other than Attitude and I have not received the spam in question.

I'm with you Snicker, loyal to the "Tude" for 3 years, never a prob, no spam. There does seem to be a problem with Attitude right now, can't log in, but I don't need anyway, lol.......BB
better not be selling my info.. if I ever find out that they are.. and can prove it, I'll sue the living shit out of them. I'll own them pretty much.. is what I'm trying to say. ;)
I often cough when I fart..................

Very interesting............the coughing has to be a voluntary act on your part, as to cover your social indiscretion.
The "farting/coughing" reflex is one way, in that a fart will not normally trigger a cough, whereas a good robust cough will often send a thundering "trumpet" out yer backside!
Anyway, just my thought's on this incredibly fascinating topic.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
Very interesting............the coughing has to be a voluntary act on your part, as to cover your social indiscretion.
The "farting/coughing" reflex is one way, in that a fart will not normally trigger a cough, whereas a good robust cough will often send a thundering "trumpet" out yer backside!
Anyway, just my thought's on this incredibly fascinating topic.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
I'm pretty sure lifting my leg and putting my wife in a headlock all while giggling insanely blows that theory,but could be could be.
In the US, this may be our future if the DOJ has their way.

Justice Department Pushes for Mandatory Data Retention
Of course this would only be used for good, not evil.

Here is a quote from the article:
“In the best-case scenario, a data retention bill will only require ISPs to track and store Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation data to help law enforcement better link Internet use to specific users. In the worst-case scenario, it could require ISPs and all sorts of online service providers to store and track everything from IP addresses to source data involving e-mail, instant messaging (IM), social media interactions and Web sites visited.”

Click link above to see article.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that some of us may need to clean up our act. Once the gov't has the data, it will be used...rightly or wrongly.
It may not get us now but there is no sense in helping them to find us. I intend to make a lot of changes in my behaviour so maybe this is a good thing.
As far as a boycott goes, you can call it whatever you want but I will not be going back because I do not feel secure. That is reason enough for me.
yeah you're right, i'm a sour kraut.....

but just for the record i'm not even a little bit german and i TASTE GREAT.
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