Caregiver Seeking New Patients in Crystal Falls, Iron River, Iron Mountain (U.P., MI)


Hello Everyone,

I welcome you to my forum post. I am a caregiver in the U.P. of Michigan and I am seeking 5 patients for my medicine. I am registered with the MMMP and I am ONLY looking for patients who are prepared to fully comply to Michigan's Medical Marihuana Programs regulations. I am also only accepting patients who are carrying a card at the moment.

Why My Service?
I am an experienced grower who specializes in cannabis horticulture. I am not just some guy who got a few lights and decided to grow. I have extensively studied cannabis horticulture and I grow extremely potent medicine. I have fully researched the works of Jorge Cervantes (Cannabis Grow Bible), Soma (Organic Specialist), as well as Ed Rosenthal (Oaksterdam Professor) and others. Also, I use only Advanced Nutrients, which are specially formulated for cannabis growing to maximize not only yields, but potency and flavors as well. I am however, looking into switching shortly to TLO nutrients or organic nutrients shortly as I understand that some patients require Organic Medicine and quality assurance is a must for me.

Tolerance ever an issue?
Are you tired of buying the same medicine over and over again from the same caregiver with little change? As with many medicines, marijuana is not completely free of tolerance buildup. Many growers find one plant that they feel is the best and they simply clone or refine the same plant. My philosophy is simple. Keep a perpetual harvest to ensure a reliable amount of medicine for patients, meanwhile every month have approximately four different strains to choose from. Currently, I am expecting to harvest a first grow of Jack 33, Grapefruit Kush, Big Bang, and Blue Venom. The following 2 harvests will include Bubba Kush, Pure Kush, Exodus Cheese, Ice, BC Early Blueberry, NY Purple Diesel, Twilight, and Grapefruit Diesel. You can clearly start to picture why my caregiver services will fit your needs and expectations.

My prices are not flat rate like many dispensaries and caregivers, because i firmly believe that each plant has its own qualities and some are worth more/less than others.

Satifsaction Guaranteed:
Again, I fully comply with state laws and I expect you to do the same. I expect mature patients who understand the laws of the MMMP and are in compliance with local state law. I also guarantee satisfaction of your product. I will not offer any medicine that shows ANY signs of bugs, worms, mildew, mold, etc. I will not pick out damaged product and sell you the rest. If it is not up to my high standards, it will never become your concern. Your medicine will be grown in a fully enclosed secure facility with extreme care taken to ensure no contamination.

If you are interested in my services please send me a private message so we can get started on the proper paperwork to get you started.



Active Member
Your going to charge your patients? Let me get this straight, They are going to let you grow there plants, so you can turn around and make 100% profit off them? HAHA Good luck m8 I wouldnt let you grow a seed for me. A plant will produce 2.5 or more oz off one plant thats 30 oz from 12 plants. Your making thousands of dollars while you make sick people pay for there meds? I mean if I got that wrong im sorry but to me as a patient thats a rip off. What do you offer for free meds? Not that I care because I already have a caregiver I was just wondering what you had to offer. I see your not a true CAREgiver if you dont really care about the patient. HAHAHA Sorry but to me thats funny make someone pay for there own plants you get to sell overages at 250 a oz times 30 thats 7500 dollars you just made off 12 plants. You mean to tell me your time is worth all that plus power plus nutes. Maybe you will get someone thats not very smart so you can rip them off, but I hope your not like that. Remember what goes around comes around..... BELIEVE THAT!! Sorry if I misunderstood something I just couldnt let people think you can get away with charging for meds. I mean if you offer free meds and they smoke all of that then charge them, no problem at all with that. But to straight out charge someone. Not a very good idea and you will be shut down just like the rest of the dispensary's, I could keep going on because you make me mad really..................


Active Member
so lemme get this straight. you want to take on the rights of growing your patients plants. and then charge them out the ass for their own plants?

that is NOT a caregiver.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
pics of product or it never happened or your a cop.
so u get their mmj card at your house, and they still have to pay. u should be the paying them.


Ok since none of you actually thought before you spoke let me fill you in on a little bit of information. If you are growing only 12 plants, that means you have 4 vegging, 4 early flower, and 4 nearing finish. Now with the full line of AN at approx $50 a bottle for only 1 litre your spending close to $3000 just in nutes. Now factor in lights and setup for another $3000. Now you need to pay monthly for utilities and annually for nutes and trust me it adds up fast. Youre already close to $10k in the whole just to start. Now... 4 plants per month and a half... lets seee.... thats approximately 2 oz per plant unless you have a great light (which i run 1400 over 8 plants) NOT rediculous. so even at 2.5 oz a plant its 10 oz per 6 weeks. Which sells for approx. $300 or $2000 a month. You factor in the bills, the rent, the security, the fees, the doctor visits, and the time spent because it IS a JOB! And then you explain to me how its 100% profit. If I could grow outdoors in the sun for free and if i was growing for 5 patients 12 plants. (60 plants) then yea i would be a cheap mother f er for not giving it away. However i need to eat, and I need to compensate my labors. Explain to me how that is 100% profit PLEASE


Also... despensaries have their patients and then they have people who they recieve "donations" from for any overages. I am not one of those caregivers nor will I ever be and I am looking for 5 patients only. Like I said if i could afford to charge nothing and if I could give away free medicine I would do so in a heartbeat. Im with NORML and I am very active with the movement for legalization as a whole so we dont need caregivers or to charge them. Unfortunately now it isnt possible to do so.


P.s. If i have overages, those overages I would be more than happy to share for FREE with my PATIENTS. The fact that I need to charge patients is because I need to cover my costs, which is legal and appropriate according to state law, and I do need to charge for my expenses. And when I cover startup costs I re-evaluate my situation and costs and if possible to cutback I can cut back on the prices. I am not a thief or a bad person, and charging a fair price is all I'm doing. The closest dispensary to the area sells for 350 an ounce. Now that is outrageous considering the amount they probably grow.

To quote someone in a different forum with a decent understanding of the argument, id like to say, "This is no different than any other of life's necessities. Just because people NEED places to live, doesn't mean everyone should be given a free house. It also isn't ethical when landlords use the necessity of shelter to take advantage of tenants with exorbitant prices. People NEED to eat food, but that doesn't mean the farmer and grocer should have to take a loss or live in abject poverty...

As usual, the "right" answer is determined between the patient and caregiver and likely lives between these two extreme views."


Active Member
LOL!!!! 3000 dollars in nutes? for real who do you think your talking to? You could buy a 50 dollar bottle of nutes everyday for 2.5 months. You can get a 1000watt light for 3 hundred bucks. You can try and talk some fool into believing you. And im hoping to stop someone in getting ripped off. I am getting 4 oz every 3 months for free and 150-200 dollars if I need a ounce. 4 oz is only 2 plants.... There is still 10 more plants to make profit from. If you cant make money on 10 left over plants to pay your electric bill then you need to quit! Lets go low 1 oz off each plant, you give me 4 oz you still have 8 oz to sell for 250 each witch is 2000 dollars..... Your power bill is hardly 250 a month maybe 500 that leaves you with 1500 dollars for your nutes buckets seeds. and lets say you get 5 patients 2000x5 thats 10,000 dollars in 3 months and thats LOW!!! Some people dont make 10,000 in a year. Plus you get to smoke for free, all the hash you can make. So I dont know if your hoping to pray off people with brain cancer and steel there ssi checks, I hope you think about this because you will find yourself in jail. Do you make them pay for your cable bill? How about your food? I dont mean to rag on you but m8... NO WAY will it cost you 3000 on nutes for 12 plants........Nor will it cost you 3000 for lights. The set up is on your time consider that the free smoke you get to use. Growing to me is fun its not a job....... You might think it is or wanna believe it is. Lets get into real life 2.5 oz off each plant. Thats 2.5x12x250=7500 every 3 months times 4 thats 30,000 a yr. Let me see here....... Are you just trying to start a dispensary at home? So where dont you see profit?? Do you need help looking for some lights? You give me 3000 for lights and I will get what you need..... And 3000 for nutes I will hook you up!! That will be my job........ So when you get all these people private message me. We can be partners!!! lol never mind you will be in prison......

HAHA if you did 60 plants lets see here.......2.5x60x250=37,500 every 3 months x 4 = 150,000 a yr!!!! GET A LIFE!!


Please calm down and take a deep breath..
I just did and I am going to explain to you in a way that you may understand.

1st of all you as a medical grower are supposed to have 5 patients only. Now with this being said you are supposed to grow only what you need in order to supply your patients with medicine, according to law. So... if you are giving your patients free medicine, and selling "overages" you are already breaking the law. This is so very very important. DO NOT over look this. If you are selling to more than your patients than you are breaking the law because you can ONLY sell to your patients.....

Marijuana is not covered under insurance, and everyone who is doing this legally understands that the patients are giving you their card in order to have a free mindset that they do not need to grow marijuana, they do not need to buy the lights, they do not need to buy the set-up, and they surely dont need to worry about electric bills and how to pay for those expenses. Many patients cannot grow for themselves because of conditions, and they find a caregiver to assist thier needs as well. Most people also dont have the money to start up either.

Now back to my estimates. And please, before you go off on me about my estimate, please read and understand that superior products equal superior quality. Now I can go to walmart and buy bonemeal and other cheap nurtients that will grow marijuana, and it will still flower and it will still grow. And I can also feed my children McDonalds and they will live. However we are talking about medicine sir. I would never leave my kids to grow up on a McDonalds diet; and I will not allow my patients to have access to medicine grown with inferior quality products. We are talking about what you consume into your own body.

Now please for one second, stop putting me under this "bad person" light, and open up a new tab to google. Click shopping and type advanced nutrients 1l bundle. You will see just on the first page.. 4 bundles each cost about $200+shipping. If you research advanced nutrients.. you will also learn that there are MANY more bundles like the connoisseur and PH Perfect Sensi Bloom Bundles. I have all of those. And if you read about Advanced Nutrients you will know that I am guaranteed to have better quality yield and medicine overall. And if you know about growing you can agree that 1 liter doesnt last long. So an estimate of $3000 a year for nutrients is not farfetched if you are using medicinal grade nutrients and not walmart brand.

Now I would like you to please look through my posts and tell me where I said that one light cost me 3k. Must be one hell of a light I agree. However I did say that it was for light+setup.
Please consider what you are implying to me. That I am talking about a perpetual harvest with one light. I am not that smart good sir. You need a flowering area and a veg area. So again... back to my walmart example. I can buy duct tape and use it to make my basement reflect light. It will be cheap and it will work. Marijuana is incredible in that it will grow and flourish in most any conditions. Almost any idiot can grow cannabis. However, we are talking again about quality. Why do people pay for their perscription drugs in a pharmacy instead of out on the street. Because when you buy from the street you dont know where it comes from. You dont know who made it. And you definately dont know if its what you think it is. No one has died from marijuana directly. But I assure you that people die annually from marijuana laced with drugs. People spend money in drug stores for?????

For quality control. Now i dont know about you, but I am damn sure that I will never sell "bag seed" genetics or basement wondermold nor will I ever sell anything that I myself wouldnt ingest into my body. I can assure you that I have a completely sanitary room, with 97%reflective mylar, an intake exhaust sytem, charcoal filter, etc. I can guarantee my patients Amsterdam/California genetics every time, and never would someone wonder about what they recieved or its quality. I simply do not believe in inferior medicine and I will not help anyone attain anything I am unsure about. And you can convince me all you want that I am ripping people off. Please feel free.

However consider this before you do: How many people do you know that can guarantee you the strain they say they have? How many people are using chemicals that are not made for human injestion? How many people are growing that do not know the horticulture and the science behind the plant? How many growers have no idea what a calyx, trychome, pistil, is? How many people can look at a sick plant and instantly assess what the deficiency or nute burn is? The fact is people LIE. Most people also do not research, and they assume they know everything. Like I said anyone can grow cannabis. But I can guarantee if you spend the money to grow superior medicine, and if you know how to grow superior medicine, then people will never feel ripped off because they will know that they will have an unmatched bud that will be the true medicine that marijuana is supposed to be.

With that said I can completely be honest in telling you that I have paid $400 an ounce on a consistant basis for the last yr. or so and I have begged my friend to teach me about how he grows because its the best hands down. I knew it was Cali, I knew the strain, and I knew it was organic, but most importantly I felt the difference. The cleanest high is that of well taken care of cannabis. And I never felt ripped off. Not for a single day. Like I said before feel free to comment with dirty words or comments and call me whatever you like. I may not be able to currently offer free medicine because I am not above the law to grow "extra" and sell it, but I feel that I am offering reasonable prices for superior quality medicine.



Active Member
You know what, your right........ Glad I dont live in the U.P. You people are NUTS! People there are caregivers out there that offer free meds look around. Make sure you know who your dealing with. Thats all I have to say. Stay high everyone!!!


Hey there,
Well I know I could simply put this forum to rest but I want to educate you a little.


"History: 2009 AACS."
"Rule 333.115 Primary caregiver; number of qualified patients; compensation.
Rule 15. (1) The department shall issue a registry identification card to
the primary caregiver, if any, who is named in a qualifying patient's
approved application. A registered primary caregiver may assist not more than
5 qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana.
(2) A registered primary caregiver may receive compensation for costs
associated with assisting a registered qualifying patient in the medical use
of marihuana. Any such compensation shall not constitute the sale of a
controlled substance.

Reference #2:,1607,7-154-27417_51869_52140---,00.html

FAQ Section of Michigan's government site for Laws and Regulations

"Question: I am too ill to grow my own medical marihuana. What can I do?
Answer: The MMMA provides for a system of designated caregivers. The caregiver can acquire 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and grow up to 12 marihuana plants for a qualifying patient. The caregiver may assist up to 5 patients. The caregiver must sign a statement agreeing to provide marihuana only to the qualifying patients who have named the individual as their caregiver. The caregiver's name, address, birth date and social security number must be provided to the state at the time of a patient's registration. The Department will issue a registry identification card to the caregiver who is named by a qualifying patient on his/her application. The Department may not issue a registry identification card to a proposed caregiver who has previously been convicted of a felony drug offense. The Department will verify through a background check with the Michigan State Police that the designated caregiver has no disqualifying felony drug conviction. A caregiver may receive reasonable compensation for services provided to assist with a qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana."

Now... what does that mean? Well if you know about law and if you ever studied law in school or college, you will know that negligence does not constitute as a defense to a crime. Being said, if your caregiver is giving ALL his 5 patients "free medicine" it most likely means that he is growing more than they demand and he is now selling HIS PATIENTS plants for his own profit illegally. So it also means that if law enforcment wants to fill space in their new prisons.., all they need to do is prove that your caregiver is selling marijuana illegally and in doing so they now also have documents in your caregivers grow room stating on official paper that it was the patients medicine that was grown or sold, which puts your patients in legal dangers as well.

People be careful is right. Because "caregivers" offering all their patients free medicine in my understanding is a lie and a scam, They are selling your plants to others illegally and potentially putting you into danger. I will leave you on this note. I am not a bad person, and I definately dont want to rip anyone off. So if you can find on Michigans official Bill, or website where it says you can have 5 patients and sell "overages" then I will gladly educate myself and offer free services. But I have an attorney, and I have knowledge of the laws. But most importantly, I do my research before I start any endeavor, and I am very confident in presenting you this information not to discredit you, but to hopefully educate you and help you attain the best medicine for your patients, while providing them with safe and legal services that they will pay for because you are their signed caregiver and they trust you with their plants to grow only what they need.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
You are not a
, you are a papered drug dealer like the rest of the like minded people out there.

And save your bullshit inflated costs for your potential victims, I mean patients.

I just bought a 1000w set up a few days ago, 1 dimmable lumitek ballast,($299) 1000w ousio bulb.($105)
And a raptor hood ($202)
With tax it was only around $630... .LMAO......


Buddy Ganja, Im not sure if you read my entire post before answering with your own. If you read the top of page 2 i already had someone assume i meant that my light was $3000. Now you are assuming that my light plus only a light setup was $3000... No way. To quote my own earlier post, " I can assure you that I have a completely sanitary room, with 97%reflective mylar, an intake exhaust sytem, charcoal filter, etc." This is what a REAL grower growing real MEDICINE does. They dont just grow marijuana, i already explained anyone can do so. However... I did go on to explain that it was a full setup cost. We are talking 97%reflective grow tent, fans, 2 hps/mh lights and a t5 starter light. We are also including into setup costs for heater, climate controller, venting, intake and exhaust system, charcoal filter for smell, drying chamber, security system and more. Quality materials on top of that. Quantum digital ballast, air cooled venting, etc. Of course i can spend less money but at what cost to my meds???? Not worth it to me. And I will find patients who understand that they recieve ONLY the BEST QUALITY. I didnt even start to mention the clippers for bud, stakes, soil, RO water, buckets or pots, etc...... So please stop speculating that my costs are bogus. You may have a cheaper less extensive setup, but I am willing to bet that I will have more trichomes per square millimeter than yours, and that my patients will also need much smaller doses to feel medicated.


Well-Known Member
You are not a
, you are a papered drug dealer like the rest of the like minded people out there.

And save your bullshit inflated costs for your potential victims, I mean patients.

I just bought a 1000w set up a few days ago, 1 dimmable lumitek ballast,($299) 1000w ousio bulb.($105)
And a raptor hood ($202)
With tax it was only around $630... .LMAO......
so true here lol


Ok guys. So quick to judge and yet there has been no honest answer. I am starting to feel you are all just caregivers in my area looking to destroy rep to gain your own to make money illegally.
Or you obviously have some issues with my services. I would like to ask you.. But before you waste my time read the ENTIRE forum post page 1 and 2...

How are you supposed to pay for equipment, supplies, water, bills, etc and give away free medicine to your patients? If you tell me sell overages thats illegal.. and the word overage shouldnt exist in your vocabulary because you are only allowed to grow what your patients needs are.

btw i never make an argument without references i can assure you of that. I told you an estimate of $3000 correct??? for a full set up.To grow properly.. well heres your link buddy:
Now this is the base package. Now I didnt need the hydro 12 site part of it, but i wanted a quantum digital ballast and i wanted a better reflector. This kit alone is $2100 plus $200 for freight shipping. Thats $2300 before adding some extra dough for the better reflector and ballast. But Im not done. This did not include the digitally controlled heater, climate controller, thermometer, fans other than inline, intake/exhaust sytem, security system... If you dont think that $3000 was fair before, look closer and you will see that it adds up FAST!!!

I also NEVER included genetics. Not that I need to factor that in to either estimate because that too is a seperate cost. I dont get local clones, again people lie. I get my genetics directly from the companies in amsterdam or cali themselves. And you will never find feminized quality cannabis seeds or clone for less than $15 each.

I ask you to be completely rational and to answer me this simple question. How can you possibly give free medicine away to your 5 patients and cover all the cost of growing? Where is your compensation for these costs? I am not telling you to charge your patients what is unfair and I most certainly would never ask someone to pay an inflated cost. But the law is drawn out clearly to guide caregivers.

I am simply following the law with or without your personal approval. Now unless you have something educational or insightful to add instead of simply point fingers and speak impolitely on my forum, I would appreciate it if you would leave it alone.

I can point fingers at marijuana and I can say that government testing shows that marijuana causes brain damage. Anyone can slander anyone and they can also make it sound believable. But only when you research do you find that those tests were done on monkeys where they were suffocated by putting gas masks on them and filling their lungs with approx 60 columbian joints in the time of 5 minutes. They would do this daily over the course of months. Now if you understand the human/monkey respritory system you know that such time without ANY oxygen kills brain cells. It was not the marijuana causing brain damage but the lack of oxygen that resulted in the monkeys deaths. Yet to this day many people believe that cannabis causes us to lose brain cells and become dumb, yet modern research suggests that marijuana may actually stimulate cell growth. (Reference of: "The Union")