Attitude Hacked Again? Looks Like It


Well-Known Member
K...... good luck with your grows and happy harvests to you... :)

I'm awaiting an order of several Auto's myself, but from another seed bank... I quit the tude because they were always screwing up my orders... after this latest news, I'm sure to stay away....
cool..yea im no attitude seed bank fan i actually just placed my 1st two orders with them within the last week or so, im just saying my views on this whole subject.

Negative Rep

Active Member
more info:

HIGHLIFE knows more then they claim, don't believe the hype of them knowing nothing.

The person running it is an affiliate marketer himself, it's unlikely that it was an affiliate of there's who spammed everyone like they're claiming. The redirect on the spam site wasn't an affiliate url.

He can be tracked down on digitalpoint and dnforum try to sell his domains, he was also trying to sell You can see in a google search.

He spammed everybody to get traffic to his site so then he could flip it for a profit, probably on

btw, if you search - youll see hes trying to sell highlifeseeds there but no one is interested because of its profit and traffic stats.

Then the spam happened.

I'm trying to save you from yourself but you gotta quit letting your momma dress you.

Negative Rep

Active Member

Let's say it was an affiliate of that did it.

That means highlifeseeds has that persons COMPLETE personal information as they would of had to make payments to them.

but they claim they know nothing about anything.



Well-Known Member
just because they didnt send emails, doesnt mean they didnt get hacked. Cali you need to learn some information about the internet


Well-Known Member
negative rep you are obviously the troll..look at you trolling the internet getting these answers you that u speak of..and this thread was started cuz one or two people got so called "funny emails"-not my words


I dunno, he is either a very good troll, or just super retarded. I can't quite make my mind up. And Cali could you please stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll. For all intents and purposes, everyone who you now call a troll will be considered a rational and intelligent person in my book.


Well-Known Member
"super retarded" excuse you youngster but this site is for adults only..if i was a mod i would ban you for that comment


Well-Known Member
o yea i got so offended by that "super retarded" comment lmfao medimary must love you if he put a LIKE for that lol both of you are bums


haha, love how you called me youngster. Thank you I'm flattered. But I am having a hard time believing you have any sense whatsoever at the moment as I keep coming by thread after thread with your non-constructive comments that are never thought through, and always seem somewhat insulting to other posters. That is why I am trying to decide whether you are a troll, or in need of special help. I'm leaning towards the latter.


Well-Known Member
you smoked yourself retarded..i know all that blood this blood that talk and im not like that..alot of my boys are black and say that shit and aint bloods so i know what your saying but still, it shouldnt be said unless your a blood your one of those who "try's" to be gangster or are you really a gangster???
so its ok for u.
"super retarded" excuse you youngster but this site is for adults only..if i was a mod i would ban you for that comment

your like sloth and sarah palins fucking love child:hump:


I dunno, he is either a very good troll, or just super retarded. I can't quite make my mind up. And Cali could you please stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a troll. For all intents and purposes, everyone who you now call a troll will be considered a rational and intelligent person in my book.
Referring back to my previous post of what I think of your "TROLLS".