Attitude Hacked Again? Looks Like It


just read it and you said there were no hillbillies cause there were no hills. Ppl then proceeded to point out that 1) Hillbillies is another word for redneck and does not require the presence of hills and 2) that there are hills in OK.

Negative Rep

Active Member
your dumb as dirt..i was born in oklahoma moved to cali when i was 8..hell yea i rep cali, come see how i rep it u fake ass blood lol
All you're proving to me with this shit about "bloods" is how fake you are. You must of never been in the bay out of the 408, which in case you didn't know, SAN JOSE WAS VOTED THE SAFEST CITY IN AMERICA.

lol thats gangster.


Well-Known Member
just read it and you said there were no hillbillies cause there were no hills. Ppl then proceeded to point out that 1) Hillbillies is another word for redneck and does not require the presence of hills and 2) that there are hills in OK.
i explained it in post #12..TROLLs will be trolls..troll on trolls


Well-Known Member
All you're proving to me with this shit about "bloods" is how fake you are. You must of never been in the bay out of the 408, which in case you didn't know, SAN JOSE WAS VOTED THE SAFEST CITY IN AMERICA.

lol thats gangster.
you smoked yourself retarded..i know all that blood this blood that talk and im not like that..alot of my boys are black and say that shit and aint bloods so i know what your saying but still, it shouldnt be said unless your a blood your one of those who "try's" to be gangster or are you really a gangster???


Well-Known Member
This makes the 4th thread I have seen you in running your mouth.... If you don;t know what is going on, perhaps read up on it or stay out of it.... many people are concerned that their private information was accessed through a hack. that is great that it doesn't bother you, but some people would like the fact that they buy seeds to remain their own fucking business.... this has nothing to do with hype and everything to do with Attitude being hacked fucking twice now in 4 months.

Before you ask others how old they are, do some growing up yourself....

wtf does that have to do with anything? if anything i should be asking how old you are..u like to listen to the hype dont you


Well-Known Member
People have been saying blood in the bay since before the black panthers started in Oakland. It stemmed from calling the younger generation "young blood" and comes from the south. It gots nothing do to with "using a term started by the bloods."

I aint no "gangster," i'm a man.
your so talked shit, said where u lived, called me a blood, said u would throw my 90 pounds ass all over lol your a joke..end of story


Well-Known Member
This makes the 4th thread I have seen you in running your mouth.... If you don;t know what is going on, perhaps read up on it or stay out of it.... many people are concerned that their private information was accessed through a hack. that is great that it doesn't bother you, but some people would like the fact that they buy seeds to remain their own fucking business.... this has nothing to do with hype and everything to do with Attitude being hacked fucking twice now in 4 months.

Before you ask others how old they are, do some growing up yourself....
are u kidding me, it would bother me but im not so quick to believe people on here..i think certain people got targeted if anything..and if it were true i think attitude would shut down the site


Well-Known Member
I'm not kidding you..... their site security sucks.... glad you don;t care having your info in their database.... RIU doesn't ask for our names and addresses, yet the email contained that information.... you tell me where you think it came from? :)

are u kidding me, it would bother me but im not so quick to believe people on here..i think certain people got targeted if anything..and if it were true i think attitude would shut down the site


are u kidding me, it would bother me but im not so quick to believe people on here..i think certain people got targeted if anything..and if it were true i think attitude would shut down the site
Anyone would think that, but business is business at the end of the day. Just look at the recent hack on the Sony PSN. That was bad and they tried to play it off for ages until they had to acknowledge what was going on. Shutting down the site means loss of cash, and loss of cash is never good when you run a business. Attitude is just that, a business, and it will do what any other business does, turn a blind eye and try to fix it before anyone finds out.


Well-Known Member
Anyone would think that, but business is business at the end of the day. Just look at the recent hack on the Sony PSN. That was bad and they tried to play it off for ages until they had to acknowledge what was going on. Shutting down the site means loss of cash, and loss of cash is never good when you run a business. Attitude is just that, a business, and it will do what any other business does, turn a blind eye and try to fix it before anyone finds out.
i see your point of just not believing it all..i guess we'll all have to be weary


Well-Known Member
go read the thread that is linked in post #1.... that just might frighten you...
read it..dont find him reliable looking at his profile and all..i cant call it though..i would think attitude would shut down the system seeing how good of a company they are..just saying it sounds like people are getting carried away..and im thinking they might work in the seed industry


Well-Known Member
K...... good luck with your grows and happy harvests to you... :)

I'm awaiting an order of several Auto's myself, but from another seed bank... I quit the tude because they were always screwing up my orders... after this latest news, I'm sure to stay away....

read it..dont find him reliable looking at his profile and all..i cant call it though..i would think attitude would shut down the system seeing how good of a company they are..just saying it sounds like people are getting carried away..and im thinking they might work in the seed industry