Renes Random Rambles!

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New Member
i think he is trolling there to if not then another thread
and is humping your leg a bad thing i mean eventual u work up to another area
unless unwanted humping

lol what? where? trolls love me, if not i love them, well not Socata, he seems to wanna hump my leg like a dirty dog


Moderatrix of Journals
you guys apparently had WAY too much fun while i was sleeping, and btw, fab, april just happens to be my rumble partner already. (not that it takes much with us, we just start cyber-makking-oot and everybody not getting any rw love gets uncomfortable and leaves....


New Member
well maybe u need to try it on doc08 he is saying some unnice things about her

you guys apparently had WAY too much fun while i was sleeping, and btw, fab, april just happens to be my rumble partner already. (not that it takes much with us, we just start cyber-makking-oot and everybody not getting any rw love gets uncomfortable and leaves....


New Member
well be careful bro

I know EXACTLY what you mean...I haven't eaten much either. 1 pack of ramen noodles in about 48 hours...
Being sick sucks...(still!!)
But I'm sure i'm being a big baby. Although of the 3 people who live in my house (family), were ALL sick, but I was still the one who made them dinner, went to the store for Popsicles, and meds, and now I have to drive to get my "other" meds....but the last one i'm fine with. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Wow seems like yall had tons of fun last night! Damn had some rambles to catch up on but ya got to love it :D


Well-Known Member
Didn't feel left out, went to get the mail, then sat around for another 1.5 hours waiting to go get that weed.

But I DID get it. ;-)

And I wasn't bullshittin either :-P I got my actual mail, and yes, it was the same time here as it was for april.
I'm more of a night person.
Hey Rene!, Fab, NCG. How are you this sunday?


Well-Known Member
im good been lazy all weekend
i was chasing kids to but on here like peacefulkid
Yeah, your tellin me...I got a report cause of him :-P
Not that i know wtf that actually means for me ::shrugs::
Hopefully whomever comes across the report has enough sense to just ignore it and understand it was a retaliatory report, not an actual one.

lol @ his plants dying in FFOF. It's the soils fault right?


New Member
woohoo u made it back safely bro
im doing good got me a beer and a blunt:bigjoint:

Didn't feel left out, went to get the mail, then sat around for another 1.5 hours waiting to go get that weed.

But I DID get it. ;-)

And I wasn't bullshittin either :-P I got my actual mail, and yes, it was the same time here as it was for april.
I'm more of a night person.
Hey Rene!, Fab, NCG. How are you this sunday?


Well-Known Member
woohoo u made it back safely bro
im doing good got me a beer and a blunt:bigjoint:
Good stuff. Thought I was better from my illness, but woke up this morning quite sick again....
Slept most of the day and i'm back up to about 70% or so. We'll see if it holds out!
Yup, I got my a bowl loaded, and i'm gonna run off and smoke it with someone, I shall return in about 20 minutes...provided I don't get high and wander off. ;-)
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