Well-Known Member
I give it about 2 weeks, and this is the stance that Brotherbuz will be touting as well.
Look, I disagree with the way Padawanbater made his post. I (usually) am the last to get rude (unless I want some fun, reference Brotherbuz). But i also disagree wth your defense of the bible. The bible has been the number one thing Christians/Catholics have referenced when trying to remove all doubt from anyone about their faith. To remove that and say its been replaced by 'spiritual bedrock' would go against everything the very religions we speak of have taught for thousands of years.
Now if you want to say YOU are so enlightened that you no longer need the bible, and understand the 'true meaning' (i would assume that would be to lead a good life) then thats great, and i wish more people would do so. But to try to say that we have 'evolved' (that really made me laugh, evolve lol) to not need the book, is a fallacy. Say it like it is friend. YOU have evolved passed the need for the book, and i greatly commend you for that, whatever your spiritual beliefs may be.
Now if only more people who look at their spirituality YOUR WAY would realize that they haven't 'evolved' (again, just funny that someone defending the bible would use that word) or been 'enlightened' at all. They merely walked out of the cave.
How is calling the bible a piece of political propaganda defending it?
I also didn't say anyone has evolved past the point of needing a book. Not that we do - people were a lot more in touch with their natural spirituality BEFORE that particular book came around. I'm talking about actual biological evolution - which takes a lot longer than the few hundred years that book has existed.
Our brains, minds, and bodies HAVE evolved over milennia to understand the spiritual nature of the world. Spirituality one of the many ways we experience the universe and if we hadn't evolved to be capable of understanding it, there would be no such thing as religion or spirituality. Similarly, had we not evolved hands, there would be no such thing as gloves.
Just as an aside, your assertion that it's laughable for anyone of any christian faith to have a notion of evolution IS rude. You were the "last one to get rude" in this thread only because you were the most recent post. There are plenty of Christians in the world with properly working brains, just as there are plenty of atheists and agnostics in the world without them. I'm not Christian by any stretch of the imagination, and I find many of the large christian organizations to be disgusting, but I would never disrespect someone by calling them stupid based on their spiritual persuasion alone. I HAVE called them stupid when they tried to tell me that the only "logical" explanation for the existence of the grand canyon is that God made a tidal wave that swept the birds out of the sky and carved it, and the evidence given is that there are fossilized bird remains in the layers that make up the walls. My response - So unless birds are hit by a tidal wave, they don't hit the ground when they die?