And So The Hysterical Bullshit Starts Again


Well-Known Member
yes, cuz they tend to blow shit up. you crash a car, does your insurance go up? are you getting tthis yet?
if i crash a car, MY insurance goes up. not every white guy that looks like me. and how many muslims have you met in your life? how many of them have blown something up?


Well-Known Member
yes, cuz they tend to blow shit up. you crash a car, does your insurance go up? are you getting tthis yet?
How long ago was discrimination against blacks accepted? When the Japanese attacked pearl harbor, how many INNOCENT Americans were put into internment camps? Terrorists attacked the US 11 years ago. Maybe we should just make all Muslims fly on their own planes? Are you getting it?


Well-Known Member
Aside from what's already been said. Aren't the cockpit doors all built up now? The poor pilot and co-pilot who pack weapons now by law can lock themselves in their safe little cockpit... And we have plenty of air marshalls who fly armed and incognito who would have been put on there too, to make sure the men could use the tickets they legally paid for and make their anti hate and anti prejudice meeting on time clearly that meeting was warranted.

Yet they still didn't even have the guts to accept the old muslim men?

Add to that the fact that if there were another hijacking of the 911 type, were 911 not an inside job to begin with, I bet pratically ALL the people on board would jump all over these people at once and beat the holy crap out of them. Kung fu or no kung fu, they'd get a serious ass kicking from an entire plane full of people.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
How long ago was discrimination against blacks accepted? When the Japanese attacked pearl harbor, how many INNOCENT Americans were put into internment camps? Terrorists attacked the US 11 years ago. Maybe we should just make all Muslims fly on their own planes? Are you getting it?
Muslim isn't a race, it's a choice. Is it racist to not want to leave kids alone with a catholic priest?

Would you leave your kids alone with a catholic priest? Would you trust all your money to a tweaker? Why should it be any different with muslims and airplanes?

Why is it wrong to discriminate against people based on choices they make?


Well-Known Member
Muslim isn't a race, it's a choice. Is it racist to not want to leave kids alone with a catholic priest?

Would you leave your kids alone with a catholic priest? Would you trust all your money to a tweaker? Why should it be any different with muslims and airplanes?

Why is it wrong to discriminate against people based on choices they make?
what choice did these two men make? to be muslim, worship peacefully, and have the audacity to fly to a conference about discrimination they face for doing so?

i get what you're saying, discrimination is not a bad thing in and of itself. i am very discriminatory with respect to many things, from food to cannabis.

but there is a smart way to discriminate and a dumb way to discriminate.

let's throw all our effort into discriminating against any muslim that has the gall to wear their traditional clothing. how long do you think it will be before the terrorists dress someone up like an orthodox jew and have him blow up the plane? or how about they dress them up like someone who shits apple pie and baseballs? it ain't hard ya know.

if we are going to discriminate, then i want to see EVERYONE discriminated against, including that 6 year old that jeffers keeps mentioning. you think a terrorist would have the moral distinction to not plant a bomb within a child?

want an example of a country that does it right? go fly to israel. tell me how secure you feel on the flight back. they do that shit right, they trust NO ONE and question EVERYONE. they don't discriminate based on attire, they discriminate based on tics, twitches and tells. sideways glances, nervous gulps, you name it.


Well-Known Member
Ok well this is a story I haven't researched yet, I was too busy watching obama on 60 minutes that was just on.
My apologies if it was the brainwashed masses in the cabin who were the problem, in that case they are the they.
Whoever was this stupid, I call they. :)


Well-Known Member
"if we are going to discriminate, then i want to see EVERYONE discriminated against, including that 6 year old that jeffers keeps mentioning. you think a terrorist would have the moral distinction to not plant a bomb within a child?

want an example of a country that does it right? go fly to israel. tell me how secure you feel on the flight back. they do that shit right, they trust NO ONE and question EVERYONE. they don't discriminate based on attire, they discriminate based on tics, twitches and tells. sideways glances, nervous gulps, you name it. "

We'll be there soon enough, and to anyone who allows that to happen just keep in mind you asked for it when they want to cavity search your 6 year old daughters etc just because they looked scared or something.


Well-Known Member
"if we are going to discriminate, then i want to see EVERYONE discriminated against, including that 6 year old that jeffers keeps mentioning. you think a terrorist would have the moral distinction to not plant a bomb within a child?

want an example of a country that does it right? go fly to israel. tell me how secure you feel on the flight back. they do that shit right, they trust NO ONE and question EVERYONE. they don't discriminate based on attire, they discriminate based on tics, twitches and tells. sideways glances, nervous gulps, you name it. "

We'll be there soon enough, just keep in mind you asked for it when they want to cavity search your 6 year old daughter.
flying is a choice, a privilege. not a right. i am not losing any rights if i allow myself to be questioned israeli military style before boarding a plane.

plus, if there are roads between point a and point b, i drive. fuck anyone who wants to get raped by the airports and told that it is raping outside.

i'd much rather prefer to be driving in the countryside, breeze in my face, cigarette dangling from my lips, and a nice buzz from the one hitter i keep for road trips.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
they were only scared because of ignorance about the muslim religion.
Islam is a religion of violence. Maybe you're the one who's ignorant about muslims. Here ya go. Quran quotes:

As to those who disbelieve, I will punish them with a severe torment in this world and in the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.
O you who believe! Take not as your helpers or friends those outside your religion since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the verses if you understand
And let not the disbelievers think that Our postponing of their punishment is good for them. We postpone the punishment only so that they may increase in sinfulness. And for them is a disgracing torment.
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends, they are but friends to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allâh guides not those people who are the wrong*doers.
And fight them until there is no more disbelief in Islam and the religion will all be for Allâh Alone...”
Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not Islam as the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah [religious tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the Jewish rabbis and the Christian monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder men from the Way of Allâh. And those who hoard up gold and silver, and spend it not in the Way of Allâh -- announce unto them a painful torment
O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allâh is with those who are the pious.
Slay them wherever you find them…Idolatry is worse than carnage…Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God’s religion reigns supreme
“Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it
Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people…They desire nothing but your ruin….You believe in the entire Book…When they meet you they say: ‘We, too, are believers.’ But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage.
Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God’s religion shall reign supreme
…make war on the leaders of unbelief…Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them…
If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men.
Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them.
I can keep going if this isn't enough.

Is this the misunderstood religion of peace we should all be more tolerant of? fuck that.

Why should I be tolerant of people who make the choice to believe these things? Should we be more tolerant of the old mormon believes that people with dark skin are evil? Should we be more tolerant of the kkk's beliefs? Why should Islam be treated any different?

It's a bunch of violent garbage and I have no intention of being more tolerant of it. Am I really a bigot because I'm not open minding about people who choose to consider me the enemy because I don't believe in their medieval superstitions?


Well-Known Member
Islam is a religion of violence. Maybe you're the one who's ignorant about muslims. Here ya go. Quran quotes...
i can find every bit as much violence in the bible, even the new testament has its questionable sections.

I can keep going if this isn't enough.

Is this the misunderstood religion of peace we should all be more tolerant of? fuck that.

Why should I be tolerant of people who make the choice to believe these things? Should we be more tolerant of the old mormon believes that people with dark skin are evil? Should we be more tolerant of the kkk's beliefs? Why should Islam be treated any different?

It's a bunch of violent garbage and I have no intention of being more tolerant of it. Am I really a bigot because I'm not open minding about people who choose to consider me the enemy because I don't believe in their medieval superstitions?
no, not a bigot. perhaps a bit misguided, perhaps ignorant of the vast majority of muslims who wish you and i no harm and simply want to worship peacefully.

i wouldn't quite say bigoted in your case, but close enough.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I dont understand how people support them like that. Maybe if they got shot or blown up...or watched a buddy get blown up...or lost someone in the WTC bombings they might feel different.

I call a spade a spade.....they all look the same so you have to be cautious, am i upset two hadjis didnt get to board a plane? Yeah about as bad as i do about them gettin waterborded and troded on the testes. No im not upset. In their country we are infidels , so why should they be treated any diff here?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
what choice did these two men make? to be muslim worship peacefully, and have the audacity to fly to a conference about discrimination they face for doing so?
Yes, being muslim is a choice. The quran says that everyone who does not believe in it is the enemy and should be fought.

I don't want to be on an airplane with people who believe in the quran any more than I'd want to show up to a KKK bonfire if I were black. The only difference between the kkk and Islam is that the kkk only discriminates against black people and jews. Islam discriminates against everyone who is not a muslim and even women who are muslims.

The only people that Islam doesn't discriminate against are muslim men.

They can go to all the conferences about anti-discrimination all they want. How about some help catching terrorists? The Islamic religious institutions around the world offer no help what so ever catching terrorists. If they really aren't all terrorist supporters they need to prove it. They haven't done this. Coming out and claiming to be against terrorism publicly while quietly supporting terrorists or just letting it happen isn't good enough.

i get what you're saying, discrimination is not a bad thing in and of itself. i am very discriminatory with respect to many things, from food to cannabis.

but there is a smart way to discriminate and a dumb way to discriminate.
Is it really dumb to discriminate against people for the choices they make?


Active Member
Yes, being muslim is a choice. The quran says that everyone who does not believe in it is the enemy and should be fought.

I don't want to be on an airplane with people who believe in the quran any more than I'd want to show up to a KKK bonfire if I were black. The only difference between the kkk and Islam is that the kkk only discriminates against black people and jews. Islam discriminates against everyone who is not a muslim and even women who are muslims.

The only people that Islam doesn't discriminate against are muslim men.

They can go to all the conferences about anti-discrimination all they want. How about some help catching terrorists? The Islamic religious institutions around the world offer no help what so ever catching terrorists. If they really aren't all terrorist supporters they need to prove it. They haven't done this. Coming out and claiming to be against terrorism publicly while quietly supporting terrorists or just letting it happen isn't good enough.

Is it really dumb to discriminate against people for the choices they make?

the KKK also discriminated against catholics.


Well-Known Member
Muslim isn't a race, it's a choice. Is it racist to not want to leave kids alone with a catholic priest?

Would you leave your kids alone with a catholic priest? Would you trust all your money to a tweaker? Why should it be any different with muslims and airplanes?

Why is it wrong to discriminate against people based on choices they make?
You mean like weed smokers?!

Look, if protocal was followed, and they were cleared to fly like everyone else, then wtf. I'm not talking about racism. It's discrimination, plain and simple.

Not too long ago it was cool to discriminate against blacks, jews, hispanics, etc. Today it's cool to discriminate against muslims. I get it now.