Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
i can find every bit as much violence in the bible, even the new testament has its questionable sections.
Not a fan of the bible either. But there is a difference. In America if a radical christian group like the kkk gets out of hand, other christians oppose them and bring them to justice for their crimes. When Islamic extremists get out of hand, muslims do nothing to stop them.
When Pat Robertson instructs his followers to strap on a suicide bomb and blow up a shopping center in Tehran then they might be comparable. Right now they are not.
no, not a bigot. perhaps a bit misguided, perhaps ignorant of the vast majority of muslims who wish you and i no harm and simply want to worship peacefully.
i wouldn't quite say bigoted in your case, but close enough.
How come these "peaceful muslims" only oppose these terrorists publicly? How come Bin Laden can live for 6 years in a muslim neighborhood and none of them turn in this mass murderer? How come Saudi religious institutions renounce terrorism publicly then hold telethons to raise money for the families of suicide bombers?
When Islamic institutions decide to actually do something to reign in terrorism then I'll buy this whole "simply want to worship peacefully" act. But right now it's all bullshit. They say one thing publicly, do another privately.
I know not all muslims are terrorists, but pretty much all people who hijack planes are muslims and the muslim community does nothing to reign in the radical element among them.