Girlfriend question, is this normal

as long as you trust that your girl wont doing anything. But it sound like that dude wants to bone your girl. watch him.

dude follow her to his house but stay in the shadows you kn ow ninja style, when she leaves kick the goddamn dor in and give him the beatdown27 of his life..........
I like how all the guys say shit like

"Man, if shes cheating you should beat the guys fucking ass man!!!!@@!"

Why? It's not his requirement to not fuck her, it's her responsibility to not fuck him. She's the one who has a commitment to you, not him. Why would you even waste your energy and take the risk of getting hurt fighting over a woman that cheats on you? That's pretty fucking pathetic IMO.
I like how all the guys say shit like

"Man, if shes cheating you should beat the guys fucking ass man!!!!@@!"

Why? It's not his requirement to not fuck her, it's her responsibility to not fuck him. She's the one who has a commitment to you, not him. Why would you even waste your energy and take the risk of getting hurt fighting over a woman that cheats on you? That's pretty fucking pathetic IMO.

You dont fight over the women that cheat. You release them back into the wild and move on....

You DO however fight over OR fight for the woman that doesnt cheat on you.
First if a bitch aint fightin for you loose her...If you have to fight over her then "she" isnt worth it. When you go to whoop a dudes ass she should run up pepper spray him and freak out whoopin dudes ass. God I love my taste in woman. Dont fight over girls dudes its stupid, if she goes to another guy just remember all those times you degraded her in a funny way you diddnt mean anything by doing buisness duties.
You dont fight over the women that cheat. You release them back into the wild and move on....

You DO however fight over OR fight for the woman that doesnt cheat on you.

I'm not saying you don't fight in some situations. Maybe you're at a bar or something and a guy starts feeling her up or saying something really fucked up to her.

I'm talking about the douchebags who want to beat everyones ass when their GF fucks another guy. It's not that guys responsibility not to fuck your GF, it's your GF's responsibility not to fuck that guy.
Its not a good idea to fight over a girl. However, if you put a long scratch down the side of his car without CCTV cameras noticing, then hey? All is fair in love and war!

Guys. Respecting one another's territory is the difference between an INFIDEL and someone who has fidelity. There is more to life than mere sex. A strong society is built on men trusting one another not to 'cook supper' with one another's women. Women have no morals as they subconsciously seek to destroy male society at all times. Welcome the INQUISITION of Kristos!

Philosophy Online from ... Jonathan Ainsley Bain
Its not a good idea to fight over a girl. However, if you put a long scratch down the side of his car without CCTV cameras noticing, then hey? All is fair in love and war!

Guys. Respecting one another's territory is the difference between an INFIDEL and someone who has fidelity. There is more to life than mere sex. A strong society is built on men trusting one another not to 'cook supper' with one another's women. Women have no morals as they subconsciously seek to destroy male society at all times. Welcome the INQUISITION of Kristos!

Philosophy Online from ... Jonathan Ainsley Bain

Thats kinda sexest bro......Your just like those women who dress up with ties and shit to work at marthis brothers....
I'm not saying you don't fight in some situations. Maybe you're at a bar or something and a guy starts feeling her up or saying something really fucked up to her.

I'm talking about the douchebags who want to beat everyones ass when their GF fucks another guy. It's not that guys responsibility not to fuck your GF, it's your GF's responsibility not to fuck that guy.

And this is true if my dick is in your girlfriend thats "YOUR" personal problem not mine considering my dick is in her not yours....
Thats kinda sexest bro
you know, use to believe in that equality shit, and i still believe it is ideal.
Its just that women, you know : give them an arm ... and they'll take you leg, give them your little finger ... and they take your house and kids.
I will remain on the side of male dominance so long as the courts are corrupted against an honest justice system. For men, divorce is the same as rape for a woman.
I know this will sound bad off the bat, but gimmie a chance to finish. tell her you signed up for a pole dancing class for a good cardio workout cause you wanna get in shape anc you heard it was fun. Tell her theres this girl in your class that has a Pole in her living room and you're going over there to work out some of the moves with her. See what her reaction is when you tell her that. If she freaks, ask her why its OK for her to go over to a dudes house(who you don't know or have been introduced to) but you aren't allowed to go and enjoy a cardio workout. And, don't forget to tell her theres nothing going on, hahaa
I like how all the guys say shit like

"Man, if shes cheating you should beat the guys fucking ass man!!!!@@!"

Why? It's not his requirement to not fuck her, it's her responsibility to not fuck him. She's the one who has a commitment to you, not him. Why would you even waste your energy and take the risk of getting hurt fighting over a woman that cheats on you? That's pretty fucking pathetic IMO.

The way i see it is that your right,but only to a point,there are circumstances that require violence, or at the very least a firm understanding between the two men that if this shit goes any further there will be action taken.

What your right about in my eye's is resorting to violence because some dude boned your girl,i agree that it's not his fault if & only if he never knew about the husband/boyfriend,but if he was aware....................then it becomes something between men & has zero to do with the female at that point.

Think about this,are we so different than other animals in the way we select a mate,were not that different in my eye's,when a man KNOWINGLY try's to make moves on another mans girl it is a direct challenge of one's manhood,this challenge will be pushed farther & farther as time goes on if it goes un checked.

If it were me & i was in that situation i'd have to stomp a mud hole in that guy's ass,i couldnt sleep at night knowing i let something like that go un checked,if i eneded up getting fuked up by the other guy i'd still feel good about myself because i acted on something i felt strongly about,it is important to feel good about yourself as a man, isnt it ?

All the politicaly corrrect bullshit thats being rammed down our throat's every day from jelly spine'd men like that mush pile DR Phill or that fat hog Oprah is making a whole generation believe that it's not ok to be a man,were being told that we need to talk about everything,examine every issue under a microscope,were being taught to be passive,men are not supposed to be passive,were an agressive species.

The thing about being passive is that it has a snowball effect on men,just like being hen pecked,"yes dear,yes dear,yes dear",until one day while your doing the dishes after working 15 hours you take a look at yourself in the mirror & wonder where the man you used to be went.

Im a bit older than most here so my veiw's are a little out dated but i know one thing,when ya get older & you sit back & reflect on what you've done with your life as a man ,its important to be able to hold your head up & not have to remember when you were punked out or when you didnt act when you should of,regret is a mother fucker & can never be rectified.
The way i see it is that your right,but only to a point,there are circumstances that require violence, or at the very least a firm understanding between the two men that if this shit goes any further there will be action taken.

What your right about in my eye's is resorting to violence because some dude boned your girl,i agree that it's not his fault if & only if he never knew about the husband/boyfriend,but if he was aware....................then it becomes something between men & has zero to do with the female at that point.

Think about this,are we so different than other animals in the way we select a mate,were not that different in my eye's,when a man KNOWINGLY try's to make moves on another mans girl it is a direct challenge of one's manhood,this challenge will be pushed farther & farther as time goes on if it goes un checked.

If it were me & i was in that situation i'd have to stomp a mud hole in that guy's ass,i couldnt sleep at night knowing i let something like that go un checked,if i eneded up getting fuked up by the other guy i'd still feel good about myself because i acted on something i felt strongly about,it is important to feel good about yourself as a man, isnt it ?

All the politicaly corrrect bullshit thats being rammed down our throat's every day from jelly spine'd men like that mush pile DR Phill or that fat hog Oprah is making a whole generation believe that it's not ok to be a man,were being told that we need to talk about everything,examine every issue under a microscope,were being taught to be passive,men are not supposed to be passive,were an agressive species.

The thing about being passive is that it has a snowball effect on men,just like being hen pecked,"yes dear,yes dear,yes dear",until one day while your doing the dishes after working 15 hours you take a look at yourself in the mirror & wonder where the man you used to be went.

Im a bit older than most here so my veiw's are a little out dated but i know one thing,when ya get older & you sit back & reflect on what you've done with your life as a man ,its important to be able to hold your head up & not have to remember when you were punked out or when you didnt act when you should of,regret is a mother fucker & can never be rectified.
I actually agree with EVERYTHING you just said.
Well put :)
See if you can get a blow job before you break her the news makes it that much more awsome.. Like midgets and little fingers awsome buddy. Instant climant change , global warming the hole shizle. Grrrrrrr 2 more weeks then ill go back to be so stoned I just read and post stupid ideas:neutral: promise