No, that is how a liberal sidesteps a valid observation or argument in a discussion by asking for data that he himself never provides when he is in the exact same position. Condescension and acting like a smug prick are the standard debate tools of Libs for decades. Rattle off how your opponent didn't adhere to the rules that you have decided exist, but you don't follow yourself, would you like a couple of thousand examples? I won't bother because we both know it would take about 5 seconds to find them.
You make unfounded observations based on your opinion on a daily basis, yet when presented with one that makes you uncomfortable or that you can't quite debunk, you try to act like we're in class and all of a sudden your opponent must present every post like they're turning in their dissertation. JRH used to try to play that shit before we ran him off.
As I said, flaccid and predictable.
i taught you how to logically counter an argument in a civilized manner.
you formed a conclusion based on a faulty assumption because your premise was flawed. the one acting like a smug prick is the guy that doesn't understand the process behind forming a logical argument, then tries to discredit it.
if I'm presented with a conclusion based on scientifically correct and verifiable premises then I understand how the assumptions were created and acknowledge them as true.
you on the other hand.....