Mandatory Propanda and Fear Mongering for all hoorah


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Mandatory Propaganda and Fear Mongering for all

CBS and the AP report today that next year the government will mandate all new cell phones will be required to have a chip that receives government propaganda and fear-mongering. Many smart phones already have technology easily commandeered by the state. Government propaganda will supersede all other calls.
Carriers AT&T and Verizon say they will implement the technology.
Following the Osama assassination or alleged assassination as some might claim, the government announced it will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones. The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the system will warn people about terrorist attacks, natural disasters or other emergencies.
The new system will be in place in New York City and Washington by the end of the year and in cities across the country by the end of next year, according to CBS New York.
In addition to Amber Alerts and warnings of imminent doom from terrorists who hate us for our freedom, the system will send out “urgent blasts from the president,” according to the New York Daily News.

last month the Department of Homeland Security announced a new system to replace the old color-coded one. Now so-called terror threats that inevitably turn out to be either false alarms or politically motived scams will be posted on Facebook and Twitter pages in addition to broadcast over television, radio and cell phones.
It may save lives.

I understand the ability to listen in is there.. can they get video feed too?
It seems like a valuable tool. If you are in Kansas and there is a tornado in your vicinity, wouldn't it be nice to know?
it sure would gird but not at the cost of getting 'terror' alerts that are a total joke and political garbage messages.

"TEXT 911 FOR FREE TINFOIL HAT. Subscription fees may apply."
It appears to be, and I would certainly hope voluntary for the end user. If you want to be informed by text message, you can. Probably a long time until it is available to that many people. DC and NYC only currently.
So what about the radio emergency broadcast system? Is that a state tool for propaganda and fear mongering too? :roll:

I've seen some crazy conspiracy claims before, but this one takes the cake.... I would certainly welcome push messages from authorities concerning ANY emergency which might affect me or my family or friends. As far as listening in on calls, that is total BS and an outright violation of the constitution. Wire tap laws still apply.... the court has upheld that, even in the name of fighting terror....
I hope your right serpis and that it is like the emergency broadcasting system, which is obviously not a propaganda and fear mongering, unlike terror alerts
It seems like a valuable tool. If you are in Kansas and there is a tornado in your vicinity, wouldn't it be nice to know?
I doubt it would do any good. By the time they got the message out the tornado would have already been there done that. TV and Radio currently serve that purpose anyway. This is more about sending political messages than anything else. Keep people in fear, such fear that they would be afraid not to have their phone at their side at all times. Much easier to keep track of people if they always have their phone with them. Imagine all the ghosts that they can scare the citizens with. You will beg the police to come kick down your door and body cavity check you and your children just so you can sleep soundly at night knowing there aren't any terrorists hiding in your rectum.
Notice the same who people who claim the government is incompetent also think that the government is the master of conspiracy theories? Ever notice that?

"The government can't do anything right........except somehow manage to track every single person with a cell phone and what they say on them."

Man, I would really like to see the size of that data base. Must be the size of a large city. This must employ millions and millions of people to mine that data. What an operation! Would definitely be impressed with an entity that was able to pull off such an operation and keep it running 24/7. Kudos to the millions of these people for somehow keeping it quiet. That is dedication to a cause!!!!!!

When did our Government become so capable? Simply amazing.

I'm just fucking with you. You really didn't think I lived my life in a state of irrational fear did you? Gotcha!
"Kudos to the millions of these people for somehow keeping it quiet. That is dedication to a cause!!!!!!" -

Yea its called a job with a simple NDA or policy against this, and they arent all quiet about it but id say keeping your job and not getting sued is great incentive - they all have admitted to databases - datamining - spying or something of this nature - google, verizon, the pentagon, homeland security. Its not some big secret.
I doubt it would do any good. By the time they got the message out the tornado would have already been there done that. TV and Radio currently serve that purpose anyway. This is more about sending political messages than anything else. Keep people in fear, such fear that they would be afraid not to have their phone at their side at all times. Much easier to keep track of people if they always have their phone with them. Imagine all the ghosts that they can scare the citizens with. You will beg the police to come kick down your door and body cavity check you and your children just so you can sleep soundly at night knowing there aren't any terrorists hiding in your rectum.

I live on the coast. A tsunami warning would be great. I'm Avy savvy but avalanche alerts and road closures would be nice as well (we have 1 road in that is frequently closed by avalanches in winter). I don't watch TV and there is only one local radio station. It's unmanned most of the time so I listen to the Ipod almost exclusively. I don't give two fucks if it's an orange, green, or whatever threat level.

I don't beg anyone for anything. Our local 2 man state trooper post is the closest thing to law enforcement. They cover an area about the size of Rhode Island. If they were to body cavity check anyone their entire family would end up as crab bait in Prince William Sound.

Go outside more. You really need a break from conspiracy theories and computer screens.

Speaking of which, it's time to go try some king salmon fishing for the first time this year.

Enjoy the paranoia!
I live on the coast. A tsunami warning would be great. I'm Avy savvy but avalanche alerts and road closures would be nice as well (we have 1 road in that is frequently closed by avalanches in winter). I don't watch TV and there is only one local radio station. It's unmanned most of the time so I listen to the Ipod almost exclusively. I don't give two fucks if it's an orange, green, or whatever threat level.

I don't beg anyone for anything. Our local 2 man state trooper post is the closest thing to law enforcement. They cover an area about the size of Rhode Island. If they were to body cavity check anyone their entire family would end up as crab bait in Prince William Sound.

Go outside more. You really need a break from conspiracy theories and computer screens.

Speaking of which, it's time to go try some king salmon fishing for the first time this year.

Enjoy the paranoia!

Fly much lately?
I highly doubt either that it will save lives or that you can get a video feed ernst.

While watching the news on the flooding in Tennessee the Mayor who was speaking pointed out that poor folks may not have cable T.V. or Internet so warning them becomes hard. Perhaps an Cell Phone warning isn't so bad?

I take it it's the further invasion of "our" phones and privacy that is the real concern? Am I correct?
It seems like a valuable tool. If you are in Kansas and there is a tornado in your vicinity, wouldn't it be nice to know?

Uh, how about looking outside? You'd notice the weather growing a bit inclimate. Tornadoes don't spontaneously materialize out of thin air; they are usually preceded by an unusual amount of water falling from the sky (we call it rain).

Ribbing aside, who the fuck really needs this? Inclimate weather is not a suprise. You have the radio to check the weather. You can check the weather in the newspaper. You have your eyes to check the weather. You have the TV to check the weather (even has a channel dedicated to the subject for god's sake). You can check the weather on the internet. The radio and TV frequencies are even overwritten by emergency broadcasts in the event of such, so you don't even have to seek the information out yourself. Most cities and townships have loud storm sirens that can be heard for miles, even if indoors or driving in your car. Even beyond that weather still follows a seasonal pattern. They don't call certain months "tornado season" for the hell of it. And to ice the cake, Kansas sits right on a swath of land called "tornado alley". Guess what? Lots of tornadoes come through there. One should prepare themselves for such if they wish to live there.

What use would the system even have in case of an unnatural disaster? The moment 9/11 happened news crews were there in a flash and virtually every channel was playing footage. The radio stations were going nuts. And if somehow a person went on about their day without hearing the story through one of these two mediums, someone soon told them personally. Even if we all got a notice on our cell phones about the towers the instant the plane struck, what would it have changed? We'd know about it a few moments sooner, and that's about it.

So in summary, the government wants access to a GPS-equipped device that I usually have on my person in order to provide me with useless information at the expense of more of my tax payer dollars.

Fuck that.

And Serapis, you can bet that warrantless wiretapping happens. Thank the Patriot Act. And if you think that technology isn't being used to track your whereabouts, you are being a little bit naive. Do you really think that no corporate entity has taken interest in the massive amount of personal information people willfully put online in things like their Facebook or Myspace profiles? Apple is in hot water right now for doing exactly what NoDrama's talking about: IPhone and IPad users have been having their physical movements tracked via GPS and secretly stored on a local file, WITHOUT the user's knowledge or consent.