Tell Us Why You "think" You Hate Wal-Mart


Well-Known Member
Wow that's a wierd statement and only proves you just don't know me. I have way too much respect and love for way too many people, I assure you.
Well sir you are correct, I don't know you. I also don't pass judgements on people I don't know. Which is why I said "you come off" instead of "you are". You may very well be a decent human being perhaps a persona on the internet isn't the best measure though. People have plenty of their own reasons for hating Walmart no matter what you think they think.


Active Member
i hate walmart because...they are massive corporation who pay their employees poorly, provide zero health benefits..instruct employees to go to the nearest emergency room(tax payers) pay for that shit because they are so greedy...they import chinese garbage. put local businesses under with their cheap ass chinese junk.
you sir, are either ignorant or a liar. walmart does indeed offer health benefits.


Well-Known Member
Yes they do have insurance and they are the largest retail employer. They also are some of the best jobs in my area. Anyone that get a job there is happy they did. I have a love hate relationship with Wal-Mart that is for sure.

Wal-Mart exist because of Bad American Economic POlicy not because Wal-marts board of directors are evil demi-gods. LOL


Well-Known Member
you sir, are either ignorant or a liar. walmart does indeed offer health benefits.
oh i have read plenty on walmart and their shitty business see there is only one walmart in chicago(thank god) for good reason. most of their employees work the max amount of hours to fall just under full time status>>part time employees making 9$ an hour have no realistic chance at affording the walmart health coverage plan. i know a guy who worked for me for a summer a couple years back..he worked at walmart for a year and told me how he started out at $9.50 an hour and after a year was at 9.85 an hour..he obviously could not afford their plan and when he hurt his back (1 year of lifting boxes) he told them and they said"it did not happen from work" go to your nearest e.r. and then map quested the hospital lmaooo..greedy ass corporation

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I dislike a corporation that throws it's weight around and causes the local economy to suffer. over half the wal-marts that are built are protested buy the own citizens they are trying to serve. The citizens don't wont to see the humble "main street" shut down for the mega store. i won't go into a huge rant, we have all seen "the high cost of living" documentary. ONE THING i will say in their defense, they don't take shit from corporations, either wal-mart gets what they want, at the price they want, or YOUR company will go out of business.

PS i did not read the whole thread, just answered the OP's question...

smokey green

Active Member
......Because they take all my money...Well actually my girl takes my money and gives it to walmart in exchange for a bunch of shit that we really dont


Well-Known Member
I hate walmart because its a breeding ground for uneducated poverty stricken overweight bad mannered inbred degenerate fucks...its fuckin nasty mexican wanna be gangsters walking around punking old ladies in the shampoo isle ...or low class shaniqua over there brings all eight of her kids which she has eight because its the most you can claim on welfare, any ways she has all her kids running around like they live in that fucking place going ape shit eating cany and scaring white people and talking extremely loud to her friend who is also named shaniqua the conversation there has about as much content as a balloon AND I WAS LIKE UMMM OHH NO HE DIN IT AN DEN LIKE UMM I WAS FITTNA CUZ MY BABY DADDY AND RONTAVION LIKE ....shut the fuck up and quit naming your kids after shit you read off durrito bags!!! how bout the plethera of white trash mullets and weird guys with parrots on their backs and waterfalls of bird shit running down them cloggin up their pony tails...why is it that super fat chicks try to fit in clothes smaller than my socks then after they call the fire department to help put on that stretchy blouse they decide to show it off at the local walmart where did your belly button go? no body knows .......FUCK WALMART
LOL... planet earth.


Well-Known Member
Well hell all these NWO people that want the people of china to make the same wage as union workers in the USA. God Damn I love walmart I feel so good supporting china and watching the poor working class work for nothing.( at least they are working, not union laying on their ass drawing unemployment). Hell every odumbass supporter should be on the walmart trail for NWO. LMFAO


Well-Known Member
The only thing I like about Wal-Mart is how they stick to the Unions. Oh, and the great prices and convenience and variety.


Well-Known Member
I hate Wal Mart because they stopped selling Bartel Dew Tacos. That really made me angry. I went to a store one day, and asked a Wal Mart employee to look at that, I mean just look at it. So they did. And guess what we saw.... Nothing! Because they don't sell Bartel Dew Taco! Damnit, I hate Wal Mart. Almost as much as I hate tea baggers and right wing nut jobs.


Well-Known Member
I hate Wal Mart because they stopped selling Bartel Dew Tacos. That really made me angry. I went to a store one day, and asked a Wal Mart employee to look at that, I mean just look at it. So they did. And guess what we saw.... Nothing! Because they don't sell Bartel Dew Taco! Damnit, I hate Wal Mart. Almost as much as I hate tea baggers and right wing nut jobs.
tea bagging is fun :hump:


Well-Known Member
wow, this really went to shit.

for the people who blame walmart for taking advantage of people, I find it ridiculous. If you have a shit deal over at walmart, LEAVE and get another job, quit complaining. If enough people leave, they will be forced to pay people more money when they have no employees. the thing is, in this shitty economy, there is always someone who needs a buck more than you do. until that person doesn't exist, walmart will always have employees at minimum wage. is it really walmart's fault that the US minimum wage is shit and not enough to live on????? NO, it is the fault of the US governemnt for not giving a shit about the lower class. It is the US for not having Healthcare like every other industrialized nation in the world. it is the federal government for not protecting workers rights.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game friends!!!


Well-Known Member
wow, this really went to shit.

for the people who blame walmart for taking advantage of people, I find it ridiculous. If you have a shit deal over at walmart, LEAVE and get another job, quit complaining. If enough people leave, they will be forced to pay people more money when they have no employees. the thing is, in this shitty economy, there is always someone who needs a buck more than you do. until that person doesn't exist, walmart will always have employees at minimum wage. is it really walmart's fault that the US minimum wage is shit and not enough to live on????? NO, it is the fault of the US governemnt for not giving a shit about the lower class. It is the US for not having Healthcare like every other industrialized nation in the world. it is the federal government for not protecting workers rights.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game friends!!!
And to be exact about this, it's not the federal government, its the right wing specifically. They enacted laws to slow raises in federal minimum wage, they are the ones who are attacking unions. They think by providing tax loopholes to corporations, and giving companies incentives, somehow they will treat employees "right". What a total line of bullshit. Companies care about 1 thing, their bottom line. The don't give a rats ass about their employees, never will. Not until someone big can stand up to them, and say, enough is enough, treat people fairly or suffer consequences. But nooooo, right wing neo-cons think if you treat the bullies nicely they will be nice back.


Well-Known Member
I hate the place because no matter what time I'd try to go, the parking lot was crowded with people who cant drive or park for shit, and their parking lot skills directly translate to their piss poor ability to push shopping carts with respect for other shoppers. Then, it's always packed with ghetto ass people who take their whole fucking extended family because they probably all live together and the trip to walmart for them is a luxury...being in that store with gross people surrounding me makes me nausious and pissed off. The checkout lines are retarded long too, even at 2 am...fuck walmart, i'll take the barely higher prices and sanity of target any day.