2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?


Well-Known Member
one thing that really interests me is that one way to survive would be to grow your food hydroponicly. I seen this bunker that was made on tv and the top floor was dedicated to hydroponics. each floor for a family of 8 cost 1,750,000 dollars.

anyone have any input? true untrue? wats your plan. im not saying I believe in this im just saying im extremly interested.
Dude, I hate to say it cause I always sound crazy even to myself, but I totally think something fucked is gonna happen then.
You live in Cali anyways, if the poles shift your not gonna have to worry about anything...lol
wats up beansly. nice to see you on here. im going to head to vegas withing the next three months so shoot your number in the inbox i dont think i remember where you live... I really hope nothing happens but what worries me is that so many different cultures and so many different years people from all around the world pretty much have the same way of thinking about it.
Im not even the slightest bit concerned about 2012... You guys really think some ancient civilization predicted the end of the world? Guys remember y2k? Did they even give us a legit reason that the world was going to end in 2000? They just made some stupid shit up about computers and everyone fuckin freaked out lol.
Im not even the slightest bit concerned about 2012... You guys really think some ancient civilization predicted the end of the world? Guys remember y2k? Did they even give us a legit reason that the world was going to end in 2000? They just made some stupid shit up about computers and everyone fuckin freaked out lol.
All the computers in the world formulated dates by the last to digits. Like '95, '96, '97, '98, '99. But when it came to 2000 it wouldn't know if it should go back to '00. Causing a fatal crash.
right, like I said, they just made some stupid shit up! Why would anyone believe that load of shit?!?! So what if the computers think its 1900?! I just dont understand how people can be so gullible sometimes.... mindless sheep...
Im not even the slightest bit concerned about 2012... You guys really think some ancient civilization predicted the end of the world? Guys remember y2k? Did they even give us a legit reason that the world was going to end in 2000? They just made some stupid shit up about computers and everyone fuckin freaked out lol.

I know man...I'm not easily swayed by these argument of armagedon. The scary part like Mrsticky said is how all these diffenernt culture in different times in history have the same day marked. The Hopi Prophesies and the Mayan Prophesies are two examples of people separated geographically and historically coming to same conclusions. Then there's the part that did it for me personally was how science lines up with it too. Like for instance scientists agree that 2012 will be one of the sun's most active times (or something..) anyways they say there's is gonna be a spike in solar flares coming from the sun in 2012. And astrologists have spotted a "blue star" in the sky recently, the same blue star thr Hopi's say will appear before the 'end times'.
One thing I thought was eerie to was that one of the signs of the end in the Hopi prophsies says that the oceans will turn black. sounds like an oil spill to me.
Oh well. I guess well see, but it's not gonna be a coinscedence when I'm no where near the east or west coast on Dec 21, 2012 lol.
....Ok hold on let brace myself....Ok, hurl insults now. I'm ready.
I know I'm crazy. I feel crazy about this sometimes.
And astrologists have spotted a "blue star" in the sky recently, the same blue star thr Hopi's say will appear before the 'end times'.
One thing I thought was eerie to was that one of the signs of the end in the Hopi prophsies says that the oceans will turn black. sounds like an oil spill to me.

I will admit that its very creepy, and interesting to think about situations like this. When I read the part about the "oceans will turn black", it did send a chill down my spine. Personally I kinda want to see the end of the world in my lifetime.... that would be pretty fuckin crazy.
yeah its sum pretty crazy shit. all i know is that no one has any controll over it. next year is going to be crazy around december 21st 11:11am thats when shit is supposed to go down. im curious to see how it plays out. i hope everyone that predicted it looks stupid and everything is allrigt
I like how I'm the midless sheep but you immeadiatley start with the bullshit to make yourself feel superior. Weak minded little piss.

You took that the wrong way bud. I was not attacking you at all. I was talking about people in general. I guess my ! and ? at the end of my sentences made it seem like I was going after you, sorry.
You took that the wrong way bud. I was not attacking you at all. I was talking about people in general. I guess my ! and ? at the end of my sentences made it seem like I was going after you, sorry.

My bad dude.

I'm kinda excited about it too. I would be really pissed if I was in a hospital or in jail on that date..
After watching endless youtube, History Chanel, Discovey/Science Channel and other specials, here's what makes sense to me;
They say the poles will shift. Check out this post that says the pole have suddenly been shifting since the middle of January. They're saying that's what casued the earthquake in Japan.
They say the oceans and lakes and rivers and sea will turn black. The only thing that could cause this would be an earthqauke so large that it displaces the earths crust (impossible) or if the poles shift, the earth crust will eventually spin on the molten core of the earth. Which would break all the deep-sea oil pipe society relies on, which would probably turn the oceans black and eventually every other water body black.
They say that California, most of the west coast up to Washington and all of Nevada (and Manhattan, the Florida panhandle most if not all of the UK, Japan and more I can't remember off hand) will be covered in water.

Then again it could all be bullshit.
Have a nice day.
Well, you guys spoke about quite a number of topics pertaining to one of my favorite subjects... conspiracy theory, but before I get into that, I'll address the Y2K issue.

For those who don't know, the problem wasn't just that the date switched back to 1900. Back when the old systems were set up, they used a two digit field for the year instead of a four digit field. To most people, this doesn't mean much, but to anyone who knows much about programming languages, this is huge. Every bank account that used the old AS400 mainframes used the programs that everyone heard so much about in the scare. This was a problem because these date fields determined how your bank interest and deposits were handled. If the date had re-set to 1900 instead of going to 2000, nobody's bank account would have existed. What made this such an issue is that there were thousands of regional bank chains that were not even close to being ready, and it would have caused a financial crash as everyone's account data was lost. Can anyone honestly say on here that they had a bank account in the year 1900?

As for the Mayan/2012 connection, I doubt anything is going to happen. I've read damn near every conspiracy site that comes up and they all talk about rumored shit that I have yet to hear a legitimate argument that the mayans left a prophecy. Hell, about 90% of our knowledge of mayan civilization comes from ONE archaeological find, the Dresden Codex. There really are NO other SIGNIFICANT finds of that nature. Everything is always mummies, artifacts, and beads. No real writings. The truth is that, while the Mayans ended their calendar, there's no real prophecy or writing that gives us a definitive "Why?". Everything else is more speculation than truth, where prophecies from other civilizations and noted prophets from history have made similar claims have been linked by nothing more than THAT similarity alone.

The bottom line is that we can draw dots in the stars and come up with just about anything our imagination desires, but it doesn't make our imagination a reality. The same thing goes for prophecy and coincidence and conspiracy theory... you can make all the connections you want, they can even seem perfectly logical, but it doesn't make them real.

I have a lot of ideas about things of this nature that I keep to myself, but you guys seem genuinely interested in the 2012, so I thought I'd share a little of what I've been able to learn beyond all the hype. Hope it helps.

Edit - correction: The Dresden Codex tells us 90% of what we know about their Calendar, not about their civilization. However, not much IS known about their civilization at all beyond what we've gleaned from the handful of pages that have been discovered, and the Dresden Codex is considered to be the most complete of the four known Maya Codices. Yes, only FOUR have been found. That is how little we KNOW.
The truth:

The rest is just a cover story and an excuse to get away with many many things. The oil spills and corexit spraying and wars and bees dying and fish die offs and mass bird deaths are all part of the project, designed to fit with prophecy and take advantage of the situation for profit and power and to push the NWO. Remember sb510 takes away your right to grow your own food garden, so you will have to support the corporate food systems and eat their food. Blackened sea check, oil spills. Earthquakes and tornados check, haarp. Flooding check, haarp. Everything in prophecy will be fulfilled one way or another, you just watch. Remember carl sagan and many legit reporters and anyone who could call bullshit on stuff like this is already dead. Many news anchors who wouldn't go aong with being told what to do by whoever is behind this have just quit or retired early. Michio Kaku or whatever his name is from NASA is just pushing the nwo also, none of what he says is true.

A major and critical sattelite launch for the project was delayed until 2013 and wouldn't you know it, conincidentally this propaganda youtube channel who all along said the "aliens" couldn't interfere with planet niburu or whatever and absolutely wouldn't interfere no matter what, all the sudden completely changed their rediculous story and timeline to this:

A spaceship bigger than planets with 80 million aliens on board? Yea sure... Ummm ok. I hope people don't fall for this shit. I hope they're not that dumb to believe jesus's and moses's etc second coming which will be faked but I'm afraid they probably are.

Anyone that posts project bluebeam on that channels comments or calls bullshit "even politely " gets deleted, and banned from posting any further comments to it.

I was deleted and banned just for putting the link above in their coments.

Most people won't believe me at all, but all you have to do to verify EVERYTHING I AM SAYING is look at the murals at denver airport on google images. It's all right there in the murals.

One of these days we'll learn to vote properly in this country, so we don't have people putting our lives at risk to further corporate profits and take over the world...

Don't do anything stupid and try a civil war either, they would love that so you can't vote them all out, but we need you all alive and free and voting properly.

(ALL of the above is me excercising my 1st amendment right to free speach and purely *my opinion of the situation*. I took an oath when I joined the army to protect the constitution of the united states of america, and like it or not I must fufill said oath. That oath never ends, which is what I'm doing by outing the plan as I see it with my opinion even if it risks my future or freedom. Even though I'm not doing anything illegal over here and never will. And no I am not a terrorist or a potential terrorist, even though I was tailed for 3 days by homeland security or someone when I started speaking out online. I refuse to be intimidated and *I do not think this plan is in our countries best interest or even lawful according to the constitution.* I'm voting a 3rd party candidate and speaking my opinoin period, that is all, to fulfill my obligation and oath and nothing more than that.) Should anyone lock me up or make me dissappear from this web site it will be you acting the part of the terrorist and confirming my opinion, not me, I will not do anything illegal to justify such measures.