2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

Sure I do. Although I doubt the beings inside come from another planet. I suspect they are a part of the great deception. (Satans last stand) Hybrids made from mixing fallen angel/demon DNA with Human DNA.

I knew it. I love how the atheists who say God is an imaginary man in the sky also usually believe in aliens lol.
Hahahhaahh God it's so sweet it has to be fattening! LOLIRL!

The Book Of Enoch tells of fallen angels having sex with women and producing "hybrids"
God cleansed the Earth in the days of Noah. Why would he do that? He knows people are always sinners and they will repent at some point. But he wiped the earth clean. I believe he did that because Satan had almost destroyed mans DNA. Only Noah and a handful of family had their God given DNA.

Heres a snippet I found at a web site, read Enoch if you are interested

Many of the early church fathers also believed in the Book of Enoch. Justin Martyr said demons are the authors of all evil and that they are the offspring of fallen angels and humans (Genesis 6), which was taken directly from Enoch.

The theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels so infuriated the later Church fathers that one, Filastrius, actually condemned it

So the book was denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded–and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago

Oh boy... The Book of Enoch wasn't written by agnostics/atheists, it was written by Jews. You know, religious people? The same kind of people you think are idiots?Your the same guy that says the Bible is bullshit because the stories are too unbelievable, yet when you find a religious book that fits your opinion all of a sudden it credible? Now I have a better idea of who I'm dealing with.
Loosing electricity is not a big deal, it just requires more manual work to maintain clean citys without shit and piss all over spreading disease. Anyone that has ever gone camping for a week and survived knows what it's like, but if you have people acting like the midde ages when they didn't know disease was spread by crap in the streets and etc and cities are allowed to fester and get dirty then it gets ugly.

"Correct me if I am wrong. You believe all the people of the worlds are being manipulated by powerful people who are using the Bible and Mayan and other end world predictions to bring about a new world order.Whereas I believe the same thing except I believe we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places with Lucifer at the top of the ladder "

If it was just the people it is, would you be afraid of them? No. They have to make you think there's more to it than plain old human greed and they simply play on your fears. Aliens or demons in egyptian heiroglyphics are just humans wearing masks, you can even see they are masks in the glyphs. They needed bodyguards, gods or superpower holding aliens wouldn't need bodyguards. If you knew it was just a bunch of fat old white men without super duper powers you'd probably just gang up and kill them, so they have to push all fear against you and whatever you might hold that scares you, they will play against.

Sorry but no there is no devil, even the concept of a devil didn't exist until the most recent rewrites of scripture and that was put there to just make you fear not going to church and giving them your money and support. The old testament (which is just a ripoff of the jewish torah) neither ever had a devil nor a hell ever those were added in the new testament based on absolutely nothing of truth , no super powers, no aliens, just evil. (well maybe there have been a few aliens around, checking us cavemen out. Our government probably tortured them to death to steal technology or something and then autopsied them to learn how they work, but even IF they exist they aren't superheroes with superpowers, and also aren't a part of this or going to save us.)

The "blueblood" families may think they are part aliens and special or whatever, but they don't actually have shit, it's like the men who stare at goats. They can bleed and die just like anyone else. Don't forget all bluebloods before the generations we have now have died just like us and in the same ways as us. Princess diana, died... Ronald Reagon, aside from alzheimers got shot...Died a weak human like any other. Lincoln, shot and died, etc etc you get the point.
No superpowers...

Did you know that jesus never even existed, not as jesus anyway and not in the timeline we are given? The entire story of jesus is stolen from egypt and previous mythology and just a complete rewrite. The son of god is the SUN of god, when the SUN was personified in stories his name was Horus. Even if you don't believe me, watch all parts of this:

I knew it. I love how the atheists who say God is an imaginary man in the sky also usually believe in aliens lol.
Hahahhaahh God it's so sweet it has to be fattening! LOLIRL!

Oh boy... The Book of Enoch wasn't written by agnostics/atheists, it was written by Jews. You know, religious people? The same kind of people you think are idiots?Your the same guy that says the Bible is bullshit because the stories are too unbelievable, yet when you find a religious book that fits your opinion all of a sudden it credible? Now I have a better idea of who I'm dealing with.

You are quick too judge and you lack wisdom that comes with age, grasshopper.
But go ahead and send some more immature PM's if you must.
Skipped forward cause I'm too high to read up to here haha. I am impartial about the whole 2012 thing. Of course there is some crazy stuff going on right now that people could say is the start of armageddon (natural disasters, the wars, etc...) but I also have a hard time believing it because, well, I don't believe in psychic or anything. Philosophers that have "predicted" events that have happened (Nostradamus saying there would be a "fire in the sky" and everyone thought 9/11 was that) in broad ways that would lead people to think what they want, just like modern day psychics.

The way I see it, and I don't know much about the Mayans so sorry for the ignorance, but if they can predict the end of the world don't you think they would have seen the end of their kind before they disappeared? I just hope it's fast if it happens.
You are quick too judge and you lack wisdom that comes with age, grasshopper.
But go ahead and send some more immature PM's if you must.

I've never sent you any PM's?

By the way Beansly, I am not an atheist. I am a born again, Bible Believing Son of the Living God.

If that's true then we probably have more in common than I thought. You were in the other thread though talking pretty hard about how God isn't real though? What's up with that?
I've never sent you any PM's?

If that's true then we probably have more in common than I thought. You were in the other thread though talking pretty hard about how God isn't real though? What's up with that?
Well what would be so wrong with man being his own god and man his own creator. The later is stone cold fact. The former takes some self-worth.
Yeah solar flares...global warming and rising oceans...soon my home in Philly will be beach front property...bring it:)
There are enough people out there who feel something's going to happen and yet no one is teaming up to create safe communities. It's only through community that you really could survive.
OM said
Everything in prophecy will be fulfilled one way or another, you just watch.

I believe that. I also find it easier to believe in a book that is 2,000 to 4,000 years old that predicts all the coming events. All this ET and UFO and abduction stuff was all going on in the days of Noah.
The Bible tells us the fallen angels saw woman and fell in lust, had sex and made demon babies. That is what all the abductions are about. It all fits nicely when you believe the Bible.

You can believe all this but my how to pass a piss test is hard to believe? Interesting choices you make huh?