2012. Shift in poles? solar flares? safe communities? what do you think?

Im my opinion, i am big admire of Nostrodamus, what he says may be true but i dont want to believe it, i seen a couple of signs of the world going bad but not as bad as he said. One sign is the killing of dear o Usama, that means there is going to be bad stuff happening around the world. Those guys dont play at all man, u fucked with his leader he is going to fuck the u.s up, and if they decide we dont want to fight they will hit israel and that will turn very bad i mean very bad.
OM said
Everything in prophecy will be fulfilled one way or another, you just watch.

I believe that. I also find it easier to believe in a book that is 2,000 to 4,000 years old that predicts all the coming events. All this ET and UFO and abduction stuff was all going on in the days of Noah.
The Bible tells us the fallen angels saw woman and fell in lust, had sex and made demon babies. That is what all the abductions are about. It all fits nicely when you believe the Bible.
Well, you guys spoke about quite a number of topics pertaining to one of my favorite subjects... conspiracy theory, but before I get into that, I'll address the Y2K issue.

For those who don't know, the problem wasn't just that the date switched back to 1900. Back when the old systems were set up, they used a two digit field for the year instead of a four digit field. To most people, this doesn't mean much, but to anyone who knows much about programming languages, this is huge. Every bank account that used the old AS400 mainframes used the programs that everyone heard so much about in the scare. This was a problem because these date fields determined how your bank interest and deposits were handled. If the date had re-set to 1900 instead of going to 2000, nobody's bank account would have existed. What made this such an issue is that there were thousands of regional bank chains that were not even close to being ready, and it would have caused a financial crash as everyone's account data was lost. Can anyone honestly say on here that they had a bank account in the year 1900?

As for the Mayan/2012 connection, I doubt anything is going to happen. I've read damn near every conspiracy site that comes up and they all talk about rumored shit that I have yet to hear a legitimate argument that the mayans left a prophecy. Hell, about 90% of our knowledge of mayan civilization comes from ONE archaeological find, the Dresden Codex. There really are NO other SIGNIFICANT finds of that nature. Everything is always mummies, artifacts, and beads. No real writings. The truth is that, while the Mayans ended their calendar, there's no real prophecy or writing that gives us a definitive "Why?". Everything else is more speculation than truth, where prophecies from other civilizations and noted prophets from history have made similar claims have been linked by nothing more than THAT similarity alone.

The bottom line is that we can draw dots in the stars and come up with just about anything our imagination desires, but it doesn't make our imagination a reality. The same thing goes for prophecy and coincidence and conspiracy theory... you can make all the connections you want, they can even seem perfectly logical, but it doesn't make them real.

I have a lot of ideas about things of this nature that I keep to myself, but you guys seem genuinely interested in the 2012, so I thought I'd share a little of what I've been able to learn beyond all the hype. Hope it helps.

Edit - correction: The Dresden Codex tells us 90% of what we know about their Calendar, not about their civilization. However, not much IS known about their civilization at all beyond what we've gleaned from the handful of pages that have been discovered, and the Dresden Codex is considered to be the most complete of the four known Maya Codices. Yes, only FOUR have been found. That is how little we KNOW.

Even the Mayan don't specifically say the world will end in 2012, it says 2012 will be a time of great change.
The one thing that freaks everyone out too is that they also said theres nothing after 2012
OM said
Everything in prophecy will be fulfilled one way or another, you just watch.

I believe that. I also find it easier to believe in a book that is 2,000 to 4,000 years old that predicts all the coming events. All this ET and UFO and abduction stuff was all going on in the days of Noah.
The Bible tells us the fallen angels saw woman and fell in lust, had sex and made demon babies. That is what all the abductions are about. It all fits nicely when you believe the Bible.

Do you believe in Ufo's?
Sure I do. Although I doubt the beings inside come from another planet. I suspect they are a part of the great deception. (Satans last stand) Hybrids made from mixing fallen angel/demon DNA with Human DNA.
I am kind of surprised that the media has not begun talking about May 21st yet. I really expected them to start mentioning it by the first week of May. In case you haven't heard, there is a bible scholar who is predicting the end (again). The Rapture and all the stuff that starts with it is supposed to occur on May 21 (8 days from now).
This guy has studied the bible, and bible mathematics if you will, for over 70 years. He predicted the same thing for last September, but also said at the time that he could be wrong, it could actually be in May, but wanted to get the word out then just in case. He bases his prediction on many correlating passages in the bible and other history. Supposedly, May 21 is exactly 7000 days after Noah built the Ark...stuff like that. They guy's name is Harold Camping.
Do I believe it personally? Nah. I just find it all interesting. I'm sure this will hit the media this week though. I guess they've learned that stories like this only have a couple days' shelf life.
Sure I do. Although I doubt the beings inside come from another planet. I suspect they are a part of the great deception. (Satans last stand) Hybrids made from mixing fallen angel/demon DNA with Human DNA.

hmm u might have a point with the demon part, so if they dont come from another where do u think they come from?
The Book Of Enoch tells of fallen angels having sex with women and producing "hybrids"
God cleansed the Earth in the days of Noah. Why would he do that? He knows people are always sinners and they will repent at some point. But he wiped the earth clean. I believe he did that because Satan had almost destroyed mans DNA. Only Noah and a handful of family had their God given DNA.

Heres a snippet I found at a web site, read Enoch if you are interested

Many of the early church fathers also believed in the Book of Enoch. Justin Martyr said demons are the authors of all evil and that they are the offspring of fallen angels and humans (Genesis 6), which was taken directly from Enoch.

The theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels so infuriated the later Church fathers that one, Filastrius, actually condemned it

So the book was denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded–and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago
oh yeah dude im totally interested in this type of stuff, im glad we can relate to this, i always see stuff on tv about aliens, nostradamus all that stuff it gets my attention and the universe.
OM said
Everything in prophecy will be fulfilled one way or another, you just watch.

I believe that. I also find it easier to believe in a book that is 2,000 to 4,000 years old that predicts all the coming events. All this ET and UFO and abduction stuff was all going on in the days of Noah.
The Bible tells us the fallen angels saw woman and fell in lust, had sex and made demon babies. That is what all the abductions are about. It all fits nicely when you believe the Bible.

I didn't mean they correctly anticipated the future in the past, what I'm saying is they are actively fulfilling those prophecies and using our superstitions and fear to manipulate us in the present. It's called self fulfilled prophecy. It's very easy to wind people up and make them all fear eachother, to play on peoples superstitions and religions and use something like the 2012 predictions to make people think there will only be half the land left so some people have to go. To make them think that our power will be out and we could have massive plagues just because the sewers stop working, so in the interests of national security it's a good idea to kill or lock up all the poor and disabled and blacks and troublemakers and etc, which isn't that hard to convince people to do when you've spent a lifetime spewing hate designed to divide and conquer the masses. It's easy to sell the solar flares taking out the power grid or UFO idea because people do have a sense we have been lied to and kept in the dark, but that doesn't mean you should believe some of the propaganda like all the compression artifacts people point to and say he's a reptilian she's a reptilian etc. Or i think I saw one that said GWB is reptilian and brilliant but just playing dumb, and that he is so powerful mentally with telepathic and etc superpowers you don't want to get anywhere near threatening him. It's all just bullshit to confuse and scare and provoke people if not just delay people into taking any action until we are all under the spell and control of the satellite pictured in the denver airport murals, which is delayed.

Here's an interesting section of one mural at denver airport:


It was written in Terezin concentration camp in 1944:

The whole thing reads:

That bit of filth in dirty walls,
And all around barbed wire,
And thirty-thousand souls who sleep
Who once will wake
And once will see
Their own blood spilled.

I was once a little child,
Three years ago.
That child who longed for other worlds.
But now I am no more a child
For I have learned to hate.
I am a grown-up person now,
I have known fear.

Bloody words and a dead day then,
That's something different than boogie men!

But anyway, I still believe I only sleep today,
That I'll wake up, a child again,
and start to laugh and play.
I'll go back to childhood sweet like a briar rose,
Like a bell which wakes us from a dream,
Like a mother with an ailing child
Loves him with aching woman's love.
How tragic then, is youth which lives
With enemies, with gallows ropes,
How tragic, then, for children on your lap
To say: this for the good, that for the bad.

Somewhere, far away out there, childhood sweetly sleeps,
Along that path among the trees,
There o'er that house
Which was once my pride and joy.
There my mother gave me birth into this world
So I could weep...

In the flame of candles by my bed, I sleep
And once perhaps I'll understand
That I was such a little thing,
As little as this song.

These thirty-thousand souls who sleep
Among the trees will wake,
Open an eye
And because they see
A lot

They'll fall asleep again...

--Michael Flack, 1944

Here is how 911 ties in with what's more to come in those murals: Clearly the poor people will be starving to death en mass or something. rich do better, but some die.

,This is all countries giving up sovereignty and their weapons to be ruled by a single new weapon:

Here is the new weapon in the middle of this pic, that is a satellite pretending to be a god. Even the baby and the wildlife and the food is under it's control, I'm guessing RFID at birth or maybe they really do have the nano technology rfid's. Certainly they are working on nano stuff, there's a bunch of youtube video's on smart dust that sounds like it might be it.

It won't just be tracking it will be conrol over you and your thoughts at least to some degree. They can beam images into your head now directly, though it's just very crude black and white and just kind of a vague outline, but it will make stupid people think they are possesed by a demon or seeing a god if they don't know better and sound is easy to beam straight to your head from a sat given a tracking device or a wireless signal of any type to lock on to like your wifi computer or cell phone. Neither of these requires an implant, and we all know our cell phones are tracking us already but I'm sure and implant can make it stronger or something. And they can disable you with it, overwhelming your brain basically with transmitted energy, basically focused radio waves, they have had that since the mid 70's look up NASA long distance energy transmission or wireless energy transmission. It's nothing even that high tech or sci fi. But all this is also not anything that can really stop you from thinking for yourself either, not that I know of, you don't have to follow what they say and it's no more powerful than your imagination so don't sweat it.


What gets me though is just the balls to even try such a thing, against this country... And that people are so apathetic they don't even notice and never stop any of the wrong legislation that's led us here. Chemtrails are just right over our heads half the time and people refuse to believe and or just don't notice... They've been spraying them where I live most every day for the last month. Not all planes and not all times, just most days. I just hope people figure it out soon before it's too late. The plan is probably to have so few people left that they can't ever overtake the military and police, as in a 1:1 civilian to other ratio with all those in control being the only ones with weapons.

I'm hoping with the sat delay until 2013 we will have time for one election and one chance to turn this around. But the people need to stop calling all this stuff bullshit, just because it sounds absurd doesn't mean it's bullshit. When people that have done wrong could be facing jail time or the death penalty for treason they'll do anything and everything to not get caught. This is that anything and everything. 911 was an inside job you can see it in the mural along with things that haven't happened yet and al queda did not break in and paint those murals.

Denver airport is an underground shelter for the elite, to be used for WW3 which they have also kindly staged for us. As if everything else wasn't enough. It's the horror of ww3 that will make all countries supposedly want to give up arms and sovereignty and put control in the hands of one person supposedly to avoid war like that again. In reality it will all be in control of the elements who are corrupt and evil and got us here and set us up for all this in the first place.
As screwed up as the world is some thing needs to happen. But not to worry the dinosours died off and the earth came back, when man destroies the world it will come back.
It just takes along time before man returns.
Correct me if I am wrong. You believe all the people of the worlds are being manipulated by powerful people who are using the Bible and Mayan and other end world predictions to bring about a new world order.

Whereas I believe the same thing except I believe we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places with Lucifer at the top of the ladder
Correct me if I am wrong. You believe all the people of the worlds are being manipulated by powerful people who are using the Bible and Mayan and other end world predictions to bring about a new world order.

Whereas I believe the same thing except I believe we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places with Lucifer at the top of the ladder

You mean like the masons?
I personally believe that "something" is going to take place. As to what that is?? I have no idea.. and neither does anyone else. They can all speculate as to what "might" happen, if something were to actually happen. Hell, I can speculate as to whats going to happen.. just like all the scientist can do the same thing.. which like I said, is all they're doing to begin with.

Sure, they have all the equipment and things like that to investigate and to keep an eye on the skies.. and I'm very thankful for that. Someone needs to be watching the skies/heavens, because there is always that chance that the Earth could be impacted by an large astroid.

I've been thinking lately about things in general. Been putting a LOT of time into putting the puzzle pieces together... and I've actually come up with a few of my very own unique "theories" about this whole "End of Times" subject.

You have to be open minded about this subject... because it is a possibility. It will happen.. alright? It will indeed happen.. eventually. So, I agree with the scientists when they say "its not longer a matter of 'if', but a matter of 'when' and 'where'." Something will eventually take place. Either the sun will burn out (which is a real possibility as well) or we will be impacted by a large astroid, that we won't be able to stop. I really believe that, one of those two scenarios will be the cause of what causes time to 'end'... and or causes the total extinction of the human race... or what we call 'life'.

Could there be an extra scenario possibly? Yep, I left one scenario out of the list. The third and last scenario, that I believe could be the cause of the end of 'time'.. would have to be a Nuclear accident or a Nuclear War between us (U.S.A.) and one of our nuclear capable enemies.

Yep, I truly believe that one of those three scenarios will be the cause of, 'The end of Time'.

All three of them could happen at any moment... however, more than likely, any one of those three events will likely not happen during my lifetime. Could it happen tomorrow?!? Sure! It sure could.. but, more than likely it won't. But there's always that chance/possibility that it could happen tomorrow, 2 years from now.. 10 years from now.. 50 years from now.. 200 years from now.. who knows when the 'End' will come, but it will eventually come.

Those are my thoughts on this whole issue.

Also, I'm aslo a 'History Channel' nerd. I also get very involved whenever I see or watch any kind of television show talking about anything that has to do with the end of time, time travel, worm holes, black holes, time warps, apocalypses, raptures..etcetera. But, I've always been a huge science nerd. In fact, back in 1996, my first year of high school.. my best grade was in my science class. I carried an 'A' average in that class that whole year. The next year, my junior year.. I took Biology and carried an 'A' in that all year as well.. and then my Sr. year, my graduation year, I only had to take 3 classes in order to graduate that following May of 2000. So I had like a half a day of school during the school weeks.. it kicked ass because I was able to just get in my car and go home after my 3 classes.

But yeah, I've always been a science nerd.. maybe that's why I don't ask that many questions whenever it comes to growing. ;) I think it does.

shit ...i just wrote a long ass post about my experience with this ...and got logged out and lost it bhaaa :)

I might retype it later but im in a rush now !

The end of my post had a couple of movie clips that helped me understand the future a bit better ... the movies are not for everyone .... but it helped me :)

Esoteric Agenda Clip 1


Esoteric Agenda Clip 2


KYMATICA full movie

I personally believe that "something" is going to take place. As to what that is?? I have no idea.. and neither does anyone else. They can all speculate as to what "might" happen, if something were to actually happen. Hell, I can speculate as to whats going to happen.. just like all the scientist can do the same thing.. which like I said, is all they're doing to begin with.

Sure, they have all the equipment and things like that to investigate and to keep an eye on the skies.. and I'm very thankful for that. Someone needs to be watching the skies/heavens, because there is always that chance that the Earth could be impacted by an large astroid.

I've been thinking lately about things in general. Been putting a LOT of time into putting the puzzle pieces together... and I've actually come up with a few of my very own unique "theories" about this whole "End of Times" subject.

You have to be open minded about this subject... because it is a possibility. It will happen.. alright? It will indeed happen.. eventually. So, I agree with the scientists when they say "its not longer a matter of 'if', but a matter of 'when' and 'where'." Something will eventually take place. Either the sun will burn out (which is a real possibility as well) or we will be impacted by a large astroid, that we won't be able to stop. I really believe that, one of those two scenarios will be the cause of what causes time to 'end'... and or causes the total extinction of the human race... or what we call 'life'.

Could there be an extra scenario possibly? Yep, I left one scenario out of the list. The third and last scenario, that I believe could be the cause of the end of 'time'.. would have to be a Nuclear accident or a Nuclear War between us (U.S.A.) and one of our nuclear capable enemies.

Yep, I truly believe that one of those three scenarios will be the cause of, 'The end of Time'.

All three of them could happen at any moment... however, more than likely, any one of those three events will likely not happen during my lifetime. Could it happen tomorrow?!? Sure! It sure could.. but, more than likely it won't. But there's always that chance/possibility that it could happen tomorrow, 2 years from now.. 10 years from now.. 50 years from now.. 200 years from now.. who knows when the 'End' will come, but it will eventually come.

Those are my thoughts on this whole issue.

Also, I'm aslo a 'History Channel' nerd. I also get very involved whenever I see or watch any kind of television show talking about anything that has to do with the end of time, time travel, worm holes, black holes, time warps, apocalypses, raptures..etcetera. But, I've always been a huge science nerd. In fact, back in 1996, my first year of high school.. my best grade was in my science class. I carried an 'A' average in that class that whole year. The next year, my junior year.. I took Biology and carried an 'A' in that all year as well.. and then my Sr. year, my graduation year, I only had to take 3 classes in order to graduate that following May of 2000. So I had like a half a day of school during the school weeks.. it kicked ass because I was able to just get in my car and go home after my 3 classes.

But yeah, I've always been a science nerd.. maybe that's why I don't ask that many questions whenever it comes to growing. ;) I think it does.


Someone been paying attention to the History Channel. lol