Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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Hybrid? MH & HPS?

HEY ABF!!!.. I still haven't read the whole thing yet, i just read the newest posts.. anyways, i cant speak for LB but i think he just might be talking about these hybrid lights...

kinda expensive if you ask me.... you can see it burning on the second page of the thread if you want to. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

i had some problems with some clones on my last batch. they had stem rot, i think, they were all soft and nasty. I think this was due to too much moisture in the soilless mix and too high of temps from my heat mat(will keep this in check next time around, you live and learn). so i got the idea from you to use peroxide, but i only have 3% laying around... i started a thread asking how much to use but no one answered except one person saying that "everyone hates the 3%, thats why no one has answered your question."

why is 3% so bad? and if it wont do harm, how much should i use with my clones? i figured about 17 times more than you would use with the 50% stuff because 50%/3% =16.6666.. thus there is aprox 17 times more h202 in the 50% compared to the 3%....... ya.... so 17ml/liter?????? i could be all wrong about all this so im asking a pro like yourself... thanks in advance mate for your time and willingness to share your intelligence. :peace::peace::mrgreen::peace::peace:
BTW psyclone, the plants look bitchin'. Well done. :)

You can bin the UV light tho, whatever sort it may be. You'll be getting plenty of UV from your HPS already. The UV output from HPS is proportionally similar to sunlight, right down to germicidal UVB wavelength @ 253nm.
I would like to ditch it to save £'s, but the two plants it primarily shines on are so outdoing the others it would feel wrong for now-also my mainlight is 250watt hps and is small for the area-the UV tanning block helps to fill the 1metre space (running 6hours a day). I know you are right, but I will finish this grow before re-jigging lights- I have ordered 4 full spectrum 28 watt LED growlights to play with.
Is your crop now on continual harvest? They look very fine.:mrgreen:
there is aprox 17 times more h202 in the 50% compared to the 3%....... ya.... so 17ml/liter??????

Yep, that's all there is to it.

However, if your reservoir tank is as big as mine- 125L (and I have 4 of those in my flowering area)- that'd be 2125ml (2.125 litres) of 3% H2O2 for each of my 125L tanks, or 8.5 litres when I mix up 4 new tanks. When you consider the pharmacy 3% grade comes in ~250ml bottles, I'd need 34 bottles of the stuff. :lol:

If you are running a micro op with a <10L tank, 3% can be practical, but you'd still need 170ml of a single 250ml bottle for one 10L tank (more like a bucket) of nutes.
I would like to ditch it to save £'s, but the two plants it primarily shines on are so outdoing the others it would feel wrong for now-also my mainlight is 250watt hps and is small for the area-the UV tanning block helps to fill the 1metre space (running 6hours a day). I know you are right, but I will finish this grow before re-jigging lights- I have ordered 4 full spectrum 28 watt LED growlights to play with.

man, you're a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

The UV is wasting your £'s now and the LEDs will be wasting them later.

Is your crop now on continual harvest? They look very fine.:mrgreen:

yep, 8 years now, I think.
On the hybrid MH/HPS lamp- I think it is a wonderful thing, if you are going to use the same lamp to veg and flower. No more switching to a HPS from MH when switching from veg to flower. However, such combinations for convenience are often compromises.

There won't be any advantage to the combination lamp for ppl who only need a light for flowering. Flowering areas are intended to replicate a day in late autumn, perpetually. As days shorten in nature as the season progresses to winter, the sun rises progressively lower in the sky, causing sunlight to travel through a greater thickness of atmosphere than in summer. This long path through the atmosphere filters more blue light and renders the late autumn sunlight decidedly yellowy or golden in temperate latitudes. The red-yellow spectrum of HPS quite closely mimics late autumn sunlight, encouraging flowering as the plant prepares for the impending winter... that never comes. :)
I cloned all of my plants to see ther sex. I am cloning in an ez clone setup. after the clones took root I started to force flowering 12/12 . after about a week I planted clones into soil it has now been about 17 days, i have two hermies and two males so far out of about 20 clones, the others have yet to show gender, i expected a little stress when i transplanted after i started to flower but could this be causing them to turn hermie? If so if I caused this by stress of the clones, could the mother plant i took the clones from be female or if the clones are hermie should i discard the parent plant immidiatly? Also in the future should i allow for 2 weeks of veg. state after i transplant the clones from ez clone set up to soil/pots? Pleas help this is really bothering me!!!!!
question about ur nute supply? couldnt find specific answer in thread. basically im copying ur setup what nutes and how much in each cycle do you give you plants? i noticed you have large enuf res not to reup the mixture so just the beginning mix at the beginng of every 2 week cycle is what i want to know?
man, you're a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

The UV is wasting your £'s now and the LEDs will be wasting them later.

If the tent crops over 250 grams I will feel it has done well, anything over that and the UV light (which cost me nothing) has more (much more )than paid it's small power bill. There is a sub-plot, which is to try to get the best possible smoke, with lots of THC. Time will tell if it has had an effect there.
LEDS are in constant developement, and with energy costs rising professional nurserymen are driving R&D. The thumbnail is a 250 watt replacement light that uses 28 watts. I doubt they are as good as the makers claim, but it is time (for me) to put them to the test. I will be using 4, along with my Envirolite 250.


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I cloned all of my plants to see ther sex. I am cloning in an ez clone setup. after the clones took root I started to force flowering 12/12 . after about a week I planted clones into soil it has now been about 17 days, i have two hermies and two males so far out of about 20 clones, the others have yet to show gender, i expected a little stress when i transplanted after i started to flower but could this be causing them to turn hermie? If so if I caused this by stress of the clones, could the mother plant i took the clones from be female or if the clones are hermie should i discard the parent plant immidiatly? Also in the future should i allow for 2 weeks of veg. state after i transplant the clones from ez clone set up to soil/pots? Pleas help this is really bothering me!!!!!

I've never seen cloning, even very badly done, cause hermaphrodism. I'd bet the source plant is hermie or male. For confirmation, do another cutting or three from the suspect plants, keep the suspects vegging for now. Can't do any harm unless they're flowering. Just prune them back if they are getting in your way. Keep your cuttings' media damp, not wet and see where you are in 10 days or so, bit longer without a heatmat and in soil, shouldn't be much more than 12-14 days, tho. Trash the earlier cuttings you now know are male or herm. Most likely, the donor plants are male or herm and are compost candidates, but doing another pass of cuttings will make you fully sure.

If you are getting at least 50% female, you're doing spot on the average. Better than that is a bonus.

No need at all to veg clones before flowering them. Mums and clones are kept under 24/7 light except for the first day or so after clones are cut, when I run the clonebox light 18/6, with the first 6h in the dark after cutting to minimiise wilt.

question about ur nute supply? couldnt find specific answer in thread. basically im copying ur setup what nutes and how much in each cycle do you give you plants? i noticed you have large enuf res not to reup the mixture so just the beginning mix at the beginng of every 2 week cycle is what i want to know?

Each 125L tank in the flowering area is dumped, cleaned and remixed every 14 days or so. All tanks run Canna Flores 1400ppm @ pH5.5-5.8. Your results my vary, but my tapwater is usually around pH7.1 and each 125L tank takes 400ml of each part A & B to yield that strength. Tank 3 gets Canna PK1314 @ 0.5ml/litre (about 60ml) when the plants it serves are in wk 5. All tanks get H2O2 50% grade @ 1ml/L (125ml per tank) on mixing and every 3-4 days after when topping up the tanks. Each tank requires about 20ml pHDown on mixing and about 10ml on top-up in about a week.

I don't think I've mentioned it before, but in case you don't know it, there is a particular way to mix a tank of sauce. You must not let full strength multipart nutrient concentrates mix before they are diluted in a large volume of water. The full-strength mixes will react and nutrients will literally fall out of solution. This is why they are packaged in 2 or 3 parts. I fill my tanks with water halfway or more, then add nute mix part A or B, manually mix that in a bit before adding the other part. Filling the remainder of the tank volume using a garden hose mixes everything up very well.

Don't add more concentrated nute mix in the midst of a 2-week life of a tank of nutes. Top up with plain water only and correct pH as needed. These solutions are engineered so the nutes will last 2 weeks and still have enough of each element and, quite importantly, in the proper ratio to one another. If you start adding nute mix in mid tank-life, you stand a good chance of changing the ratio of the individual N, P, K and other elements in the mix.

The thumbnail is a 250 watt replacement light that uses 28 watts.

JUST one question: Do you want to do field R&D for a seller of horticultural goods whom you already think overstates their case... or do you want to grow some fuckin' dope?
psy, I don't mean to be a naysaying curmudgeon, but it's really that easy to make up your mind what to do with recent growing technologies. Not all of them are bad by any stretch of the imagination (else I would not be using cooltubes and Fytocell), but some are risky strategies that will prove or disprove some very interesting technological points... and some of them actually grow dope.

HPS. Hydroponics. Bam, you get smoke!

Use what is known to work, esp when you're a noob. Nothing kills the incentive of new growers like failing and using unproven methods or equipment is a quick way to failure.
I won't throw away the envirolite..Do I go with what I have and add LED, or upgrade to 600 watts? that is the choice, sadly, it's either or..Dope, and more of it is the required result.
And I do not think you a nay-saying curmudgeon, I value your thoughts, that is, after all why I am here.
Scrap the idea of LEDs. The technology just is not there yet. You'd chase your tail as a new grower trying to figure out why things won't work and be very disappointed at the results from LEDs, compared to a decent HPS light. The HPS would probably cost a good bit less to buy.

A 400HPS will keep most smokers permanently supplied. You can use a 600 if you like, though.

I don't know what an Envirolite is. Is that a fluoro?
It's a Brand name, combined bulb HPS/MH -mine is 250 watts, and i think it may struggle to satisfy my appetite- unles I can pull 8 oz's from my tent in 10 days time!
wait- you smoke 8 oz every 10 days? :shock: I'm sure I have that wrong!

I reckon a 400 would raise about 6-8 SoG trimmed plants, each yielding 1/2-1oz (depending on your proficiency at keeping room temps and RH correct). If you did that on a rotating basis, 2 plants in and out every 2 weeks, you'd have somewhere between 1-2oz coming out every 2 weeks. The 250 will raise about half that plant count and about half the yield of a 400.

Will that come anywhere close to working for you?
I am growing 16 single stem plants in 1metre sq this go, aiming for 1/2 oz per stem cropping in 10 days time, and hoping that will last until the next crop and the outdoor season so I have a cycle going. There are some pics in my gallery taken 2 weeks ago, what do you think? They have thickened up considerable since then.
Looks like about 3 weeks into flowering. You have some serious elongation of some plants. Room temp too high?

Take the tanning lamp back to the salon, your plants are bronzed enough. :D There are water lilies in dire need of that marine photosynthesis bulb, too, I'd think. ;)
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