Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

The only thing we know is our government and media can't be trusted period. And no obama is not better than bush, he's taken all this to even worse degrees than bush did. Hell he even called bush after this so called osama killing like a good buddy.

Obmama ran on change and the first thing he did was bring in all the old chronies into his circle of super friends. How was that supposed to bring in change?

He said he would end wars, not even close.

He said he would close guantanamo. Nope.

He said he would stop the drug war or at least back off on medical legal states and people. Nope.

He said he would change things for the better in general. Nope...

He not only didn't bring change, he raised the bar on corruption.

sb510, we can't grow our own food garden any more. Did he stop that? No.

We are being set up. The denver airport murals prove it, the question is can't you see the writing on the walls? Look up what this document in this image means:

The Denver airport murals prove we are being set up???????? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I can't take you seriously dude! lmfao!!!!!!!! That's some cold hard proof there! :roll:
Appears folks put BIG stock in "secrets"...BIG government "SECRET" coverup's and such........guess some people haven't figured out that a "secret" once shared, has become common knowledge......And that's my problem with "conspiracy theories".......always based on the assumption that multitudes of "insiders" can keep the "dirty little secret"......Now ain't THAT fuckin' laughable?
Yes by GOD, a great big ROFLMAO...........ok, I'll go compose myself and await some of this...:fire::fire::fire:.....and a big ol' bucket of this....:spew::spew::spew:

You two are seriously thick aren't you? What is your point of all this arguing? You claim all the conspiracy theory stuff is bullshit, yet it all adds up to the murals painted on the walls of a governnment installation and fits exactly with legislation you can look up on line like sb510, FEMA camps which exist for real you can see, etc etc.

Not theory, fact. Perhaps it's all just to play with peoples heads, but that too is bullshit and illegal and requires multiple people in on the deception and is therefore a conspiracy of it's own too, not a theory. One way or another we are right about there being some kind of conspiracy going on, and you are wrong.

al queda did not break into that airport that has an underground shelter in it, and paint those murals showing 911, text from a child in a concentration camp in 1944, and more death to come.
Appears folks put BIG stock in "secrets"...BIG government "SECRET" coverup's and such........guess some people haven't figured out that a "secret" once shared, has become common knowledge......And that's my problem with "conspiracy theories".......always based on the assumption that multitudes of "insiders" can keep the "dirty little secret"......Now ain't THAT fuckin' laughable?
Yes by GOD, a great big ROFLMAO...........ok, I'll go compose myself and await some of this...:fire::fire::fire:.....and a big ol' bucket of this....:spew::spew::spew:

Its more laughable that you buy what they say hook, line, and sinker....you buy into the recent elementary school demonizing of conspiracy theorist, There is many things proven true that at one time or another were seen as conspiracy theories...The earth is round, the golf of tonkin was staged, Nero burned rome, ruwanda, idk... look at history really, it repeats itself over and over and over.

Putting stock into "BIG SECRETS" is one thing but looking at the facts and drawing rational or irrational conclusions/assumptions/predictions is another thing.

No its really cute how you guys buy into the demonization of conspiracy theorist like it a religion, how childish, you going to beat him up and take his lunch money next?
Dude...........you have an incredibly frightening view of the world......obviously shared by a handful of others, with the same vivid imagination and/or issues........Like the bigot who would post that Obama can't fix "whitemen's" problems....Jeeezz..just when ya think we have actually advanced as a species.....some ghost of Johnny Reb/KKK gotta jump out of the shadows and give you a sick feeling in your stomach......But then again...since I'm so "thick", I shouldn't let that kinda shit bother me....but damnit..it does.
I have no illusions of changing anyone's mindset with my post's, nor will I start hurling personal insults...that really would be "thickheaded" and unproductive........BB
Its more laughable that you buy what they say hook, line, and sinker....you buy into the recent elementary school demonizing of conspiracy theorist, There is many things proven true that at one time or another were seen as conspiracy theories...The earth is round, the golf of tonkin was staged, Nero burned rome, ruwanda, idk... look at history really, it repeats itself over and over and over.

Putting stock into "BIG SECRETS" is one thing but looking at the facts and drawing rational or irrational conclusions/assumptions/predictions is another thing.

No its really cute how you guys buy into the demonization of conspiracy theorist like it a religion, how childish, you going to beat him up and take his lunch money next?
I'd like you to show me where I'm "demonizing" conspiracy theorists. I presented factual websites, multiple, credible websites that were completely brushed off by OM. Conspiracy theorists do this shit ALL the time! Ignore facts unless they support your "theories", yet you tell "us" to have an open mind? lol! :wall: :lol:
Dude I already explained to you and will again that I wanted to hear you back up your claim of your experience in DNA testing with your words.

You are the one who couldn't back up what you said and sent me off to websites. There is no point in me wasting my time looking at links you gave me, that doesn't support your claim of any knowlege that just shows you know how to use a web search.

You ignore the fact of those murals, what do they look like to you just your average paintings with nothing to say?

I didn't paint them, they are not "my ideas" or my imagination. This one shows all countries including us giving up our sovereignty and weapons and putting authority over the whole world into the hands of one person or group with one new big weapon to trump all others.
Does that sound like a good idea? Notice the figurative "osama" or "muslims" or "military industrial complex" or whatever that guy represents as an excuse dead at the bottom? He was in the previous picture I posted chopping the twin towers with his sword, and in the same pic also taking the blame for killing many more people who haven't died yet in that photo, in case you didn't get it. The dying people in that photo weren't in the tower, they were outside of the entire immediate area of the towers. These aren't just pretty pictures they are telling a story, a story that in many ways has already happened, is currently happening and also what hasn't happened yet. One glance at this and you should see it represents a "new world order". Yet it is in a government building not something on a conspiracy theory website, and yet you still claim there is no such thing as a new world order or conspiracy?
Dude I already explained to you and will again that I wanted to hear you back up your claim of your experience in DNA testing with your words.

You are the one who couldn't back up what you said and sent me off to websites. There is no point in me wasting my time looking at links you gave me, that doesn't support your claim of any knowlege that just shows you know how to use a web search.

You ignore the fact of those murals, what do they look like to you just your average paintings with nothing to say?

I didn't paint them, they are not "my ideas" or my imagination. This one shows all countries including us giving up our sovereignty and weapons and putting authority over the whole world into the hands of one person or group with one new big weapon to trump all others.
Does that sound like a good idea? Notice the figurative "osama" or "muslims" or "military industrial complex" or whatever that guy represents as an excuse dead at the bottom? He was in the previous picture I posted chopping the twin towers with his sword, and in the same pic also taking the blame for killing many more people who haven't died yet in that photo, in case you didn't get it. The dying people in that photo weren't in the tower, they were outside of the entire immediate area of the towers. These aren't just pretty pictures they are telling a story, a story that in many ways has already happened, is currently happening and also what hasn't happened yet. One glance at this and you should see it represents a "new world order". Yet it is in a government building not something on a conspiracy theory website, and yet you still claim there is no such thing as a new world order or conspiracy?
Again, no idea what you are talking about. You want me to back up my claim that I worked the oh, so glamorous life of a DNA/HLA lab technician? Can't do that my friend. You probably wouldn't accept my proof anyways, and say it was fabricated or whatever. What would you have me say? Seriously bro. You are really reaching here. It's getting a little pathetic. :-(

How do you suppose some mural at an airport is proof of anything? Do governments go around painting murals that give away the secret, conspiratorial nature of their existence as well as their designs on world domination or whatever it is "they" are up to? If you want to have any hope of convincing more rational minded folk than yourself, you are gonna have to come up with something a little more concrete than airport murals and youtube videos. ;-)
i believe that all governments are corrupt in some way or another i also believe 911 was done by the government, as well as JFK's assaination
USA was a country that propered over war factory started workin etc people had jobs when it was war time one JFK started to implement no wars he was taken out plain and simple.
is there life on other planets I believe so common with such a vast universe you think were the only ones ???
have they made contact im sure we have will we ever know prob not

one just has to look at the wiki leaks and read ????? why does usa want him so bad ??? theres alot more shit going on under our noses then one might think
Guees what, THE TERRORIST HAVE DECLARED WAR ON Granny OBAMA grand MAMA - You guys really believe this crap? lmao


the song they wrote bout granny obama mamma: (This CD was found in a bronco the DNA WAS A MATCH FOR AL QAEDA TRUST ME IT MATCHED BIGTIME)

They also confiscated from a hashish pipe this sample of high grade nasa level hydrponics , a street value of over 6,000$ - it was smugled in the rectum -


in other news TSA is now doing mandatory full body cavity searches due to the orange level threat and the drugs found in the bronco.

Meanwhile back at the layer the super best friends make their next plan of attack after a consult with the easter bunny.


A Battle in THE FIGHT FOR JUSTICE takes place on a stary night!

After taking out the joker the guys decide to have a little fun:



Let's see if I can make some sense of this...

Its more laughable that "you buy what they say hook, line, and sinker"
No, I don't...but I'm thinkin' YOU do...btw..who the Hell is this "they"?.....oh, do you mean that faceless lot who guard and KEEP the "Dirty Little Secrets"?...nah...they aren't talking .....:roll:
"you buy into the recent elementary school demonizing of conspiracy theorist,"
Sorry, couldn't be more wrong........Never heard of it!...Must be one of the minor "gems" from the "C.T.'s" treasure chest.....But you were saying.......
There is many things proven true that at one time or another were seen as conspiracy theories...The earth is round, NO it's NOT....it's flat!..that "roundness" BS, is one C.T that I will "buy" into..... "the golf of tonkin"...I'll leave that one for Tiger Woods and his associates to work out... was staged, Nero burned rome, ruwanda, "idk"... Well.. there it is..idk...I believe that is "I don't know" from text-speak..and I fully concur with "3 letter" admission... "look at history really, it repeats itself over and over and over."..Hey, now that's unique and brilliant! May I quote you?

Putting stock into "BIG SECRETS" is one thing but looking at the facts and "drawing rational or irrational" That's the problem, you're way into the later and missing the former entirely..conclusions/assumptions/predictions is another thing.

"No its really cute how you guys buy into the demonization of conspiracy theorist like it a religion, how childish, you going to beat him up and take his lunch money next?" Well gee...no...now I feel bad....but I can make it up....tomorrow I'll take some poor C.T to lunch....the entertainment would be worth the price........y'all have a good evening...gotta go mug a C.T...buahahahahahaha
i believe that all governments are corrupt in some way or another i also believe 911 was done by the government, as well as JFK's assaination
USA was a country that propered over war factory started workin etc people had jobs when it was war time one JFK started to implement no wars he was taken out plain and simple.
is there life on other planets I believe so common with such a vast universe you think were the only ones ???
have they made contact im sure we have will we ever know prob not

one just has to look at the wiki leaks and read ????? why does usa want him so bad ??? theres alot more shit going on under our noses then one might think

Quick Alice! here's your mushroom's.....the rabbit hole is over there....GO
... sb510...

how was the food safety modernization act part of the nefarious kabal of which you speak?

another member on this board, who, it should be noted, has a much better grasp on reality than yourself, predicted that this would be 'the first step towards complete corporate takeover of the food supply'. others predicted that backyard gardens would be illegal and farmer markets would cease to exist.

guess what? my backyard garden is getting into full swing and i just bought a whole bunch of starts at the farmer market today. my wife bought a whole bunch of locally grown food.

end point: the sky didn't fall. but conspiracist HACKS like yourself will never admit it.

...FEMA camps...

i would hope that the federal emergency management agency would take precautions to prepare themselves to manage an emergency.

i guess you would prefer rotting corpses be left to spread diseases.

difference of opinion, i suppose.

i say tomato, you say the government has implanted an rfid chip in your skull and puts stickers on your mailbox to mark the utility of households for when the government uses haarp to cause an earthquake and ensuing tsunami which somehow travels over 3,000 foot mountain ranges and over 60 miles inland to flood out the residents.

you REALLY need to seek professional help.

believing in conspiracies is one thing, i do that. i know there is no way the official account of 9/11 is realistic, but i do not jump off a cliff like you do.

end point: SEEK HELP
well put UncleBuck, great job pointing out the actual flaws with the career conspiracy theorist in an intelligent way, I do study conspiracy theories myself and believe much of them could be true or have been proven true but the thing that drives me nuts about people like Alex Jones couldn't have been worded better than you wrote above. Lets take this OBL as an example since its the thread topic, in the alex jones video I posted previously in this thread he takes the fake picture which was instantly discredited, he takes this and just runs with it, never does he admit that it was proven false. It is all about sensationalism with this guy and its really sort of deceitful, but he does bring A LOT of things to my attention and the attention of others I think.

The other day he was saying that data can travel through lightbulbs which are able to turn on your computer or some shit? LMAO
Dude I already explained to you and will again that I wanted to hear you back up your claim of your experience in DNA testing with your words.

You are the one who couldn't back up what you said and sent me off to websites. There is no point in me wasting my time looking at links you gave me, that doesn't support your claim of any knowlege that just shows you know how to use a web search.

You ignore the fact of those murals, what do they look like to you just your average paintings with nothing to say?

I didn't paint them, they are not "my ideas" or my imagination. This one shows all countries including us giving up our sovereignty and weapons and putting authority over the whole world into the hands of one person or group with one new big weapon to trump all others.
Does that sound like a good idea? Notice the figurative "osama" or "muslims" or "military industrial complex" or whatever that guy represents as an excuse dead at the bottom? He was in the previous picture I posted chopping the twin towers with his sword, and in the same pic also taking the blame for killing many more people who haven't died yet in that photo, in case you didn't get it. The dying people in that photo weren't in the tower, they were outside of the entire immediate area of the towers. These aren't just pretty pictures they are telling a story, a story that in many ways has already happened, is currently happening and also what hasn't happened yet. One glance at this and you should see it represents a "new world order". Yet it is in a government building not something on a conspiracy theory website, and yet you still claim there is no such thing as a new world order or conspiracy?

Well let's look at the "Mural".........Hmmm.....appears to be a large assembly of CHILDREN, bearing symbolic weaponry, wrapped in their individual Nations colors......One child seems to be hammering a sword...kind of like "beating swords into plowshares"...seems I've heard that somewhere before.....I don't see flags in the scrapheap....So I guess WHAT these little kids are appealing for is a little PEACE...The little buggers are sick and tired of bombs and rockets raining down on them........yep, a bit of world peace for EACH nation on earth...stupid kids.
If there is one thing I learned from my art classes its that there is no wrong way to interpret art. I do see it as representing world peace, dead at the bottom is the warrior.
well put UncleBuck, great job pointing out the actual flaws with the career conspiracy theorist in an intelligent way, I do study conspiracy theories myself and believe much of them could be true or have been proven true but the thing that drives me nuts about people like Alex Jones couldn't have been worded better than you wrote above. Lets take this OBL as an example since its the thread topic, in the alex jones video I posted previously in this thread he takes the fake picture which was instantly discredited, he takes this and just runs with it, never does he admit that it was proven false. It is all about sensationalism with this guy and its really sort of deceitful, but he does bring A LOT of things to my attention and the attention of others I think.

The other day he was saying that data can travel through lightbulbs which are able to turn on your computer or some shit? LMAO

well thanks for the kind words.

there is a lot of evidence to point to a conspiracist interpretation of a lot of events.

the reason why i don't embrace them fully is because no coherent, competing alternative theory is there to explain things...at least not on replete with evidence and verifiable, factual evidence (in most cases).

i proceed by holding a healthy amount of skepticism about the intentions of not only our government, but the conspiracy nuts like alex jones who profit by breeding cynicism and discontent.

in other words, i don't even know what to believe anymore. but it sure as shit ain't the tin foil hat shit that oregonmeds espouses.
"in other words, i don't even know what to believe anymore. but it sure as shit ain't the tin foil hat shit that oregonmeds espouses."

The tinfoil hat shit you attribute to me doesn't come from me, I didn't make any of this stuff up. Let me remind you once again that all this info comes from senate bills, physical government installations, presidential bullshit and that the murals are in a government building. You should direct your tinfoil hat shit coments at the people doing the tinfoil hat batshit crazy acts or those who ordered the tinfoil hat murals. Which is all from our government, not any of it is from or created by me.
The tinfoil hat shit ... comes from senate bills...

then please show me what part of sb510, aka the food safety modernization act, is "tin foil hat bullshit"

please be concise, rather than do what most mentally unstable conspiracy theorists do by posting a link to the bill and urging me to simply look at it. i mean, would you just look at that!

...physical government installations

please point out verifiable physical evidence of where these vaguely cited "government installations" are and what purposes they serve.

are you denying that the managers of federal emergencies should be prepared for a federal emergency?

...presidential bullshit...

again, you are numbingly specific and immune to appeals to emotion. :roll:

give me specifics!

You should direct your tinfoil hat shit coments at the people doing the tinfoil hat batshit crazy acts or those who ordered the tinfoil hat murals. Which is all from our government, not any of it is from or created by me.

wow, you finally got specific in that you did not create that mural.


now get specific again and tell me how this mural at an airport will inevitably entail collapse into this nefarious "NWO" of which your type seems to speak.
That is the problem with all this new legislation, you ask me to look it up and point to one simple thing, and that's just not possible. It's the whole thing in it's entirety. It's intentionally vague and overly complicated and puts all food production even individuals home gardens with nothing for sale under the authority of DHS and the DoD.

So here you go, read it yourself and just see if you could possibly ever comply. If you claim your own home garden which you don't sell food from would be exempt, please show me where that is. You would think it would be easy to find such an exemption and somewhere obvious wouldn't you?

Please I'd love to know...

Here is a fema facility you can look at it yourself. It's an abandoned amtrak facility in indiana, notice the barbed wire turned inwards, 3 layer deep fencing, and uber usecurity gates, and the security tower, and the black helicopter buzzing overhead while this dangerous dangerous woman video's the thing:

We'll get into more old stuff you want me to waste my time explaining to you after I figure out some of the latest stuff, like how Indiana just shit on the 4th amendment statewide.

Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer's entry.
"We believe … a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence," David said. "We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest."

The idiot Judge David continued:
David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.
Oh, how kind of the idiot Judge David to maintain that a citizen still has a right to his day in court following his unlawful arrest from an unlawful entry by the police into his home. What a guy. I'm so glad he doesn't want to destroy ALL our civil rights in one fell swoop. Maybe Judge David won't try to get rid of that silly "day in court" thingy until next year. Then we can go full-on Gestapo.