what a fuck up, had no choice but to get all the plants out to back of apt complex lined up over a 100 plants at the back of ground floor apt.
coming back in with black bag used to cover plants stinking of weed, approched by 3 drunken aggressive travellers (gypsy's) u ever see brad pitt in Snatch yep those kind of pikey's,
one with blood on his shirt, hey leave us into the building they wanted to go up to my fucking apt to see where their fucking pikey cousin fell out of the window onto the spikes below.
Foot jammed in the door, hey whats that, smell of weed whats in the bag give us some weed, fuck that after a bit of pushing an shoveing got door closed the boys fucked off.
Now they are suspicious that there is weed being grown in the building.
Ya could'nt make this shit up if you tried, and i still have four plants in apt