What the Am I Gonna Do with All These Plants ?


Active Member
by the time i get to storage place might still be open but will never have time to store and transport plants also can't start moving plants till its dark less chance of being seen,do you think by fucking up the light cycles and leaving them outdorrs over nite will be a major problem or be fine ?


What other option do you have? A brief divergence from the light cycle isn't going to harm anything.

If these plants aren't too big I would get several of the largest rubber-maid containers or refrigerator\large appliance boxes as I could to load them into.


Active Member
by the time i get to storage place might still be open but will never have time to store and transport plants also can't start moving plants till its dark less chance of being seen,do you think by fucking up the light cycles and leaving them outdorrs over nite will be a major problem or be fine ?
Buy the storage unit. Go get some boxes. Go home. Put them in boxes. Take them out of your house (doesn't matter now, they are in boxes), put them in the storage unit, take boxes off, set aside so you can use them in the morning. Take back in the next day. Close out storage unit. Done.


Active Member
What other option do you have? A brief divergence from the light cycle isn't going to harm anything.

If these plants aren't too big I would get several of the largest rubber-maid containers or refrigerator\large appliance boxes as I could to load them into.
my options are hide all the plants in the woods 5miles away probaly 10 trips back and forth, keep the smaller plants in boxes in my car, chop some early an store in boxes in car and destroy the rest which i really dont wanna do or try convince a buddy to store em overnite.

I gotta get my ass in gear and get moving stay tuned


Active Member
Buy the storage unit. Go get some boxes. Go home. Put them in boxes. Take them out of your house (doesn't matter now, they are in boxes), put them in the storage unit, take boxes off, set aside so you can use them in the morning. Take back in the next day. Close out storage unit. Done.
i wish it was that easy man, there's not alot if any storage places open now


Active Member
i wish it was that easy man, there's not alot if any storage places open now
When there's a will there's a way.

But yeah, this does sound like a pretty hairy situation. You live near your parents? If they do just go to place and hide them on their property. Sounds like a shitty idea morally but you gotta do what you gotta do.

It's not trespassing + you can just put them there and easily get them the next day. No hikes.


Active Member
what a fuck up, had no choice but to get all the plants out to back of apt complex lined up over a 100 plants at the back of ground floor apt.
coming back in with black bag used to cover plants stinking of weed, approched by 3 drunken aggressive travellers (gypsy's) u ever see brad pitt in Snatch yep those kind of pikey's,
one with blood on his shirt, hey leave us into the building they wanted to go up to my fucking apt to see where their fucking pikey cousin fell out of the window onto the spikes below.
Foot jammed in the door, hey whats that, smell of weed whats in the bag give us some weed, fuck that after a bit of pushing an shoveing got door closed the boys fucked off.
Now they are suspicious that there is weed being grown in the building.

Ya could'nt make this shit up if you tried, and i still have four plants in apt


LOL going through the same thing,rental management handymen inspected the eves of the house last thursday with a 24 hour notice before showing up to inspect the outside, now they've shown up twice today with out 24 hour notice,all tools in hand and will need access to the garage where grow is at. Lucky i heard them both time's and stayed quiet and has yet to leave a notice. Light cycle is on from 7pm till 7am on first week of flowering and thank god i bought a tent and at 7:00am tommorrow everything gets torn down and packed into a spare bedroom. Nothing like being a prisoner hideing in own your rental home, just past 6pm and i think i'm safe for the night. Bright and early tommorrow it's going to get real on edge for the next 24 hours, hopefully their in and out early


Active Member
ahh its bullshit man stressing me out i need joint, u should refuse them entry fuck that just turning up on your doorstep


ya i just freaked out and hid, lived here 3 years and never seen or heard from the rental manager once thank god she has over 130+ house's and about 20 commercial building to look over in the 100 mile radius. Try my hand at a indoor grow with a CA 215 recommendation from the doc and now they want to fix the rot damage. Nothing like a 43 yr old vet hiding from handymen like a scared child. LMFAO


Breakdown took only 45 mins and will allow me to do things different that i was going to implement on my next grow. Bleach inside of tent, change out air intake/exhaust hose for lighter and more bendable one's, fasten ballast, power strips and all other goodie's to a removable 3/4 ply board. Still waiting for them to show up and i think i'll lodge a complaint with the LL about prior 24hr notice not being given.