Dr Greenthumbs G13

]Brick Top is super annoying !!!

So are people who seem, going by their join date and post count, to hardly if ever say anything, which means they almost never, if ever, help anyone here, but then they do feel the right time to post is when you feel the urge to slam someone and the right thing to say is to say something like you said.

Almost two years as a member and you have 76 posts. You could hardly have helped anyone at all in that amount of time and with that few posts. Start a new thread with the title asking who I have helped and see what the results are.

Of course there is always the distinct possibility that you do not help people because you do not know enough to help people and not that you do know enough to help people but are just unwilling to help them.

There is always another distinct possibility that you have more than one account and keep "digging" just to slam someone with so you can do it without letting people know who is really doing it.
I decided I would shoot dogless a pm and low and behold I got some answers.

And what are they? What did he say?

He PM'd me saying he would answer my questions in PMs rather than in an open forum, so I asked him a few pertinent questions and he has yet to reply.

05-12-2011, 09:40 PM

Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 14

Hello Mr Bricktop,
I am writing in reference to the Dr Greenthumb G13 thread. I can see you are quite skeptical about the strain and I cant blame you I would be too.
I am willing to answer whatever questions you may have on the subject. I would rather go into any details in p.m.'s rather than over a public forum.
Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Take care,
So four days ago I asked him several questions and have not heard back from him. Possibly he has been too busy to reply and possibly because after politely asking him a few pointed questions that would require true knowledge of some of what has been claimed about the G13 that is said to still exist and how they would require a detailed response I decided to close the PM with some levity and asked a few unrelated questions and maybe because of the intended jokes he believes I am a loon and not worthy of a response... but either way he contacted me, he offered to answer my questions, I asked questions and I have not received any answers as of yet.

Maybe there will be some answers by tonight or by tomorrow .... maybe ... but there have been none so far.
he did say if I had any additional ?'s to pm him before this past saturday since he wouldnt be back online till the july 4th holiday.I had a very pleasant exchange of pms.all i can say is I will no longer be bashing greenthumb
That would be partially correct, at least if it turns out that the strain that Dr. Greenthumb named and marketed as being the genetically pure original G13 is just that and not a hybrid as it seems far more likely to be. If it turns out to be what it most likely is, a hybrid, than you can purchase any number of G13 hybrids that they, or the G13 in them, did originally come from hybrids created by Nevil, and you can purchase them much cheaper and in regular seeds so you remove a large percentage of the risk of going through hermie Hell like you risk with any feminized seed.

And even if it is the original, the reason I said what you said would be only partially correct is the main reason for Dr. Greenthumb to release it would be profit and profit alone. It would not at all be like he would do it just because he is some magnanimous munificent human being who only or mainly wanted the tokers of the world to have the chance to grow and smoke true G13 and since no one else had his incredible generosity caused him to provide a product that no one else is providing.

Plus if he were positive it is genetically pure G13 he would not have said he gave that to the name of what he purchased or that only time will tell if it is the real deal or not and if it turns out to not be real he will change the name. Instead he would flat out say it is real true original genetically pure G13, period, thee end .. and he would stick with that and stand by that and not basically say maybe it is and maybe it isn't and it it turns out not to be he will rename it.

Well, BT is banned and not coming back supposedly but I'll answer this anyways. What I meant was, you can't get G13 in pure form from Mr Nice and if you could, I doubt DrGT would even bother releasing it as it would no way be lucrative enough to make it worth doing. Yes profit is his motivation, everybody needs money, and because as he said, whatever it is he wanted his customers to have this huge yeilding plant.
Hey dude, just a quick note to let you know that I'm done with RIU. The new hired guns (nazi's) have pushed me over the edge & that ain't what I was here for.
FYI, an ass load of veteran members have bolted over to riddlem3.com including myself.
Check if out if you like - hope to see you there.
Peace my friends.

Many Many of my fiends are leaving.
Im as nice as I can fuckn be here?
They censor ME/Us?
An ban us for our opinoins?
Fuck this site.
Ill keep up My Drgt Journal for him as agreed.
But Im about done with RIU.

Where are yall going if leaving RIU?

Hope Riddleme lets me journal DrGt Chemo x Iranian over there..........................
Hey dude, just a quick note to let you know that I'm done with RIU. The new hired guns (nazi's) have pushed me over the edge & that ain't what I was here for.
FYI, an ass load of veteran members have bolted over to riddlem3.com including myself.
Check if out if you like - hope to see you there.
Peace my friends.

Many Many of my fiends are leaving.
Im as nice as I can fuckn be here?
They censor ME/Us?
An ban us for our opinoins?
Fuck this site.
Ill keep up My Drgt Journal for him as agreed.
But Im about done with RIU.

Where are yall going if leaving RIU?

Hope Riddleme lets me journal DrGt Chemo x Iranian over there..........................

you are now being banned for "recruiting" members to other sites. it's against the TOU and YOU brought it on yourself with this post. the blame is in your hands, my friend. good luck and happy growing.
Back on topic, I still give a shit if this strain is real or not. Hopefully we get Neville's update one way or another by October, IMO, he has the final word.
It's looking more and more like some people might have had the clone but worked it to keep it from dying, so more evidence that Greenthumb doesn't have the original clone but a worked version. Dogless said he was going to answer questions in PM's but he never did.
i am brand new here. if anyone is interested, you can follow my g13 feminized grow in the journal forum. seed was germinated 6 days ago. any help would be awesome thx