Brick Top
New Member
]Brick Top is super annoying !!!
So are people who seem, going by their join date and post count, to hardly if ever say anything, which means they almost never, if ever, help anyone here, but then they do feel the right time to post is when you feel the urge to slam someone and the right thing to say is to say something like you said.
Almost two years as a member and you have 76 posts. You could hardly have helped anyone at all in that amount of time and with that few posts. Start a new thread with the title asking who I have helped and see what the results are.
Of course there is always the distinct possibility that you do not help people because you do not know enough to help people and not that you do know enough to help people but are just unwilling to help them.
There is always another distinct possibility that you have more than one account and keep "digging" just to slam someone with so you can do it without letting people know who is really doing it.