Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Well-Known Member
it looks good but i sort of rootlocked them i think, they smell grassy and ive seen that before, its curing now but i know what i did wrong wont happen again,lol, either way your plants make my diablo look like pistel in a grow house,lol..haha...good luck, my 4 pack im having goin now will do good...
When my shit smells grassy it's because I didn't let 'em dry enough before putting them in jars. Last grow I did that. OG's are tricky. They're trickier to grow, trickier to harvest at right time, and trickier to cure. It was a Platinum OG and they seemed deceptively dry after about a week. I jarred them and they smelled like out of this world. When I went to burp the next day, GRASSY! I freaked and dumped them all out of the jars. After they were really dry, I jarred them again and there was nothing left but the heaven smell.

No matter how long you flush, you can't get all of the stored chlorophyll out of the bud. If you don't let those traces dry thoroughly, that smell will sweat through the buds and you're fucked.

Oh, and when curing OG, it is absolutely essential that they are kept out of light and in total darkness... especially in first two weeks of cure. They're ultra photosensitive and the trich color and aroma can degrade quickly if left in light.

Anyway, let me know if that grassy smell goes away. I'm hoping it will get better with time.


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies and germs, these plants are out of control. They are literally coming out of the box now with the weight of the buds when I open the doors, so I had to change the direction of the second tie on one of the main stalks to tie it back into the box...actually no, correction, it's not the main stalk but a lower branch of one of the plants that grew into a second main stalk. It's the strongest kola in the bunch, and it's one of the lowest branches on plant 1 (see pic one), ah training. (incredible, this is just one day of bulk nutes). The lower branches are sagging already with the fast weight gain of the buds, requiring a tie-up, while the bigger stalks require a tie down (or back). Shuffling around in that forest, I got a good feel for the weight of some of the main kolas. Heavy as fuck already and I'm not even finished with week four?

Uh, yeah. These plants are starting to scare me a little.



Well-Known Member
Those are gonna be some big buds!! Looking very nice in here.
I love the new girl. Shes a hottie..
Makes you wonder how they found them to delete them. Hrmmm... :finger:


Well-Known Member
Those are gonna be some big buds!! Looking very nice in here.
I love the new girl. Shes a hottie..
Makes you wonder how they found them to delete them. Hrmmm... :finger:
Ha ha. I like you, Blu. In fact I'm gonna dedicate this grow to you.


Active Member
Despite the fact that I haven't posted, I've been following. Sucks that they took your girl pics away. Funny though that they don't seem to mind the avatar. I like the fact that it changes so often. It's like they're posing for me :wink:

Those big girls you got growing there are looking mighty monstrous! I wish mine were growing as fast as yours are.... actually that would probably be bad for me. I am very limited on space, LOL! But I have to say I'm impressed with your results thus far!

I'm curious as to what kind of tools you use for checking your ppm's, ph etc. I'd like to invest in some quality tools, but it's hard to distinguish the crap from the good stuff. So what do you use? Are you happy with it? Now that I'm using a bubble cloner I'm fretting about these things which I cannot check!


Well-Known Member
Despite the fact that I haven't posted, I've been following. Sucks that they took your girl pics away. Funny though that they don't seem to mind the avatar. I like the fact that it changes so often. It's like they're posing for me :wink:

Those big girls you got growing there are looking mighty monstrous! I wish mine were growing as fast as yours are.... actually that would probably be bad for me. I am very limited on space, LOL! But I have to say I'm impressed with your results thus far!

I'm curious as to what kind of tools you use for checking your ppm's, ph etc. I'd like to invest in some quality tools, but it's hard to distinguish the crap from the good stuff. So what do you use? Are you happy with it? Now that I'm using a bubble cloner I'm fretting about these things which I cannot check!
Oh, HI! I was wondering where my favorite cabinet sorceress was. Yeah, it does suck about the girly pix being taken down, but I knew it was coming since they were quite suggestive...I was just hoping maybe they would stay up for a few days more, tho. I think they allow it in my avatar because the actual image displayed is quite small... and none of the photos I've been using depict any real nudity.

I have a 24/7 dedicated tri-meter monitoring my res. I forget the brand name, but I'll look at mine later and look it up on the internet (can't take a picture of it right now because it's hidden behind a stand of branches -- can barely read the sucker let alone photograph it). The thing is designed and marketed for serious growers. All the pros in the big ops, you will see that light blue box with the three digital readout windows. Consequently it's not cheap. set you back about 300.00. The cheaper alternative is the hand-held pen variety of meters. These are a good less expensive alternative, but I gotta tell yah, the difference between glancing at the mounted readout of the trimeter versus dipping and holding a pen device into your water every time you want to check... well, you get the idea. As for the pens, which is probably the route you want to go for a starter, they're all pretty good and functional. Just stay away from extraordinarily cheaply priced products... You do, after all, get what you pay for.

I can already tell that your obsessive growing mind is latching onto hydro. Ha! Just be sure to let me know in detail what you got going with that cloner. In addition to offering my point of view, I just want to see what you're doing. Your plants are doing great. You may not develop as fast as me, but you can take your time and really baby them since out-of-control size is not an issue with you. This probably results in really fine, picture perfect buds... quality over massive quantity? That works.

But again, my system is a freakish engine. I want to issue a caveat to any beginners looking at my journal that they should NOT expect results like this. They'll only be disappointed if they do. Lol.

Oh, and if any newbs should look at your journal thinking it will be easy to get something as good as your grow by clipping a few fluoros over a flower pot, they got another thing coming again! Lol.


Well-Known Member
It's my goal to smoke as may different OG Kush strains as possible before I croak the big one. There's a local place I know that specializes in OG and they just lowered their prices...woo hoo.

I'm playing hooky from work today...hee hee. I just took a hit of the OG Reserve. It's hard to describe what I'm feeling right now, so I'll just say I'm heavily medicated. Good thing I don't plan to operate heavy machinery any time soon. But does my grow box count? Lol.



Active Member
Monster making machines aren't considered heavy machinery... I think. Unless you're planning on changing water or something, which I wouldn't recommend, lol. Dang! I had a feeling you'd have some sort of fancy tools outside of my price range :-P (only judging by your other fancy machine... lazy fuckin stoner! lol)

I don't want to do pictures right now... call me lazy! bongsmilie But, currently we're running a 30-40 gallon air pump in a foot long airstone. That is inside a sterlite shoebox storage bin. We have 1 inch holes drilled in the top and used a foam gardening pad to make pacman shaped holes to hold our clones stalks. All of the stalks are less than 1/4 inch or so in the water. I read a few things that said that barely in the water was best, so that's what I did.

But I'm experiencing some drooping in a few of the experimental subjects. Others are yellowing and starting to root so I'm not sure I understand why a few are droopy :-( Unfortunately I can't find my ph meter (which is killing me! Curse the bloody thing!) so I don't know if my ph is maybe off. I have high ph water here (about ph 8.5 - 9) and treat it anytime I water. I gave this extra to try to get it down to the 5.5 or so magic number but without a way to test, I'm only guessing (I know it's terrible to guess). My biggest question is, do I want to add anything to the water for nutes? or should ph'd tap water be okay?

Sorry to clog you're journal up with questions, at least this will get you back to the top! ;-)

Totally digging some Afghooey that was delivered today. :eyesmoke: Great stuff for pain! and fun to grow! She's a gem!


Well-Known Member
Ha ha. I like you, Blu. In fact I'm gonna dedicate this grow to you.
Thanks! That mean I get some bud too? Lol Jk!
I am planning on getting a tri-meter myself. I found them on eBay for $125-$300.
Will definitely be worth it to not have to take a cup of water out each time to check my stuff


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That mean I get some bud too? Lol Jk!
I am planning on getting a tri-meter myself. I found them on eBay for $125-$300.
Will definitely be worth it to not have to take a cup of water out each time to check my stuff
Yeah, I wish there was a way we could do like a bowl swap at least, but I don't think the site moderators have that in mind.
I think a tri-meter is a sure indication that you're getting serious. After I let two ph pens dry out by accident, I stopped messin' with those.


Well-Known Member
Nah they prob wouldn't like that too much.
I just like to have good quality stuff to make the grow easier and better.


Well-Known Member
Monster making machines aren't considered heavy machinery... I think. Unless you're planning on changing water or something, which I wouldn't recommend, lol. Dang! I had a feeling you'd have some sort of fancy tools outside of my price range :-P (only judging by your other fancy machine... lazy fuckin stoner! lol)

I don't want to do pictures right now... call me lazy! bongsmilie But, currently we're running a 30-40 gallon air pump in a foot long airstone. That is inside a sterlite shoebox storage bin. We have 1 inch holes drilled in the top and used a foam gardening pad to make pacman shaped holes to hold our clones stalks. All of the stalks are less than 1/4 inch or so in the water. I read a few things that said that barely in the water was best, so that's what I did.

But I'm experiencing some drooping in a few of the experimental subjects. Others are yellowing and starting to root so I'm not sure I understand why a few are droopy :-( Unfortunately I can't find my ph meter (which is killing me! Curse the bloody thing!) so I don't know if my ph is maybe off. I have high ph water here (about ph 8.5 - 9) and treat it anytime I water. I gave this extra to try to get it down to the 5.5 or so magic number but without a way to test, I'm only guessing (I know it's terrible to guess). My biggest question is, do I want to add anything to the water for nutes? or should ph'd tap water be okay?

Sorry to clog you're journal up with questions, at least this will get you back to the top! ;-)

Totally digging some Afghooey that was delivered today. :eyesmoke: Great stuff for pain! and fun to grow! She's a gem!
So we got an Afghooer, huh? It's funny. Two of my favorite shops are walking distance from me so I usually stroll to either place. On my way there this morning I saw a HUGE empty prescription bottle someone left on a park bench. Sure enough, Afghooey Rx. Ha ha.

Am not messing with any pumps or water changes tonite, so I smoked another bowl. bongsmilie (making ample use of bong smoking emoticon). I would say yes, you absolutely MUST know EXACTLY what the ph of your fluid is at all times. You can attribute your leaf droop or any other weird indicator to that. The default ph of your water is way high and when you're getting the stems from the cuttings to react with the root catalyst, everything must be just so. If I were cloning (which I myself rarely do but know experts), I would make sure 1) the water is bubbling -you're covered on that. 2) the water is pure as possible with a ph of 5.5. 3) the water is a mild temp about 70f. 4) the cuttings are covered with a plastic dome with one of those vent sliders, getting foliar fed occasionally... or if not, some other way of keeping very high humidity. Not gonna mention the light, cuz you know about that already. Other than that, I can't think of much else. I wouldn't introduce nutrient until you're sure they're rooted and gonna make it. and if so, very very mild, like almost next to nothing 100-300ppm (depending on purity of your water.


Well-Known Member

Look mods! She's wearing something this time! You can't possibly have a problem with this? I mean really, this is beautiful, SHE is beautiful, don't you think? And I do believe my choice in images this time is much, much tamer. I want to make it sort of a calendar girl thing since I am maintaining a true daily journal?

Oh, yeah... the plants. There's just a weeee bit of tiny brown spots from nute burn. I'm pushing them to the limit. The ppms I'm running right now would have burned my past grows to a crisp.



Well-Known Member
Am I right that this all began as only 2 plants? I'm in awe of the volume of bud that you've gotten out of them. I really need to figure out how to do it myself someday, especially growing so many huge colas like you have. Does it have something to do with the way that you bent them over and staked them down early on? Or was it early topping? Something else? If you tell me, I'll keep it a secret... honest! ;-)


Well-Known Member

Second update of the day. It really seems like they change from lights on to about five hours into the light period. Here are my babies in all their glory.


Well-Known Member
Am I right that this all began as only 2 plants? I'm in awe of the volume of bud that you've gotten out of them. I really need to figure out how to do it myself someday, especially growing so many huge colas like you have. Does it have something to do with the way that you bent them over and staked them down early on? Or was it early topping? Something else? If you tell me, I'll keep it a secret... honest! ;-)
Yessir, two plants. That's the first thing people say when they see my cab in late flower. "I wouldn't have believed they were only two plants without just the two main tree trunks to prove it." I take that as a grand compliment from growers and just plain ol' pot-heads alike. But from a grower it's all the sweeter of course.

To tell all truth, when I read other journals and there are people intensely discussing fimming, topping, super-cropping, I'm not even sure what they're talking about. You saw what I did, bro. On the very first page of my journal, you'll see the ties I made in early clone re-veg. I didn't change or add much. I just let them develop in that posture and they stayed low as hell. When they really got their wheels spinning in the initial stretch phase of flower, I added one more tie to each of the main tops to pry the plants open more, allowing the inner branches to spread. Aside from some minor ties I added last night to pull some sagging lower branches up, It's not a complicated train at all.

I'm spoiled, really, by the power I've engineered into my system. First, nothing dies in there unless I cull it. And second, plants grow so rapidly and vigorously in there, I've come to think of it as "angry growth." It's really all I can do to keep plants from exploding into outer-space in that cab. Tying is just a desperate attempt to keep them away from the blazing hot light, it just happens to result in multiple kolas too (lucky me).

And lastly, I'm gonna give it up to the pheno. These clones came from a highly engineered mother. I have the name and number of the club manager who I got them from. I'm not gonna lose that info. Hot damn.


Just to give you and anyone reading this an idea, once the roots start poking out of the net pot and the first few strands dip into the surface of that bubbling cauldron, you can forget about it. I would duct-tape the fuckin' things down onto the surface of the tub if I could. There's no such thing as too low when it comes to a monster root system. When a root system gets monster, you could haphazardly chop branches and it will replace itself with two, three or four...I guess that's what they mean by some of those cutting techniques I've read discussed here and elsewhere. But that's because a setup like this is so crazy. I have mutant vigor, so I don't really have time or reason to cut or chop tops because usually there are so many, I don't see a need for forced multiplication. -- and again, they grow so fast, I don't even have time to think about it.

I had to do that severe 'pinching' technique last time in a last ditch attempt to keep the buds from burning due to the out of control sativa growth. More than pinching, these branches were pretty thick and woody like bamboo already, so I had to snap, snap, snap, snap, and snap. It was painful as you can imagine. When the branches are woody already, it's not bending, it's breaking. There was clear sap oozing from the breaks everywhere. When I was finished, it looked like Yogi Bear took a squat in the middle of my grow. But the roots were unimaginably huge at that point and drinking at an incredible rate. The plants just laughed off the damage, healed themselves at the breaks and turned semi-upright again. And the broken branches seemed to get angry because the top buds chunked up even thicker on the broken ones that had to heal themselves. Frightening.

Once I had this strange dream that the plants were so out of control that they were growing out of the box like alien vines all over the walls of my apartment. Hey, don't tell me you don't dream about your grows... when you can remember them, of course.