1st Grow, CFL Bagseed in Dresser


Active Member
thanks guys, appreciate it. after looking at her last night and this morning I decided it is time to chop her down soon. I am going to put her into 48 hour darkness and come Monday it's harvest time :) I can't believe the day is almost here!


Active Member
Today is the day guys! Gonna give her the ol' chop chop and hang her up. Listening to "harvest time" by tribal seeds today so that she understands it's a positive thing she's doing for the world (me :) ).

Let me explain why I am harvesting today. When I left for my mini trip with the old lady I gave her a good flushing and made sure she was all set up for the weekend. I then had to spend the week at my parents house sitting for them and watching their dog. I came and checked on her once during the week to water her. At the end of the week when I got home...I got worried. My timer decided to shit out and the lights were on ALL week, my fan even turned off the last dew days so a couple tops of the buds got burnt some.

I decided to put her into her darkness instead of trying to adjust her back to 12/12 and shock her more, just so I could wait to harvest next week. So today is the day. Not yet though...let's make a deal and price is right is on so when these are over I'll start taking pictures and updating you guys on the chop.


Active Member

just a couple of her branches for you guys. this trimming stuff sucks haha, good thing my girl isn't that big, I would hate to have to do a big ass plant or more! haha


Active Member
Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words :) well, that's that for her, all harvested up now. Trimming is a bitch but it was fun, I was even done in time for 4:20...didn't plan it or anything so I am taking that as a positive sign from her, letting me be done in time to smoke for 4:20 haha.

Don't know her wet weight, haven't got myself a scale yet, but I will be sure to get one ASAP (kinda low on money too :-()

Pictures are just of her different branches and then them hanging up. Also threw in a shot of her roots before I broke them apart and got rid of the dirt and all that. My whole house smells of lemony skunk right now haha, and I got myself a good sized bag of trim to use with my shake to get some cannabutter :roll: Hope you enjoy the pics bongsmilie


bill johnson

if it was good for your set up then you should reveg and take clones from it, then you can keep a mom going indefinitly and get a PERPETUALGROW going....

bill johnson

if you take a small bud and put it in a paper towel and slip it into the hollow area on a cfl it will usually do a good job of drying it just so you can get a sample...


Active Member
Thanks man, appreciate the advice. Already tore up the roots and main stalk so no chance in re-vegging her now. I do have a clone of hers going right now so I'm letting that veg out past it's shock right now. I have been thinking about a perpetual grow but for now I gotta put growing more than my clone on hold for now (possible moving.)

Definitely looking forward to this clone and next grows to come in the future though!

bill johnson

yeah learning to grow the herb only helps you with learning how to grow all things, my bud has a huge veggie garden and I have been cloning the shit out of his stock to buffer my genome pool. Plus if there is a huge emp and the world falls into chaos...its good to know that you have to power to grow your own veggies...and more importantly...smoke. Kudos on your grow and good luck


Active Member
yeah learning to grow the herb only helps you with learning how to grow all things, my bud has a huge veggie garden and I have been cloning the shit out of his stock to buffer my genome pool. Plus if there is a huge emp and the world falls into chaos...its good to know that you have to power to grow your own veggies...and more importantly...smoke. Kudos on your grow and good luck
Oh I hear ya man. Just growing this one plant has sparked my interest in general botany. Anywhere I go I am staring at the plant life and thinking about how they grow and all that. I plan on starting a small veggie garden this summer, a few tomato plants, some corn and some beans, just some basic stuff so I don't overload myself. Gonna try getting a summer job at a tree/plant farm out here too, they are all over! That way I can really fine-tune my growing skills and learn a lot more. Thanks for stopping by bill.


Well-Known Member
holy shittt dude crazy roots! lol now, your bud came out dank. but can you imagine if growth and potency wasnt stunted by the roots running out of room? we had similar shit. its crazy how much you can learn on your first grow but still have amazing product... best of luck thru the curing process man. time to enjoy the fruits of your labor :weed:


Well-Known Member
AWESOME STUFF. GREAT JOB!!! HUGE NUGS! Wish my 1st grow went as well. It sucks you have to put things on hold, hopefully the move goes well and you can start posting your new ladies. Good luck.


Active Member
AWESOME STUFF. GREAT JOB!!! HUGE NUGS! Wish my 1st grow went as well. It sucks you have to put things on hold, hopefully the move goes well and you can start posting your new ladies. Good luck.
Thanks man, yeah I wish I could pop some more seeds right now, but at least I have my clone, that'll give me a little bit more before I can get a real second grow going.

can you imagine if growth and potency wasnt stunted by the roots running out of room? :weed:
I thought that same thing. I wish I could have transplanted her into a bigger pot before flowering...I had a feeling she was running out of room.

Thanks for the kind words guys, wish you could smell my house right now! haha


Active Member
Sick dude! I harvested too! How goes the whole drying/curing process?
I was just about to check out how you were doing! They are drying still, haven't checked them today but yesterday they were pretty close, guessing they will be done drying tomorrow then it's off to cure, not too sure how long I will cure it for, don't know how much longer I can be patient. I am thinking two weeks but we will see haha.