Ron Paul 2012


Well-Known Member
We should start a voter initiative to make Ron Paul king.
Section 9 of Article one of The Constitution for the United States:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.


Active Member
Ron Paul has the most support from our military men and women.. look it up... and No I am not in the military, and have not been. so that makes my points not valid?? FUCK YOU!!!! this is my country just as much as it is yours..

DUDE!! It's not just republicans getting rich off wars!!! holy shit!!! Thats why Dr. Paul is my only choice for prez. He has been around for a long time, and has seen the upsides and downsides of the US. He has predicted, and presented solutions for most of our downfalls, but gets labled as "crazy"... He might not have a chance, but remember this, he has served in congress for 35 years, winning his districts elections by
landslides so he must not be too goddamn crazy..



Well-Known Member
Section 9 of Article one of The Constitution for the United States:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Would this preclude the people of California from passing a Voter initiative appointing him their king? The united states wouldn't be granting him title. Dumb idea any way, just throwing it out their. I hope he wins the election for president but I know his numbers are very low and even if he were elected he wouldn't be able to enact most of his policies because of the limitations of the office.


Well-Known Member
Would this preclude the people of California from passing a Voter initiative appointing him their king? The united states wouldn't be granting him title. Dumb idea any way, just throwing it out their. I hope he wins the election for president but I know his numbers are very low and even if he were elected he wouldn't be able to enact most of his policies because of the limitations of the office.
thank you. there are actually "powers that be" in america.


Active Member
The real power lies within the people of the country.. If we want it, it's ours for the taking.. I just don't think most of this country wants it...

Ron Paul is a TRUE PATRIOT, and I bet he is willing to take a bullet to get most of his policies going.. Really all he needs is the men and women of his country backing him!!! DON'T BE SCARED!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thats not true. believe what you want. but if you think phamaceuticals among other will let weed be legal to consume/grow/study then you are out of your mind. and the pharm companies are loaded with whatever resources they need to keep it from happening.


Well-Known Member
thats not true. believe what you want. but if you think phamaceuticals among other will let weed be legal to consume/grow/study then you are out of your mind. and the pharm companies are loaded with whatever resources they need to keep it from happening.
Sounds like your one of those anti-Capitalist Conspiracy theorist that are so popular these days.


Active Member
I like how the same people keep liking and feeding off each-other; still makes you wrong at the end of the day even with a butt buddy who lathers you up.

Another term or two will wake you up, so vote away. Inevitable that you'll hit your tipping point.


Well-Known Member
no not really. im a thug off the streets with common sense. why would "BIG PHARM" allow US to make a MIRACLE MEDICINE legal? that would cut into they money, and i dont care where you from. nobody likes that. not only a little bit of there money either. if we could focus on studying and doing test on marijuana in more than just that one governmental place in mississippi. the possibilities are unknown of what medicines could be replaced by weed. also the gas industry, paper industy, housing industry and so on.


Well-Known Member
no not really. im a thug off the streets with common sense. why would "BIG PHARM" allow US to make a MIRACLE MEDICINE legal? that would cut into they money, and i dont care where you from. nobody likes that. not only a little bit of there money either. if we could focus on studying and doing test on marijuana in more than just that one governmental place in mississippi. the possibilities are unknown of what medicines could be replaced by weed. also the gas industry, paper industy, housing industry and so on.
I think all those industries, including big Pharma, are great for this country and have created so much in the way of elevating the human condition that we should thank God for there existance. As for the Marijuana conspiracy, if it is true, that would be because the Government promotes and creates these sorts of market manipulations and Big Pharma is just playing the Game. I blame the State, not these great producers.


Well-Known Member
but big pharma does happen to have the most lobbyist against marijuana. probably because they fear that once marijuana is legal to use and experiment on that people would stop using these super addictive drugs with side effects worse than the issue at hand in the first place.
but yea, thats great for this country.


Active Member
You know drugs, can have up to 5000% overcharge, big pharma expliots for profits..people need drugs or they die..ok but you need to pay highly inflated prices to get them. Big pharma, insurance, banks are some of the most corrupt entities that mainly run on exploiting citizens of every dollar possible; just the question of how not to get caught.

Before you talk anymore about big pharma, look them up. Dont take my word for and dig away at hard facts. Because while drugs can be good, big pharma pushes a new drug for anything big or small; just to net extra customers people who really dont need drugs are told to take them.
Doctors get kick backs when they get you to use them, conflict of interests..doctors push drugs on nearly anyone for this reasoning, in alot of cases they didnt even need them..but that kickback sure helped swing the tide of that choice.

MONEY is what runs the world, and MONEY is what alot of us are forced to strive for; why
is it such a big surprise all these huge companies are taking it way to far for the sake of higher profits. It isnt; its a fact of life. Leaders need to keep shit like that ^^^ in check -- few bother though, which is why we need 'for the people' leaders to get everything back into check.

Just like they've finally looked into gas prices; what did they find? prices set off of nothing -- CEO's! Made up for the sake of making more money. Chocolate companies like Nestle have been caught doing the same shit, its just natural human greed that exploits for profits.


Well-Known Member
I like how the same people keep liking and feeding off each-other; still makes you wrong at the end of the day even with a butt buddy who lathers you up.

Another term or two will wake you up, so vote away. Inevitable that you'll hit your tipping point.
pres's can only have 2 terms max. plus there is no-one on the board now that could beat out obama. sooooo 4 more years it is.


Well-Known Member
You know drugs, can have up to 5000% overcharge, big pharma expliots for profits..people need drugs or they die..ok but you need to pay highly inflated prices to get them. Big pharma, insurance, banks are some of the most corrupt entities that mainly run on exploiting citizens of every dollar possible; just the question of how not to get caught.

Before you talk anymore about big pharma, look them up. Dont take my word for and dig away at hard facts. Because while drugs can be good, big pharma pushes a new drug for anything big or small; just to net extra customers people who really dont need drugs are told to take them.
Doctors get kick backs when they get you to use them, conflict of interests..doctors push drugs on nearly anyone for this reasoning, in alot of cases they didnt even need them..but that kickback sure helped swing the tide of that choice.

MONEY is what runs the world, and MONEY is what alot of us are forced to strive for; why
is it such a big surprise all these huge companies are taking it way to far for the sake of higher profits. It isnt; its a fact of life. Leaders need to keep shit like that ^^^ in check.

Just like they've finally looked into gas prices; what did they find? prices set off of nothing -- CEO's! Made up for the sake of making more money. Chocolate companies like Nestle have been caught doing the same shit, its just natural human greed that exploits for profits.
i agree totally.


Well-Known Member
i see some good "debating" going on. without dragging it out into a jacked thread full of drama, .... a few people have made a few personal jabs at each other. i am getting some "reported posts". after looking into it i see there is some "SLIGHT" name calling happening. i admit it isn't bad and warrants no further action. as long as we keep it in check. i appreciate you ALL and everything you offer to this site. i hope we call all stay respectful to each, no matter our differences.

thank you all for understanding my position here. i do love you all. :hug:

smoke on. bongsmilie