My Wife's Tattoo Kit Just Showed Up


Well-Known Member
i bought her a tattoo kit for the price of a decent tattoo. she's never done tattoos before, but she's doodles pretty good.

pics to come soon. stay tuned. :blsmoke:
buy some Oranges to practice on... i apprenticed in another life, what type of machine did she get? plastic or steel tubes? is she going to make her own shading needles or buy them? sorry for all the questions just a subject i really enjoy,,,
You would want to hide that thing when there is any booze flowing! I have seen some bad things happen mate lol

I have had friends doodling all over each other like they were kids using crayons:L
You would want to hide that thing when there is any booze flowing! I have seen some bad things happen mate lol

I have had friends doodling all over each other like they were kids using crayons:L

speaking of kids and doodles, .... i have a doodle my son drew back when he was 5 or 6. hella cute little clown. he's 16 now. i want him to tattoo the doodle he drew on me. i have it right here. :)
I dated a tattoo artist for a few years, i would let him use carbon paper and practice on me , works great.
never get a tat from a amateur and i mean never. just man up save some cash and make sure its done right
she says she's not quite ready yet. she is working with the practice skin right now. i think she's ready, but i'll wait until she feels comfortable before i have her work on me.

i went ahead and tried it myself anyways. who wouldn't want this on them forever? it's hella cute.
