Girlfriend question, is this normal

I'd hate to be your kid. Why is it so hard to realise that the relationships we have mould our offspring? And I'd really really hate to be your grandkid.

Well, you must be a one legged fatty...unless you'd care to elaborate on what you disagree with in my post......I mean My son would have a Milf to show his friends and and my grandkids would have a Gilf to show their friends.....Who let the dogs out....woof woof....woof woof woof :)

Well, you must be a one legged fatty...unless you'd care to elaborate on what you disagree with in my post......I mean My son would have a Milf to show his friends and and my grandkids would have a Gilf to show their friends.....Who let the dogs out....woof woof....woof woof woof :)
I had to chime in here....All this ass kickin talk...I only date Hotties because it helps me to remain faithfull.....That being said, when you date Hot women there is and always will be someone trying to fuck them...period!!...You can't kick the worlds Ass!!....You talked about being "Punked" and regretting it....I would feel like I punked myself, If I was out with my Hottie and let another guy ruffle my feathers by showing her attention. Guys expect you to puff up when they step on your territory...I refuse to give another guy that power...It takes a real man to be secure that your Hottie isn't looking to jump ship every time guys approach her/try to get that pussy....She's a Hottie and it's not her fault everyone wants to fuck her...In my oppinion...I Punk them (other guys) when I Don't show insecurity...And trust me, women/Hotties love a man that is confident and secure....Besides, If someone can take my woman it's time for her to move on anyway...Go for it dude, If you can take her from me your probably doing me a favor"....There's plenty of Hot women out there for confident guys!!

Ya know,i agree with what you wrote but your confusing what i said,im not talking about taking my wife out & having guy's hit on her & me "puffing up",im an old guy,shit,i can barely work my way out of a pair of boxer shorts that are too tight let alone puff up,it isnt about puffing up or showing ass,it's about dignity & self respect.

My wife is a MILF & get's hit on all the time by younger dudes,fuk,that flatters the shit out of me & makes me feel good that my wife still looks that good & makes me feel even better knowing that she's with me,what im talking about is some sneaky little bastard working from behind the scenes, knowing full well im there,then acting as if I DONT MATTER,i refuse to be disrespected like that.

Like i said before,it wouldnt be about the female at that point,it would be about having pride in one's self.

Its easy to sit back & make up excuses why you didnt act, like there are more fish in the sea, i didnt need her anyway or even the "real men" or "confidence" excuse but excuses are just what they are,a cop out,again it wouldnt be about her,it would be about me & the pride i have in myself,it's about standing up for YOURSELF & having dignity, not about jealousy.

Somebody else mentioned kids in this thread & it's a damm good point,later on in life if you have son's, try talking to them about man things when your closet is full of excuses & skeletons ,or an ass load of times you just walked away,fuk that,not me brother.

Dig this.

First it starts off with some guy acting like your an inviso asshole while he's inviting your girl to his house for dinner & a movie,lets use the "more fish in the sea" or "real confident man" excuse on this one then walk away.

Next the same rico suave is comming to your house while your gone & having big fun with all your shit,now let's use the "real men are secure" excuse & tell ourself their just friends.

Next rico suave starts calling your house to talk to your girl while your home,knowing full well that your there,instead of driving over to his house & making him eat that fukin phone lets use the "im secure" excuse again.

Next the same bozo smashes your car window out after your girl blows him off & proclaims her true love for you,instead of gettin in his ass let's use the "it's ok ive got insurance" excuse.

See the excuses,they all seem like logical approaches to things that happen every day,until you add them all up over the years,then they become a way of life,a pattern of logical & cool sounding excuses.

The problem with walking away & making excuses for it when shit hits the fan is this,excuses become a way of life for weak men & others can see it in their eyes,people mistake kindness or indifference as a sign of weakness,weak men become prey.
Ya know,i agree with what you wrote but your confusing what i said,im not talking about taking my wife out & having guy's hit on her & me "puffing up",im an old guy,shit,i can barely work my way out of a pair of boxer shorts that are too tight let alone puff up,it isnt about puffing up or showing ass,it's about dignity & self respect.

My wife is a MILF & get's hit on all the time by younger dudes,fuk,that flatters the shit out of me & makes me feel good that my wife still looks that good & makes me feel even better knowing that she's with me,what im talking about is some sneaky little bastard working from behind the scenes, knowing full well im there,then acting as if I DONT MATTER,i refuse to be disrespected like that.

Like i said before,it wouldnt be about the female at that point,it would be about having pride in one's self.

Its easy to sit back & make up excuses why you didnt act, like there are more fish in the sea, i didnt need her anyway or even the "real men" or "confidence" excuse but excuses are just what they are,a cop out,again it wouldnt be about her,it would be about me & the pride i have in myself,it's about standing up for YOURSELF & having dignity, not about jealousy.

Somebody else mentioned kids in this thread & it's a damm good point,later on in life if you have son's, try talking to them about man things when your closet is full of excuses & skeletons ,or an ass load of times you just walked away,fuk that,not me brother.

Dig this.

First it starts off with some guy acting like your an inviso asshole while he's inviting your girl to his house for dinner & a movie,lets use the "more fish in the sea" or "real confident man" excuse on this one then walk away.

Next the same rico suave is comming to your house while your gone & having big fun with all your shit,now let's use the "real men are secure" excuse & tell ourself their just friends.

Next rico suave starts calling your house to talk to your girl while your home,knowing full well that your there,instead of driving over to his house & making him eat that fukin phone lets use the "im secure" excuse again.

Next the same bozo smashes your car window out after your girl blows him off & proclaims her true love for you,instead of gettin in his ass let's use the "it's ok ive got insurance" excuse.

See the excuses,they all seem like logical approaches to things that happen every day,until you add them all up over the years,then they become a way of life,a pattern of logical & cool sounding excuses.

The problem with walking away & making excuses for it when shit hits the fan is this,excuses become a way of life for weak men & others can see it in their eyes,people mistake kindness or indifference as a sign of weakness,weak men become prey.

I seem to notice a pattern of how you relate to this subject....You mention Wife, children and family in general....I think your correct in the desire to protect what is yours (through violence if necessary).....A guy calls to talk to your wife, the mother of your children....He should be ready for war...And better be!!! However, In this case It's just a everyday, dime a dozen chick!....I think you interpret my philosophy as weakness/an excuse....When in fact it is my strength!...Trying to control what others do through violence is in my opinion a sign of weakness. If your woman wants you to sit idly by while she go's to have dinner/movie with another guy, Do you really think putting him in the emergency room is the solution...You talk about regretting walking away...Is that coming from personal experience..Ive been in a few scraps over misc shit and looking back I don't feel that I defended my honor or Impressed my girlfriends...what I did was show my ass, My insecurity and my weakness!!!! Fight for my wife and kids?? You bet!!....Fight over a girlfriend that wants dinner and a movie with another dude! I'll pass!!
I went ahead and tried out the black ski mask and hunting knife myself. Was fun untill she found out it was me. Then she raped me using the hunting knife :hump:
I seem to notice a pattern of how you relate to this subject....You mention Wife, children and family in general....I think your correct in the desire to protect what is yours (through violence if necessary).....A guy calls to talk to your wife, the mother of your children....He should be ready for war...And better be!!! However, In this case It's just a everyday, dime a dozen chick!....I think you interpret my philosophy as weakness/an excuse....When in fact it is my strength!...Trying to control what others do through violence is in my opinion a sign of weakness. If your woman wants you to sit idly by while she go's to have dinner/movie with another guy, Do you really think putting him in the emergency room is the solution...You talk about regretting walking away...Is that coming from personal experience..Ive been in a few scraps over misc shit and looking back I don't feel that I defended my honor or Impressed my girlfriends...what I did was show my ass, My insecurity and my weakness!!!! Fight for my wife and kids?? You bet!!....Fight over a girlfriend that wants dinner and a movie with another dude! I'll pass!!

Theres ways besides voilence to stand up for yourself. I never heard him mention using violence. :peace:
Theres ways besides voilence to stand up for yourself. I never heard him mention using violence. :peace:

Originally Posted by panhead View Post The way i see it is that your right,but only to a point,there are circumstances that require violence, or at the very least a firm understanding between the two men that if this shit goes any further there will be action taken. What your right about in my eye's is resorting to violence because some dude boned your girl,i agree that it's not his fault if & only if he never knew about the husband/boyfriend,but if he was aware....................then it becomes something between men & has zero to do with the female at that point. Think about this,are we so different than other animals in the way we select a mate,were not that different in my eye's,when a man KNOWINGLY try's to make moves on another mans girl it is a direct challenge of one's manhood,this challenge will be pushed farther & farther as time goes on if it goes un checked. If it were me & i was in that situation i'd have to stomp a mud hole in that guy's ass,i couldnt sleep at night knowing i let something like that go un checked,if i eneded up getting fuked up by the other guy i'd still feel good about myself because i acted on something i felt strongly about,it is important to feel good about yourself as a man, isnt it ?
Originally Posted by panhead View Post The way i see it is that your right,but only to a point,there are circumstances that require violence, or at the very least a firm understanding between the two men that if this shit goes any further there will be action taken. What your right about in my eye's is resorting to violence because some dude boned your girl,i agree that it's not his fault if & only if he never knew about the husband/boyfriend,but if he was aware....................then it becomes something between men & has zero to do with the female at that point. Think about this,are we so different than other animals in the way we select a mate,were not that different in my eye's,when a man KNOWINGLY try's to make moves on another mans girl it is a direct challenge of one's manhood,this challenge will be pushed farther & farther as time goes on if it goes un checked. If it were me & i was in that situation i'd have to stomp a mud hole in that guy's ass,i couldnt sleep at night knowing i let something like that go un checked,if i eneded up getting fuked up by the other guy i'd still feel good about myself because i acted on something i felt strongly about,it is important to feel good about yourself as a man, isnt it ?

ahhh yes yes yes. :blsmoke:
Originally Posted by panhead View Post The way i see it is that your right,but only to a point,there are circumstances that require violence, or at the very least a firm understanding between the two men that if this shit goes any further there will be action taken. What your right about in my eye's is resorting to violence because some dude boned your girl,i agree that it's not his fault if & only if he never knew about the husband/boyfriend,but if he was aware....................then it becomes something between men & has zero to do with the female at that point. Think about this,are we so different than other animals in the way we select a mate,were not that different in my eye's,when a man KNOWINGLY try's to make moves on another mans girl it is a direct challenge of one's manhood,this challenge will be pushed farther & farther as time goes on if it goes un checked. If it were me & i was in that situation i'd have to stomp a mud hole in that guy's ass,i couldnt sleep at night knowing i let something like that go un checked,if i eneded up getting fuked up by the other guy i'd still feel good about myself because i acted on something i felt strongly about,it is important to feel good about yourself as a man, isnt it ?
THAT IS HOW IT IS YO, FUK:peace: when it comes down to basic instincts:D you better woop on a fool if he takin your food...
I seem to notice a pattern of how you relate to this subject....You mention Wife, children and family in general....I think your correct in the desire to protect what is yours (through violence if necessary).....A guy calls to talk to your wife, the mother of your children....He should be ready for war...And better be!!! However, In this case It's just a everyday, dime a dozen chick!....I think you interpret my philosophy as weakness/an excuse....When in fact it is my strength!...Trying to control what others do through violence is in my opinion a sign of weakness. If your woman wants you to sit idly by while she go's to have dinner/movie with another guy, Do you really think putting him in the emergency room is the solution...You talk about regretting walking away...Is that coming from personal experience..Ive been in a few scraps over misc shit and looking back I don't feel that I defended my honor or Impressed my girlfriends...what I did was show my ass, My insecurity and my weakness!!!! Fight for my wife and kids?? You bet!!....Fight over a girlfriend that wants dinner and a movie with another dude! I'll pass!!

First off all let's put the term "insecurity" to rest,it's lame as hell,it really is.

Everything i speak of in any thread is from personal experience & this is no different,yes ive walked away in my life & i regret the hell out of it to this day,i used common sense instead of basic instinct & it taught me a lesson i only had to learn one time,i walked away once 30 years ago & have never done that sense.

Your missing the big picture of all this,forget about the girlfriend,my point has nothing at all to do with this or any other girl,my point is that if some guy has balls enough to act as if im not shit & have even bigger balls to do it right in front of my face something needs to happen & its going to happen right now.

This isnt about impressing a girl who obviously thinks you suck,if she didnt think you suck she wouldnt be pulling shit like this,this is about being a man that earns respect from his actions,this is about being able to look at yourself as a man & not have to make DR Phill type excuses about yourself.
First off all let's put the term "insecurity" to rest,it's lame as hell,it really is.

Everything i speak of in any thread is from personal experience & this is no different,yes ive walked away in my life & i regret the hell out of it to this day,i used common sense instead of basic instinct & it taught me a lesson i only had to learn one time,i walked away once 30 years ago & have never done that sense.

Your missing the big picture of all this,forget about the girlfriend,my point has nothing at all to do with this or any other girl,my point is that if some guy has balls enough to act as if im not shit & have even bigger balls to do it right in front of my face something needs to happen & its going to happen right now.

This isnt about impressing a girl who obviously thinks you suck,if she didnt think you suck she wouldnt be pulling shit like this,this is about being a man that earns respect from his actions,this is about being able to look at yourself as a man & not have to make DR Phill type excuses about yourself.

THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!! :blsmoke: :lol:
First off all let's put the term "insecurity" to rest,it's lame as hell,it really is.

Everything i speak of in any thread is from personal experience & this is no different,yes ive walked away in my life & i regret the hell out of it to this day,i used common sense instead of basic instinct & it taught me a lesson i only had to learn one time,i walked away once 30 years ago & have never done that sense.

Your missing the big picture of all this,forget about the girlfriend,my point has nothing at all to do with this or any other girl,my point is that if some guy has balls enough to act as if im not shit & have even bigger balls to do it right in front of my face something needs to happen & its going to happen right now.

This isnt about impressing a girl who obviously thinks you suck,if she didnt think you suck she wouldnt be pulling shit like this,this is about being a man that earns respect from his actions,this is about being able to look at yourself as a man & not have to make DR Phill type excuses about yourself.

Well here's a Doctor Phil thought for you...Scenario: Dude uses his playa moves on your girl...doin scandalous shit with her... Flirtin, sexual comments, dinners, movies, text messages...all the while she's still with you....He succeeds with his conquest and she runs off with him.....Heres a fact....when the butterflies start to settle in their relationship, He'll always remember the scandalous way he got her....and that she's willing to participate in scandalous behavior like...flirting, sexual comments, meetings for lunch, text messages....and then going home to her boyfriend (which is now him) Then He'll be the one at home wondering what she's doing when he's not around!!!! (Let the visions fly).....That will hurt alot more than my boot in his ass....don't just fly over that sentence...I'll say it again....That will hurt alot more than my boot in his ass.....Once again back to my philosophy/strenth......I don't need to kick his ass...His miserable experience with his new girl, is coming! and soon!....Just a little patience man....Like I said before he'd be doin me a favor...Let him live in the hell of suspicion and insecurity that he created by his own scandalous behavior.....Thats just what Me and Doctor Phil think.....LOL
Plain and simple, women need to see you put you're foot down sometimes. I'm not talkin about controlling their every move every day. I'm talking about the serious shit. Women will NOT respect you if you don't tell them how things are gonna BE when it's necessary. Telling her that she is NOT going to the movies with him, NOT going to his house to bake cookies or whatever the fuck, lets her know that you care about your relationship and will not tolerate her being alone with another man on what sounds like a "date" and then dinner and drinks at his house. Of course, she's only 20. Most girls that age these days couldn't find their own ass with a road map. she probably won't accept being told what she WILL NOT do. Because, as far as she's concerned, she can do whatever the fuck she wants, and you have no right to tell her otherwise. A 20 year old GIRL has no idea yet what a relationship means or how it should be as far as consideration and partnership goes. Most guys don't either.

Ya, you should put your foot down, tell her how its gonna be, she ain't going to the movies, she's not going to his house for some stupid cooking class thing. She'll probably say " who the fuck do you think you are?" and leave your ass and tell all her friends that your a "controlling bastard." And, then she'll carry on to the next dude who might just teach her what a "controlling bastard" is. Ya, she'll be taught the lesson of what a real "controlling bastard" is when one of her boys wont let her go anywhere without him, do anything that doesn't involve him, makes her call him every hour on the hour when he's not with her and in general will not allow her to do anything he doesn't want her to do.
Then shortly after or during that stage of their relationship goes, she'll probably open her bitchy ass mouth and say to him "who the hell do you think you are?" shortly followed by a backhand from him, sending her into a corner crying in shock and miserable about what a "controlling bastard" he is. And, sometime during the course of that relation ship that she's stuck in (stuck for fear that if she leaves, she wont know what he'll do or how far he'll go) she'll remember you and reminisce about what a real man you were for putting your foot down, not slapping her around and treating her like property.

Ah, life's lessons. Learning CAN be fun, hahaaaa