1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha I know that garden! Mine needs doing too. I have a list of overhaul improvements including a decent dehumidifier, thinking about a primair controller. and yeah one will probably come down this week.... test branch smells great ;)


Well-Known Member
What's going on man! Just got back from Lowe's with a dehumidifier and a lawn mower. Have a Lowe's credit card ; ) The dehumidifier is much needed in the budroom and the damn lawn looks like a drug dealer lives here haha. Got to keep up appearances Jorge once said.

Having an after lunch bongo before I go mow, sounds like a sacrifice to the cause coming up over there lol. Have a good un!
same reason im trying to cut my grass. dont need no damn neighborhood committe coming by here. my damn lawnmower wont start. How much da lawnmower run ya, lol?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
same reason im trying to cut my grass. dont need no damn neighborhood committe coming by here. my damn lawnmower wont start. How much da lawnmower run ya, lol?
With the lowes card it didn't cost me anything lol but when I pay for it in a couple of months it was around 250. Damn my little farmhouse looks nice and quaint again!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
W'sup Don, just poppin in to let you know my L x CC is a female. gonna take a few clones later.
hahah kool! fairies in the air now tho bro ;)

just been out to check on my tubs in the back garden and it appears i have hundreds of poppies sprouted! temple balls mofo's! my girl already tried to ban me saying ill get addicted and or kill myself n i shouldnt try it. then i told her i already have :lol:


Well-Known Member
Poppies?????..............you makin brown??? ........i didnt take you for a rat Don!!??!! lol.................mornin mate!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fanny rat maybe..... im going to make some hash mixed with opium ( temple balls! ) and possibly a few dipped buds. we'll see. mornin lad!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Get the opium made Don boy. Assume the fetile position. lol
aye i had a love affair with script drugs a while back, im not in any hurry to get hooked on them, ill be doing a small run refining it smoking a bit giving some to a pal who wants to try it n thats bout it. I am not making skag. no fuckin way. nothin i hate more than smackheads. well maybe mackems


Well-Known Member
lol....er whats these mackem's you speak of???....................i watched the 1st strangeways lol...still got the next 1 to watch yet


Well-Known Member
I worked with a bloke from the toon once and we told the apprentice too ask him what's it like to be a mackem. Poor lad nearly got his face smashed in

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I worked with a bloke from the toon once and we told the apprentice too ask him what's it like to be a mackem. Poor lad nearly got his face smashed in
second only to calling your granny a slag that kid.
Looking sexy tonight mum. lol
Mum, auntie, sister, wife from the corner shop...

the old firm derby up your way is probably the only other derby with as much hatred between the two teams as toon vs the mackems


Well-Known Member
Thinkin about it lads only fucka ive met from sunderland was some bird in Blackpool when i was 19, and the dirty sket gave me crabs!!!........................pure filth tho ;)
