Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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dear Heisenberg,
that's an ignorant statement. I apologize for being blunt, but it is.
firstly, just because a man wears a cloak and carries a bible does not make him influenced by the divine.
humans are just that, human.

furthermore, where do you hear about all of these cases involving men of the cloth molesting young boys?
I'll tell you: Internet, television, radio, it's about media coverage.(note that I am NOT defending child molesters)
if a priest rapes/molests a boy of course it's gonna be a news story!
if a poor farmer in the middle of nowhere molests a boy do you really think it's gonna be on the front page of the news?

- I honestly don't know why individuals choose to try to strip the beauty from everything they lay eyes on.
God is not the problem, it's his perfectly imperfect creations.
thank you Harrekin, you flatter me so :3
-just like any form of historical writing or documentation, there are discrepancies. that can't be helped.
those whom would like to dismiss the bible entirely use this fact to their advantage,
but what they have to realize is that history is technically an interpretation,
think of it this way: we believe that Christopher Columbus found America because that is deemed "history".
is there any way to know that for sure? -probably not.
and I think the same holds true for the bible, history is never ever definite.
personally, I do believe many of the things in the bible to be true, but I think it's meant to be more of a tool for teaching.
christians, or anyone for that matter, don't read the bible because they want a history lesson, they read the bible because it's stories (whether fictional or fact)
convey the most important life lessons about treating fellow humans and loving the people we have in life.

Well im pretty sure that we do know it 'wasnt' Christopher Columbus, it was actually Amerigo Vespucci, or maybe even the Vikings or Chinese much much earlier =D

But, that doesn't make your point invalid, in fact it only further proves it, and i do agree with you for the most part. The lessons in it can be used to mold a good life, and for the most part, yep, that's what 'most' people do with it.

Of course theres two sides to any coin, and the same book is used as a tool of power, segregation, and oppression. And yes, while there are MANY stories in the bible that i could say that i know with 99.9% certainty are not true, there are plenty of stories that sound totally normal and easily could be true.

You have brought very pleasant conversation from the other side of this topic to us, and i think i can speak for all of us when i say 'Thank You!'.

Your sig says it all too, i couldn't agree more =-D
OMG, Bill Maher is one of my heroes! =D (no doubt saying that will invite much flaming lol) and an awesome point nonetheless.

Heh, Bill Maher has interesting critical ideas like most comedians, but I thoroughly disagree with his view of alternative medicine and homeopathy. But that is for another thread eh?

dear Heisenberg,
that's an ignorant statement. I apologize for being blunt, but it is.
firstly, just because a man wears a cloak and carries a bible does not make him influenced by the divine.
humans are just that, human.

furthermore, where do you hear about all of these cases involving men of the cloth molesting young boys?
I'll tell you: Internet, television, radio, it's about media coverage.(note that I am NOT defending child molesters)
if a priest rapes/molests a boy of course it's gonna be a news story!
if a poor farmer in the middle of nowhere molests a boy do you really think it's gonna be on the front page of the news?

- I honestly don't know why individuals choose to try to strip the beauty from everything they lay eyes on.
God is not the problem, it's his perfectly imperfect creations.

You never have to apologize for being blunt around here, it's appreciated. If you read my post again, I stated the conclusion (god is a boy fucker) and then I stated doubt. As I said, I don't know that the rate of pedophilia is higher among priests than it is any other random group, and my suspicions are that it isn't. I tend to think that it is a matter of exposure, as you said. But bottom line is, I don't know. And as I am also an atheist, I would never conclude that god has real influence over priests to begin with, I was simply exploring the question and using Bill Maher's idea for context. I think that it is a comedic and interesting point, I think it uses about the same level of logic that most religious conclusions use, but ultimately I find it to be invalid.
You've obviously never seen the news if you dont think theres a disproportionatly large number of paedophiles amongst the clergy as opposed to ANY other group. Its like Joseph Fritzl levels of fucked up shit going on in the Church man!
I don't know whether or not the incidence of child molestation is higher amoung the clergy than any other control group or not, but forced abstinence from sex and masturbation will cause some major disturbances to the psychological health of a person. The same is true of power, as well as the responsibility for not only your own problems but the problems of many other people. All three of these are associated with the clergy.

What are Bill Maher's views on alternative medicine?
You've obviously never seen the news if you dont think theres a disproportionatly large number of paedophiles amongst the clergy as opposed to ANY other group. Its like Joseph Fritzl levels of fucked up shit going on in the Church man!

I think thats the point bud. The news can make minorities sound like majorities. Like right wing extremists, crackpot liberals, and fascist leftists. DOES the clergy contain an abnormally large amount of pedophiles? The news may make it seem that way, but id be interested in seeing actual numbers (though im not sure those numbers would ever be accurate if they WERE provided).
Perhaps when this thread is finished it can be printed out and used for a critical thinking class. (I know mine could have used new material)

What do you teach your students? Do you convenience them during office hours, that homosexual acts are normal, like your found doing on p.42 of the thread (People that knock on your door).

I think you're just a nasty old "deviant." I had many encounters with so-called instructors like you.
What do you teach your students? Do you convenience them during office hours, that homosexual acts are normal, like your found doing on p.42 of the thread (People that knock on your door).

I think you're just a nasty old "deviant." I had many encounters with so-called instructors like you.

I guess old dogs have no new tricks. More ad hominem red herrings, more circular invalid logic (with a dose of schizophrenia) but at least this one made me chuckle. The class I was referring to was the ultra boring critical thinking class I took a few quarters ago, as a student. Interesting though that he chose to close his post with a confession. I think we are beginning to see a little further into BBs psyche than we really want, in other words TMI!!
You still haven't answered why priests, the holy ones of religion, seem to be homosexual pedophiles.

Sorry about that m8, so many red herring flying around here, it's distracting.

Anyway, it’s just liked the Scripture say, "one is drawn out and enticed by his own desire." Its like any other wrong, these guys are apparently predisposed to pedophilia and arrange opportunities to be along with choirboys during choir practice etc.

Personally, I think they should be beaten till there unconscious then shot in the head. Lord help the poor soul who even attempts abuse my child. It would have been better if he were not born.
Ah good response, makes sense.
I still don't see why the Pope gave them a get out of jail free card though.That disturbs me more than anything else.
i hear you Brother. idk WHAT the rate is vs. the non-priests. Doubt it's much different though. Media makes the difference in perception.
Yes Buz, we are ALL gay. And we are ALL coming to get you.


The fact that homosexuality is worth your contempt and adamant bashing, shows just how petty and small your mind truly is.
My biggest this with god and religion isn't really a problem with any one religions beliefs or views, but with all of the books that were left out of the bible, then later found, and the fact of who allowed what to be put in the bible to begin with, to me its just a book that was put together long ago to help the people in power gain more control over the sheep....i mean people that they were ruling over
screw beliefs, let em think the way they want. theres enough documentaries about this topic and lots of facts and info to feed on there

we have love of pot in common tho

puff puff hold itttttttt ahhhhhh
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