1st Grow Ever. Bagseeds and CFL's in My Closet


Active Member
I decided I would take the plunge and start a journal. Here's the important info. I started 5 bagseeds and 3 ended up being female. I am two weeks into flowering. I am one week into having a good setup with proper ventilation. Prior to this I had setups that either had a very bad temp range and/or no ventilation. A week ago I set up a 4x2x5 tent and put in my 3 female plants. Currently I'm running 12 23w cfls. 9 are in the 2700k spectrum and the other 3 are 6500k spectrum. I also have a vortex inline fan and carbon filter, my fan is rated at 200 cfm so that should be plenty to give my ladies plenty of good clean air to breathe. Currently the exhaust is running into the attic and my temps are running between 72-82 so I'm happy with that. I just repotted 2 plants into 5 gallon buckets a week ago(I know I should have before flowering, but sometimes life gets in the way.) I have one plant still in a small container. I'm using around 270 actual watts of CFL's now since I'm in flowering and have eliminated two males. I think thats the major gist of what I have going on, I'm sure I forgot something. One of my plants I think looks pretty decent but the other two could sure use some help. I also have 2 clones that I'm trying to root and put them straight into 12/12. Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome. All that I know about growing is from this site and its members.



Active Member
All that I know about growing is from this site and its members.
That's what's up.

Looks like your research has paid off man. For a first grow you are doing really well. You have some obvious stretching on that one but I'm sure you already know the cause of that and won't make the same mistake in the future.

I say keep up what you are doing though man you have already demonstrated a really good understanding of what you're doing.


Active Member
What I'm curious is about is why this one has lost most of its branches. I'm thinking its b/c it was in such a small pot. The previous pot was like an 8 inch pot from Walmart.
Thanks for the kind words guys, I feel like my next grow is going to be so much better than this one after I go through all these growing pains. Soo much to learn to this hobby, but I think once you have it setup correct and properly that it becomes easier and more productive.


chief blunts

Active Member
you can read an infinite amount but the real learning curve comes with each grow and playing in the dirt..... There is a guy on this site by the name of riddleme, dude is wise past his years, read as many of his threads as you can...

all in all this setup should produce nicely for you on your next run, don't worry about the yield this time around, my advice would be to play around with them, over water, under water, crank up the nutes and burn em, starve them to see what they look like when they need nutes. most of all have fun!!!! dont let them control your life. get some timers going etc etc....

also you are already aware- but never up-can during flowering...... if you stick around ill try and help to the best of my abilities....

keep em green homie!


Active Member
While it is commonly believed pot size can restrict your plants growth, I beg to differ. A lot of testing has shown that pot size has an effect but not a detrimental one so long as you keep up on your watering once it starts to outgrow its home within reason. Of course growing a 8 foot marijuana plant in a 16oz water bottle cut in half is not going to happen.

I highly suggest if you haven't already to check out this guide on training. It will answer your question in this first post. http://www.growery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/239247

Short answer to your question is without training your plant decided to take that single tip and push it to the top of the light with all of its auxins while the remainder of the plant was left behind to suffer with minimal growth in comparison.


Well-Known Member
hey wuts up, this reminds me of my first grow like a year or two ago. my first plant looked just like that as well......it seems like you have a PH problem or a nute deff don't be surprised if you grow it all out and get an ounce that looks really good but wont get you high..... its all good tho just get a good ph tester and some good nutes i just use the nirvana flower tabs keeps it simple for me error proof lol good luck bro.. and dont worry about the plant being messed up its all part of the expirience keep growing your next grow will be way better.


Active Member
I've checked my ph a couple times and it was right at 7. Its been probably a month since I've checked it though. I should probably check it again. For nutes right now I'm using schultz(10-20-10) I think. I'll be using fox farm next go around. On a side note, I'm glad I got my tent setup and everything when I did. My Mom paid us a surprise visit today for the weekend and this thing is pretty damn stealth. Don't get me wrong, I'm a grown ass man, but I still don't want my mommy to know about my hobby. Other than that I think all things are looking pretty good today.


Bobby Fuse

Active Member
nice.. good work for a first grow.. you made to budding.. thats better than anything.. even if you get 1g which you have more than its worth it.


Active Member
Amen to that brother. with everything I've learned this grow, I should be well on my way to being "dealer" free in the future. I've got 2 clones I'm trying to do strait into 12/12. What does everyone think about that? I'm sure it won't yield as much but its giving me practice at cloning and growing. I want to re arrange my light setup soon but with my unexpected company I don't see that happening. :(
Make sure you check PH after adding fertilizer to your water. I didn't my first time and got some yellow/brown spots like you have on the one plant. Also my fan leaves fell off except for the last set. i think it may be mag difficiency. Epson salt from walmart may help. But don't take my word for it. research it and compare pics. Sounds like you are already doing that.

Good luck


Active Member
2011-05-22_10-06-25_870.jpgClone2.jpg2011-05-22_10-06-19_284.jpgPlant 1.jpg2011-05-22_10-06-12_812.jpgPlant 1-2.jpgClone.jpg
Make sure you check PH after adding fertilizer to your water. I didn't my first time and got some yellow/brown spots like you have on the one plant. Also my fan leaves fell off except for the last set. i think it may be mag difficiency. Epson salt from walmart may help. But don't take my word for it. research it and compare pics. Sounds like you are already doing that.

Good luck

That is a good idea Scarfinger, I never thought of that. I've spent so much time learning how to grow(setup, light setup, tent setup, exhaust, etc...I haven't spent enough time looking into plant health problems. I mentioned earlier that I had 2 clones I'm putting into 12/12 and they don't look good. I would appreciate any feedback from you guys. I have some questions about harvesting too. One of the plants is clearly weeks ahead of the others(it actually started flowering when it was still under 24/0 lighting.) Would I want to harvest this one sooner than the others? Pictures 4 and 6 are the one that started flowering on its own.


Active Member
The clones are about a week old. How close to the lights should they be at this stage? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You are using CFLs so you want the plants literally as close to the light as possible without causing any stress to the plant from heat. In a perfect world you would have a cfl a couple inches from every piece of foliage on your plants. Looks great though! Interesting you had one autoflower from bagseed!


Active Member
You are using CFLs so you want the plants literally as close to the light as possible without causing any stress to the plant from heat. In a perfect world you would have a cfl a couple inches from every piece of foliage on your plants. Looks great though! Interesting you had one autoflower from bagseed!
Did you see the picture of the them? I think thats heat stress possibly? I'm not sure if they are considered "clones" yet, as I'm not sure if they have rooted.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure about heat stress.... you say you aren't running high temps right? How are you feeding? What is your feeding schedule? Do you flush?


Active Member
I feed every other watering with a 10-15-10 nutrients. I have not done a flush, I didn't think I did that until I was about to harvest? I know im buying a ph tester today.