1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just keeping you lot on your toes! Lol aye just thought it would be canny if it moved. Bored at work yesterday. Hangover central this morning, watching the good The bad and the ugly. Got to get chopping tho....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I love the sound track to that movie lol
awesome! i love it. clint eastwood is a leg end. but which are you? we where asking each other last neet i chose the bad everyone else wanted t be the ugly hahaha no votes for the good lol. spent most of the night giving it woaha woah waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh wah wah wah
Nnice lookin tent, sounds a bit like an airport though! :D
it does ttt, sadly necessary due to the stench of the dank enclosed.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Freedom pilgrimage: Take the sacrament in a land that it is free from oppression at least once in your life, and remember the years of persecution.
guess thatll be our jollys then lol


Well-Known Member
im down for that westy!!..............so us cantheists, are we a propa religon like bein a rasta?? can we smoke bud and get away with it??? lol


Well-Known Member
Howdy Partner! Sorry if you were waiting on M.O.T.day yest. and i took all fun out it by giving you the score lol.
New seed's getting put in to germ today.I was checking out the Cheesequake and qrazytrain lastnight and its going to be real fun growing these beaut's especially crossed together :) :) :)
Hope i can do a number on these one's too man!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ill let you off this time! lmao fuckin useless shites nufc are man. 3 goal lead then we switch off, cost us beating the mackems in the table n coming 8th dropped us to 12th and we lost out on 2 million quid winnings coming bottom half. useless bunch of numpties they are. were still up and we beat the mackems but now cometh the long drought of summer footy :(

i've popped a handful of them myself jambo man! gonna give them a trot out in the auto's i reckon.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
right peeps just a quick in and oot the day, got mountains of menial office shite to get through

dope never ceases to amaze me. while chopping down 2 CC x L i noticed a couple of seeds now i was gutted admittedly at first but then i realised they were isolate. like the plant knew it needed to keep going but knew i needed sensimelia too. you know the little calyx's you get under main buds well there was a bean in each one so about 5 from each plant nicely sticking out like sore thumbs.

2nd amazement... ok well, news to me but you get the drift. i took a load of clones the other day most took pretty quick some took an age i thought they were knackered so i took them out of the peat pucks n just left them in the prop. low n behold a day later they've both got lush new roots!?!? anyway enough babble.

CC x L


random frost


needed doing ive got a bud about the size of a thumbnail left :-|

