Ron Paul 2012

He has been in the background and still hasn't officially announced even although he has announced exploratory committee and he is raising money.

Well tell you what to be honest my personnel politics I like Mitt Romney(the old mitt romney) in some ways as a politician but not as a person, the thing is he is not really very conservative, he changed his stance on issues to make himself look more conservative such as abortion, because of this Romney is criticized as being a flip flopper, healthcare another issue, he worked long and hard on healthcare in MA, its to easy for conservatives to call him a liberal. Id say hes not very in touch with the american people(comes off as a phony to a lot of people), his father was a ceo, he was a ceo, and he made a fortune. He was in the Olympics but he is not a veteran. He also has a fake neocon aggressiveness about him when it comes to war, he suddenly changed to be pro war and advocating for doubling the number of detainees in cuba, is he going to come out pro torture for this one also? who knows

Mitt also was caught pretending to be a life-long hunter, he joined the NRA when he begin to run for president last time, he has been caught in this lie when it was exposed he knows virtually nothing about hunting.

Romney completely flip flopped on gay rights and gay marrige also, when he started running for president last time he took a new stance on these issues going against the ideas, contrary to his previous stance.

I think he could be the toughest opponent Ron Paul will face, he has nearly took the bid before. We will see..
^^^ plus he cheats on his wife^^^ not a very trustworthy and honest dude imo.. I know that shit happens all the time, but we are talking about someone running our country.. I'm sorry, but there is not a more HONEST contender than Dr. Paul.. Plain and Simple!!!!
Romney is no stranger to losing primaries against straight talking veterans. Remember what the straight talk express did to him last time?
What sucks is that he has MONEY. A lot.. If the country wants a man like Dr. Paul, then we all need to come off our wallets and donate to his campaign fund. Imagine if just 1 million people donated 100 bucks each.?? remember, it's sad, but in America, MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS..
Your right about the money, hopefully backroom deals, phoniness, and shady politics doesn't apply to center stage?

hes also a fake christian id say as he sins constantly yet In 2008, he shared with his wife Ann the Canterbury Medal from The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, for "refus[ing] to compromise their principles and faith" during the presidential campaign. (IRONY!)
you need 10 million to put up $200 each to have a real chance at Dr Paul winning. Obama has a Billion and is the incumbent.
True, but Obama has lost A LOT of his original supporters from 2008.. He is really pissing a lot of people of now due to this Israel ordeal.. I know money talks, but if the people's vote really counts, he may have a rough time gaining future support imo..
What is the deal behind the timing of this Israel stuff anyway? More and more people are starting to see palestinians as victims now, but they aren't likely to be swayed with posturing only results. And it just makes obama appear more interested in everyone elses problems not our own.
Unless Israel has already made a deal to allow obama to appear to solve this issue for the sake of his re-election, which sounds just about impossible, I don't see this strategy paying off.

What am I missing with his focus on Israel now? It makes no sense to me.
you need 10 million to put up $200 each to have a real chance at Dr Paul winning. Obama has a Billion and is the incumbent.

Obama has been vetted, Paul has not. A Paul campaign isn't going to be able to say anything about Obama that hasn't already been said. A general election between the two would get real ugly. They'd dig up all Ron Paul's old newsletters where he's said some things that sound really bad. Also you'd have a team of the best democrats in the country explaining why Paul's policies would be a disaster. Paul would get destroyed.

Outside some terrible event happening, Obama has this election in the bag.
Amen Zazahzle good video....It reminds me of something very important to talk about its a bit of a touchy subject, but here we go.

There is a reason Ron Paul's campaign is known as the Ron Paul Revolution. No, its not because Ron Paul is some kind of radical revolutionary as the mainstream media would have you believe. Its because Ron Paul will save us from the coming tyranny/fascism whatever you want to call it. Right now we are on a downward spiral in to the unknown, veering far off from our founders visions of America, from even our mothers and fathers vision of America. Ron Paul and what he stands for is the new Revolution in America, the liberty movement, the preservation of America and the American Dream.

If you dared to dream that someday you might become president. If you believe in the ideas of freedom, If you side with David over Goliath, if you love your way of life now and want your children to share these dreams, these rights of freedom, the power of democracy, free speech and property rights, then you must get behind Ron Paul. It is time you decide as our founding fathers decided, Liberty or Tyranny? There can be only one, this middle ground we stand on is only temporary.

. If you believe in the ideas of freedom, If you side with David over Goliath, if you love your way of life now and want your children to share these dreams, these rights of freedom, the power of democracy, free speech and property rights, then you must get behind Ron Paul.

More like if you want to have the country given completely to the corporate overlords, vote for Ron Paul.
what a bunch of bullshit, first off we already gave the country to "corporate overlords", second off your completely wrong, do I really need to discuss this again or you going to to look thru this thread because its been discussed already several times? in short, Ron Pauls free market ideas does not equal corporate takeover, thats another psy-op against Ron Paul.

So do you also think Ron Paul will threaten national security? Same type of bullshit psy-op.

Ron Paul is not a dangerous threat to United States and the American way of life, Ron Paul is not a terrorist. GET REAL. With Ron Pauls Ideas we all prosper and big brother loses.

If, and thats a big IF, If Ron Paul gets the Nomination, then the truth will be told by his constituents and all republicans, The smear campaign will have a strong advocate, at that point its over for Obama, its over for the crooks aka big brother, we win.

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  • The day after the election in 2008 I overheard several people agreeing they should have voted for Ron Paul. I am guessing they were referring to the GOP primary since Ron Paul was not on any ballot for the general election. It made me think that if Dr. Paul ever ran again, it would be the last time. There will always be an Obama, Romney, or Palin type to vote for but there is only 1 Ron Paul and only one chance left to elect him. This is it. Ron Paul 2012!

    xylemphoenix 22 hours ago 6
  • For all You growing Mr. Ron Paul Supporters, Ron Paul 2012!!!
    For all You Mr. Ron Paul skeptics, Please do some research and draw Your own conclusions. Mr. Paul did not make it 22 years in Congress by being a kook, racists, whatever You want to call him.
    Substantiate Your claims with credible research.
    American to American we are on the same team.
    Ron Paul 2012
Ronald Reagan on Ron Paul


This is the truth America, Ron Paul is not a Terrorist, Ron Paul Is a real republican, a real public servant.
from the speech in Vegas recently, says some things about marijuana:


some Ron Paul Highlights from 2008

Mitch Daniels just dropped out


Help spread the word for the Republican Registration BOMB to ensure that all Ron Paul supporters can vote in the Republican primary.
Ron Paul speaks so straight and to the point. When he is talking about our country, you can tell that he dearly loves it and wants it to last forever and be truly free. Do you know that feeling of tingles you get when you are listening to someone speak who is really passionate and can actually say what they are feeling inside about something? When what they are saying is almost exactly what you feel inside? That is what I get when I listen to Ron Paul speak. Year after year we elect these presidents that are cookie cutters because that is what most people are comfortable with. If Ron Paul wins the nominee, I will cry. If he becomes our commander in chief, I will go to Washington and I will stand in front of the White House cheering and swelling with pride. I will for the first time in my life time feel like our country is heading in the right direction. Ron Paul is a shining example of liberty and freedom. If there was ever to be a role model in these times, it is Ron Paul.