You're politicizing and generally have your facts wrong. That's all I have to say about that. Well, one more thing I guess.

If you need H2O2 because you are losing roots to an anerobic condition, then you need to rethink your garden. It's nothing more than water with an oxygen atom hung to it - very unstable, quickly releasing that O and returning to plain ole water. Ahhhhhhhh, another one. Tell me what's missing in Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro or their Bloom food? pdf Files/DG Foliage-Pro Sht 2003.pdf
If you want to argue, I can and will go toe to toe with you. I refuse to argue with some twit who tries to whip up an Uncle Ben gang bang with intimidation tactics...... ostracizing another member who agrees with me. He clearly states that if you want to use boosters and additives, then knock yourself out. He's also in this to make money and if someone asks for something that he doesn't stock, then he loses profits to the hydro store down the road. I may sell fudge in my store.....doesn't necessarily mean I like fudge.
And yes, more than likely you're wasting your money and time with CO2. Depends....
What I think is happening here is you'd feel more self-confident with a consensus....seen those forum dynamics many a time.