My Plant is Drooping and Leaves are Turning Brown & Curling Please Help!


Yesterday it was fine & standing on its own and ive had it on the 12/12 and i was going to put it in the light and it looked like this any suggestions ? :joint:


stfu about the stick its just a STICK. all im asking for is advice and if you dont wanna help me then dont comment please!
LOL this thread gave me a good laugh. That thing looks stretchy what kinda lights you got on it?
I think that you might be over-watering and over-stressing the stick.
Just like the Canadian weather stick leaning up and down; 'the stick' does the same to your plants.

The plant that craved the stick

The plant depends on the stick
The plants growth is based on the size of the stick
The stickiness of the plant, again is based on the stick.
When the plant is lonely during those long 12/12 nights, it only wants one
thing by its side...yeah its the stick.
Give your plant what she wants when she wants it; give her that stick!

Good luck getting it back up!
I think that you might be over-watering and over-stressing the stick.
Just like the Canadian weather stick leaning up and down; 'the stick' does the same to your plants.

The plant that craved the stick

The plant depends on the stick
The plants growth is based on the size of the stick
The stickiness of the plant, again is based on the stick.
When the plant is lonely during those long 12/12 nights, it only wants one
thing by its side...yeah its the stick.
Give your plant what she wants when she wants it; give her that stick!

Good luck getting it back up!
wth?? i dont get why everyone is talking about the stick