Interesting Find

sup fellow marijuana enthusiasts, I recently was walking my dog along the same path I reguallary do, and all of the sudden my nose sensed the familiar smell of sweet cheeba. I investigated and found several plants that look and smell like pot plants. The leaves are ridged and there are 7 points so it seems that this is the real deal and the best find of my life. However as I looked closer I saw that there were one or two plants that were tree status in that they were about 10 to 12 feet tall and the stems were more like trunks of a tree. Is it possible that these are just wild weed plants that havnt been groomed so the vegetation state never stopped? or are these just trees that have decided to tease me. Let me know what you think any advice is greatly appreciated
probably someone's guerrilla grow. Does the dirt around them look like it's been disturbed at all? Does it look different than the surrounding dirt? If so, leave a note saying "found your spot".

If they truly are wild, then sweet find!
No! the ground is completely undisturbed, the plants are sorrounded by other random weeds and plants, it looks as if its just completely wild. Ive been researching on the internet all day on the possibility of it being just some randome tree and I cant find any regular tree whos leaves look like this. Some of the plants' leaves have a hint of purple and redish color, some more than others, any ideas?
You know for $30 you can get a scouting camera. Hunters nail them to trees. When deer pass by the camera, the camera takes a picture. It makes it real easy for the hunter to go back and see what type of game is in the area.
Where do you live? it seems pretty early in the year for wild 10-12 ft cannabis plants.....maybe if someone put them outside at like 9-10 ft tall.....but that doesnt fit with the non-disturbed ground. I'd be extremely shocked if they were the real deal. if you live in the southern hemisphere it slightly ups the chances but no "not grooming" a cannabis plant outside will not make it stay in veg phase. So that kinda kills that.
Where do you live? it seems pretty early in the year for wild 10-12 ft cannabis plants.....maybe if someone put them outside at like 9-10 ft tall.....but that doesnt fit with the non-disturbed ground. I'd be extremely shocked if they were the real deal. if you live in the southern hemisphere it slightly ups the chances but no "not grooming" a cannabis plant outside will not make it stay in veg phase. So that kinda kills that.
exactly what i was thinking. for something outside to be that big right now it would have had to been put in the ground when it was huge already.
The thing is if its on a regular walking track how many uther grass smoking junkiees have walked past with there dogs and snifft the smell of sweet cheeba. If you have the nose for the ganja then your always on the sniff threw them sort of places, there's probably a few of you walking buy thinken yesssssa can't wait for crop day. First come first served a would say
Are you sure it isn't a wild hopp? I herd somewhere that a hopp has the same genetics or similar. Av smelt hopps before and they do have the smells of the finest of grengo, plus a hopp is a climbing plant and could grow easy the size your saying as the can cover your house in a summer if it was left to grow on the outside walls. It could be that bro.
The thing is if its on a regular walking track how many uther grass smoking junkiees have walked past with there dogs and snifft the smell of sweet cheeba. If you have the nose for the ganja then your always on the sniff threw them sort of places, there's probably a few of you walking buy thinken yesssssa can't wait for crop day. First come first served a would say

spoken like a true thief i hope someone rips off your shit bro
spoken like a true thief i hope someone rips off your shit bro
To be fair i think he was saying that based off the they are wild cannabis plants theory. which i would consider fair game. Either way though it doesnt matter as since they are not cannabis plants(i'd give it about a .000000001 chance to be fair as i cannot prove it
100% b/c i cant go find them and see for myself and i cant say that absolutely 100% for sure that some incredible series of unusual events could not of happened and led to it .
wasn't trolling just speaking my mind you acted like first come first serve on what is probably someone's shit.
That guy said nothing so far this thread except that post, he didnt act like anything. and i already tried to explain that other comment that looked at out of context did sound like that was based on the "wild 10-12ft cannabis plants" theory most likely. To be fair. lol
Not being a dick or anything but idk how you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. Im guessing its just some tree or plant that looks like weed.