Club 600


Well-Known Member
Amazing article, as a graduate of Criminology and Economics I am a great believer in the abolishment of prisons, this is just adding to my belief. I emailed the guy to congratulate him on a wonderful article!! Thanks for sharing that Duchie!!!

Morning guys. Hey D, thanks, but you know, you don't have to be a musician to be an entertainer in the band. Everybody has their part, even the wacky guy dancing around on dope. If he were to die tomorrow, would the band be the same? Probably not. So I'm thinking for a stage backdrop we set up 600, 600's and blind the crowd with it every now and then, placing them under our submission.

So, grey areas in law eh? Our newly elected opposition is in hot water right now for bringing up the separatist issue again. This is the one about Quebec separating from the rest of Canada. It's a stupid thing looming over us for decades now. Our courts decided that it would take a "clear" majority vote in order for that to happen. The thing is the didn't make it clear what a "clear" majority is. Well the opposition did in their policy and they say it's 50% +1. Well now everyone's saying he has a separatist agenda. What a bunch of whack jobs. Any kid can figure out that game of words. How can you come up with that kind of guideline unless your just coming up with anything to appease the masses so you can move on.

How about a great article, from yesterday even, on why we should get rid of cops. The article's written my a research analyst out of Cali. "Abolish the Police"

Here's another one about voting and the democratic process. It's sort of summed up in Churchills saying, found in my sig. Churchill also went on to say, which I learned in the article's comments, that democracy is the worst system except for all the others. "The evils of voting"

:peace: Duchie


Well-Known Member
I just discovered that Barack Obama follows High Times Magazine on Twitter. How bout that? LOL But I'm sure he never "read". Or at least that's what he's telling everyone. Anyway, off to bed. Catch ya's later 600.
Obama lurks on the 600 too lol


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it was appreciated D. I'm not a scholar of any sort, in fact dropped out 2 months before graduation after getting in a scrap with the old man and leaving home at 17, but I try to keep up on things that are important to me. I think society, especially a democratic one, is becoming way to complacent with things because a great many of us are selfish and lazy and can't be bothered. But when that insurance company Fu*ks you because of regulations that were made in your absence then you should blame yourself as much as everyone else. It's like the young girl who I was talking with who said she would rather be out taking pictures than voting. Well, one day girly, that guy who you let into power because you didn't have time to oppose him, will set many rules about how your allowed to use your camera, leaving you susceptible to prosecution. I bet you'll wish you took the time then.

Ok I'll stop there.


Well-Known Member
it's a catch 22 when you don't trust any of the fekkin politicians though Duchie....I think that's the biggest issue. Most people have little or no common ground with most politicians that exist today. Even Labour politicans are to the right of the spectrum now. Politics is fukked imo....and so is the world. What a shame, pop fizzle goes the neighbourhood.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's true, but it's hard to find common ground with people when their heads are in the clouds. Besides, isn't it their job to find common ground with us?


Well-Known Member
As I said before, I play a wicked triangle so cannot comment on a very high level about peoples music talents, but hell yea Duchie!!!!!!!! that was super cool my nug!!! I think between you, brother Doob, and me on a triangle, we could put out a pretty good tune. Who else will be in the band? Or I could be like Bez in the Happy Mondays, just dance around and take loads of drugs!! Sounds more like a job for me (I will hit the triangle every now and then of course)

Bez, lmao...

he played some mean maracas, hahaha.

Peace 600.



Well-Known Member
Hey OI, I am still figuring things out and trying to tune things in. Don't know if it makes a difference but these girls are 12/12 from seed and they were planted April 1. I figure they still have 4 or 5 weeks left so hopefully they'll catch up. I'm also noticing that certain strains are lost in these pots so I will probably be doing some downsizing soon. I'm actually thinking of a second tent to do single runs in, particularly the taller sativas, which will leave the first tent for the smaller plants in a perpetual of sorts. That's the plan anyway.
Im sure it does make a difference. I have only done 12/12 from seed to determine sex then into veg to get bigger. I have only done small clones, say 4 inches or so tall from the time they go in, and only MK Ultras. With how short the heri is normally I totally get why she is as small as she is being 12/12 the whole time. I bet that nug punches you in the face when its done though. The sativas definitely seem to do the best in a 12/12 from seed format, with their stretch being as crazy as it is.


Well-Known Member
Hey OI, I am still figuring things out and trying to tune things in. Don't know if it makes a difference but these girls are 12/12 from seed and they were planted April 1. I figure they still have 4 or 5 weeks left so hopefully they'll catch up. I'm also noticing that certain strains are lost in these pots so I will probably be doing some downsizing soon. I'm actually thinking of a second tent to do single runs in, particularly the taller sativas, which will leave the first tent for the smaller plants in a perpetual of sorts. That's the plan anyway.
Sorry Duchie, that is partially my fault... I should have told you that those big uns would not be good for 12/12 from seed. Really those pots are the most effective when they feel "full" ;)


Well-Known Member
Im sure it does make a difference. I have only done 12/12 from seed to determine sex then into veg to get bigger. I have only done small clones, say 4 inches or so tall from the time they go in, and only MK Ultras. With how short the heri is normally I totally get why she is as small as she is being 12/12 the whole time. I bet that nug punches you in the face when its done though. The sativas definitely seem to do the best in a 12/12 from seed format, with their stretch being as crazy as it is.
I agree. The Jack Hammer in there only vegged for 2 weeks before going in. I put the clones from her into smaller pots to see how that goes. From the trichs already showing here, I'm betting it will "punch me in the face" lol. Two of those heris were painted on the lower buds with Extrema juice about a week ago, hopefully long enough for the seeds to mature.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Duchie, that is partially my fault... I should have told you that those big uns would not be good for 12/12 from seed. Really those pots are the most effective when they feel "full" ;)
Oh, not at all bill, that was more my inexperience than anything but it's all good. I'm wondering if they can be altered down the side to make the pot narrower with less volume.

Besides, I don't plan to keep going 12/12 from seed. Eventually I want to up my veg times on these Indica strains to get the most out of them. But for now it's about time and demand.


Well-Known Member
Oh, not at all bill, that was more my inexperience than anything but it's all good. I'm wondering if they can be altered down the side to make the pot narrower with less volume.

Besides, I don't plan to keep going 12/12 from seed. Eventually I want to up my veg times on these Indica strains to get the most out of them. But for now it's about time and demand.
The weird thing is, on the herojuana's every time I have seen it grown, it stretches like crazy. 2 -3 X in flower.


Well-Known Member
The weird thing is, on the herojuana's every time I have seen it grown, it stretches like crazy. 2 -3 X in flower.
That's what I'm finding with 12/12 is that they do seem to catch up. It seems that with 12/12 you still have to add a few weeks to the plants normal flowering to make up for the lack of veg time. The only advantage I seem to find with 12/12 is that it's quicker to determine sex. I'm pretty sure that I'll eventually cut the 12/12 from seed and at least allow 2 weeks for sativas and 3 to 4 for Indicas.


Well-Known Member
I do 6 week veg times, but I do mostly indica dominant plants. Though with how my stuff is growing this time, that probably wont be necessary. Im hoping my stuff in the flowering tent is within its last to weeks, more rather, it has no choice to be in its last 2 weeks cause there are new girls to go in there by then, and this stuff is seeded anyway, still dank, but seeded. To DST, your headband is DANK! I smoked a small nug earlier and it tasted like heaven and caught me a nice buzz from 1 bong hit, I vaporized the crystal covered leaves from that bud in my Vaporite, and that was enough to get me nice and medicated. I cant wait until it actually ready, and cured. Thanks for those beans, too bad they have those hermie traits too them or I would have considered keeping it around for a while. I will be doing some lower bud painting on my next run, A lucky Mastodon, Lemon Diesel, and Grapefruit Krush bud will be hit with some Kandy Kush x Skunk jiz.


Active Member
Hey 600, I've got something I want to share with you. It's been a bit since I shot a vid so I did one today. What's different is the audio I used. I have a friend on the other side of the country, who when I lived there was building his recording studio. Just before I left for my 4000km move, like the day before, he called me and asked if I'd pop by and lay something down. Unfortunately I could only spare a couple of hours and this is the end product. Me on vocals and Randall (A very Scottish dude) on guitar. Please smoke a big bowl before so you don't notice how pitchy the vocals are.

Oh, and I almost forgot fellow babies...Booger!


how long into flower is she?

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Soil Test

Here are the three clones at day 20 when they were placed into the bloom room.
From left to right Fox Farm-Miracle Grow-Jungle Growth Pro

The clones were approximately 6" when this started and currently the Miracle Grow is the leader at 12", with the Jungle Growth at 10" and the Fox Farm at 8 1/2".
Plants are in bag soil and are just watered with no additional amendments
I'm as surprised as anyone that the Miracle Grow is leading. Stay tuned for further results.
