Little Flies Help!


Well-Known Member
I have been getting little black flys coming from my soil and looks like putting holes/dots on my leafs how can I get rid my plants are 3 weeks into flower so I need help asap thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
Could be gnats,try getting some yellow sticky cards and put them at soil level. Post some feedback of your results.


Well-Known Member
By some harvest safe vegetable bug killer (Spectracide) and spray the top of the dirt and the leaves, tops and undersides, redo process every 10 days until things are under control.


Well-Known Member
I'm having a white fly infestation as well, I got one of those electrical lamps for flies, sticky traps, and sprayed the leaves with a 4:1 solution of water and 70%i alcohol.. It seems under control... but you could get some Nutrilife SM-90 or neem oil too. Try not to use chemical pesticides, people with allergies could choke because of that, I've seen it happen.


Well-Known Member
I did have these flys b4, I used the yellow strips and after 3 days 7 strips was full and it seemed under control, but now I have had to look after a mates plant for a few days and he grow in a green house (outside) me inside :-( so I think they have come in his soil, as today they are everywhere!!! I will try the yellow strips again and hope for the best, when I had them b4 in the flower stage they was getting stuck to my buds!!! I hear vinegar in a bowl is good? I will update


i would say just do a soil drench with azamax or gognats. Worked for me. Ive also used both up til 1 week out of harvest with no problems. Azamax can cause a little leaf curl when lights are on, but i havent seen a single fly since i started using the stuff. Both are suposedly organic


Well-Known Member
i think the best, cheapest, fastest method ive heard of... (and then in tyurn told my friend and seen work 100% first hand) was to put regular sandbox play sand u can buy from any home improvement store, the fly larvae hatch in the soil and the flies come outta the soil, if u put a 1/4 - 1/2 inch layer of sand over your soil the flies cannot penetrate through the surface and die in the soil, my grower buddy ahd a HUGE fungus gnat situation (same as you) one day and it was literally GONE overnight, guaranteed.... +rep if it works for ya, thanks bud, good luck

Mort Fink

New Member
I just had those little fuckers, might be thrips. I got Spinosad spray from monteray, I also got some diatomaceous earth and mixed it with my soil and transplanted. Then i sprinkled some more DE on the top so they dont fuck around.


Well-Known Member
i think the best, cheapest, fastest method ive heard of... (and then in tyurn told my friend and seen work 100% first hand) was to put regular sandbox play sand u can buy from any home improvement store, the fly larvae hatch in the soil and the flies come outta the soil, if u put a 1/4 - 1/2 inch layer of sand over your soil the flies cannot penetrate through the surface and die in the soil, my grower buddy ahd a HUGE fungus gnat situation (same as you) one day and it was literally GONE overnight, guaranteed.... +rep if it works for ya, thanks bud, good luck
This works for fungus gnats.. purely a mechanical method of getting them out..


Active Member
theres gnats and white flies , two diferent things , the ghat doesnt make damage to the seen part of the plant , basically gnat doesnt make damage at all , its larvae is the one that eats up roots and dump /roten plant matter , once u mention black flys , u gotta have two things along , id advice u to look more carefull with a mag lens on what is there on ur plants

keep top soil clean, try to keep top soil as dry as possible , water really well and let pot go really light , if u can get perlite , a 3 cm screen on the top of soil will block the fuckers from emerging and multiply , all mechanical 100% safe


Well-Known Member
I am off to the hard wear shop today to get Perlite and the yellow fly strips fingers crossed this does it as I must feed my lady's today the soil is well dry and now the bottom leafs are going a little yellow :-( Watch this space i will update. Ps thanks for all the hints


Active Member
im with u bro , dont forget to clean the pots before puting perlite , if ur top soil is a bit messy with old plant matter u can take away until u hit the 1st roots and add more perlite or new soil , usually thats 2-3 cms of soil w/o roots

also dont forget that perlite makes a nasty powder , DONT inhale it , moist it up really well and stir it up or just hold a big breath ( thats what i do )
Blackflies and these gnats you mention breath through their bodies. I discovered a nest of hundreds of the fuckers in my room above the ducting. They had begun to infest the soil and I was finding lots of tiny corpses on my flowers. They tend to fly up toward the light, die and fall down. I used a solution (2-3 drops per 8 litres of lukewarm tap water) of biodegradable washing up liquid (dish soap) and flushed each plant with this solution (2l per large (12") pot. In addition I disinfected the areas favoured by the flies with a floral-friendly biocide (zoflora - benzalkonium chloride base). The washing up liquid permeates the growing medium and coats the larvae and neonate flies with a fine solution of detergent making it impossible for them to breathe. The entire infestation vanished the next day. Four weeks on and everything is fine. As a side note this detergent solution allows for better water uptake if (like me) you are using a soil medium, as it assists the water in permeating the impacted soil in the pot - making for improved root saturation and nutrient uptake. In fact, following this intervention I found that one plant (Bubblegummer) developed nutrient bunr from the sudden surge in nutrient availability.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I cut the yellow strips into four and stuck them on each corner of the pots!! I looked at then today and they are covered I think I am winning the battle!!! :-)


Well-Known Member
go to your local hardware store by a spray something vegtable safe has to be vegtable safe ive had this problem and u need to spray i was also in flowering about your time frame to it'll live
spray it down i did twice a day light on the plant but enought to know it was there tose the top layers of soil unitl you hit root in trash spray befor recovering with new soil and spray until they are gone proballly a week or two
the sprays break them down to nothing and its made out of natural plant hormones


Well-Known Member
I just had this problem and got it handled, Buy a $5 jug of apple cider vinegar fill a 1/2 cup, keg cup or whatever and place 1 cup between every 2 plants. Give it a couple day and you should catch a bunch of those bastards, gotta get the adults to stop laying eggs. I also hung bout 20 fly strips about every 2 feet on my walls. In just a couple days i've killed a few hundred of these bastards......for under $10.
Also when u think u need to water, just let it go for 1 extra day to help kill the eggs in the top soil. Yes, ur plants may get a lil' bit droopy, but don't worry, they will perk right back up next watering. mine did just fine, and with this method i've destroyed about 95% of my gnat issue