Well-Known Member
I have been getting little black flys coming from my soil and looks like putting holes/dots on my leafs how can I get rid my plants are 3 weeks into flower so I need help asap thanks
This works for fungus gnats.. purely a mechanical method of getting them out..i think the best, cheapest, fastest method ive heard of... (and then in tyurn told my friend and seen work 100% first hand) was to put regular sandbox play sand u can buy from any home improvement store, the fly larvae hatch in the soil and the flies come outta the soil, if u put a 1/4 - 1/2 inch layer of sand over your soil the flies cannot penetrate through the surface and die in the soil, my grower buddy ahd a HUGE fungus gnat situation (same as you) one day and it was literally GONE overnight, guaranteed.... +rep if it works for ya, thanks bud, good luck