New 4,400w Room With Co2

Every batch of SS is a sick batch!
I noticed the same thing about the dol lime but I stuck to the script with this batch. If I run into issues I'll chang but why fix what aint broken!?!
What ells did you add to your mix? hope it kick ass for you!

I added some extra amino acids and some general hydroponics subculture B & subculture M. Humic and Fulvic acids as well. Did yours call for rock phosphate? Some of the recipes did and didn't but I went with it as well as the full 50 lbs of worm castings. I mixed a full batch and it filled (3) 32 gallon trash cans. Once I poured the water to her the perlite floated up a bit and it looked so purdy. I can't wait omg.
Heres a better look at what Im working with on the male front.

I had 2 bns1 do this so they got the chop.

I do have a bns1 male left, it aint to bad.


These are the sb males, 3 of em, nice spread.
One short and stocky, one in the middle, and one tall and lanky. Any input is always welcome.


Same plants, view from above in same order.




Heres a sb slose up.



Here are the three bco kush mix males.


Enjoy :-)
we got a room dont worry about it! keep your lg nose out of our business! :lol:
Looks like my moms missed the rounds today... again :lol: sorry bro :lol: maybe tomorrow :lol:

Here are 4 bns1s, they've been flowering for just about a week. I threw the 5th one in today, I let it veg a little longer than the others. Im thinking they would be better off xplanted into bigger containers! maybe if im very gentle they wont notice...
I took some pics with and without flash... obviously lol doh Just trying to do these ladies justice!
Iv also been tucking fan leafs under to expose more tops, Iv never grown this strain before so Im not sure how much this "tucking" has contributed to their bushiness.

Heres the hydro ak curing, its not top shelf but it aint so bad. I like growing and smoking dank though!



peace folks
i would let em be,ive done the re-plant befor,but that was with a strain i had grown befor,
so i knew the roots still put out alot in flowering,to me them plants look just fine,what size u thinking of going up too?
i got some gals that look like they have been growning outdoors,in 5 gal pots(stomper og),they takeing about a gal a day so be ready.
those fems look good! cant wait to see how they produce and how green they stay in your super soil. now what are you gona do with all the promix???
i would let em be,ive done the re-plant befor,but that was with a strain i had grown befor,
so i knew the roots still put out alot in flowering,to me them plants look just fine,what size u thinking of going up too?
i got some gals that look like they have been growning outdoors,in 5 gal pots(stomper og),they takeing about a gal a day so be ready.
Thanks allot for the input G. My main concern is the top mass being in decent proportion to the roots, if they get too big they will eat all the nutes in the soil so if I want to still do water only Im thinking I need bigger pots..... BUT I could always start feeding them tea if they need more food in the soil. So thats what Im pondering atm. Like I said in the 6 I might just do both. Money is a lil tight this month so I also have that to think about.
I was thinking of maybe going up to 7 gal containers... lol your probably saying im crazy right now hehe maybe I am :-)
those fems look good! cant wait to see how they produce and how green they stay in your super soil. now what are you gona do with all the promix???

LGz- thanks

What to do with the pro mix? hmmm idk? make a play pin?
MAKE MORE WATER ONLY SOIL :-) Vic's Super Soil Recipe to be exact.

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.

I didnt add the fritted trace elements but I did add some humic acid and azomite. Im wanting to add a bag of compost but dont want to over due things.
Im gonna soak it in with liquid karma for the cooking phase.
fingers crossed! xx :joint:
Nice going who dat How ya been havent talked to ya in a while. Anyway keep up the good work and let us know which Organic soil works best for you. Also is one of those males throwing hairs and balls???????????????
Nice going who dat How ya been havent talked to ya in a while. Anyway keep up the good work and let us know which Organic soil works best for you. Also is one of those males throwing hairs and balls???????????????

Hey sauce :-) going good. That was a male throwing hairs out, maybe from me being too lazy to fix the light leak...the 2 got the chop... fixed now and have a good amount of pollen from all 3 of my space bombs, the bns1 will probably drop some fluff tomorrow as well as the phaty bco kush male.

?purp day 1 starts tomorrow :-) I have a 600 in now but kinda want a 1k in there... will see as it progresses.



AK in soil~

And my Space bombs that need to flower very soon.
also a mix of a few others in the veg.
nice update whodat! the ?purp should be a pretty cool experiment, its almost like a vert set up the way that they will be growing up the sides of the screen. the Sour D looks good but seems like its had its fair share of problems of late by the looks of the leaves. the AKs look like they produce good in both hydro and soil. that veg area is fullll! going to be lots of stuff to be flowered soon enough.
Got my co2 tank hooked up last night and timers run for exhaust and co2 bursts synced. Thanks for the help buddy!
Amazing grow, well done, whodatnation!

I've been thinking about going with co2, I got a tank and reg but haven't hooked it up yet - mostly got it to get rid of mites. Do you go through the various methods like the max yield article describes or did you just try one method?
Amazing grow, well done, whodatnation!

I've been thinking about going with co2, I got a tank and reg but haven't hooked it up yet - mostly got it to get rid of mites. Do you go through the various methods like the max yield article describes or did you just try one method?

Thanks rosecitypapa :-) I only tried using bottled co2... actually my first grow I set up next to a dryer that ran on natural gas so when I used the dryer it was producing co2 and being sucked into my grow with a single 600 inside... It was an awesome grow.
I dont want to use burners because of fire and the increased humidity, and the earth can be inconsistent. I like the bottles :-) They do run out sometimes but really what's 1 day without co2? no biggie.