Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member
The two at the front, on 1ml/L A + B, 2ml/L Rhizotonic, once they get a bit bigger ill add some Canna N into the mix. The other one is getting flushed with molasses as of today. Just pouring on top atm, no bottom feeding for me, I make sure I get a decent run off.


Well-Known Member
can't grumble mate, how about you? was battered last night, what you been smoking recently pukka?
Sound bro, went to a beach party at my mates bar in chesterfield, had a hot tub there, loads of birds in bikini's, free booze and some chedder, so a good night bro :) !!!!!!
had some nice chronic the other day!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hi wowzie:wink:
Im excited about you starting a journal.
I have been anticipating this day for some time now.
YOur plants look beautiful. I cant wait to hear how your easyrider? will smoke up.. flavor and strength. Was it a relatively easy plant to grow for you? That was a really quick grow wasnt it? thats very cool.
Trainwreck is such an amazing smoke. I love that strain. I think you will too.
You have some great strains growing. I wish you the best of luck with everything.


Well-Known Member
Hey doc! glad you finally made your way over here ;) haha. Thanks for the kind words, the easyrider has been the least troublesome, and she's the biggest of the bunch! If im honest, I don't think it will be amazing but should produce some nice smoke!
I'm waiting for the trainwreck to pick up but its looking a bit sad, thought it was underwatered but watered yesterday and she still hasn't perked up. The pychosis on the other hand, looks really nice and healthy.
Fingers crossed!

Alrights guys an gals/ lads an lasses/ male and females, got a little update for you.

The easyryder was filling up the screen nicely so I tucked her under as much as I could. This picture is before I trained her.

The OG got supercropped to the max lol. she is gonna have a nice even canopy. Those two at the back should be nice and even when I make the flip.

The lowryder 2 is on her last legs, I'm actually kind of excited now that the end is in sight. Shes about 12' from coco to the top and is solid as a rock. Last time I grew this strain it was on a window sill lol, and it was actually a really nice high.



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
very nice.. very nice.. isnt supercropping super fun..haha.Your going to have massive buddage wowseph!
I supercropped for the first time a month or so ago. I broke one of my branches in half, it was just hanging there. I taped her up and now the buddage coming from her is like the fattest frostiest in the tent. You could prob run over these plants with a tractor a few time and if you just bandage them all up they might just make it back even stronger..?
Im looking foward to seeing your Lowryder all trimmed up and dried out.. that is one massive bud. Awesome gardening dude!!!!
How long was the entire life cycle for the Lowryder wowGee,? sorry if i missed that info. Thanks


Well-Known Member
i want a full and proper smoke report from that auto please wow if ya could be so kind old boy lol sorry m8 pissed n stoned as always lol

nar its just i read alot bout the autos but never actually smoked 1 in 17yrs of smoking lol


Well-Known Member
lol it is good, you just keep pinching until you here that faint click, then you know the jobs done! I remember when you snapped that branch haha, ive snapped quite a few in there from time to time, but like you said, these plants are rigorous little buggers and don't go down easy! the lowryder is on day 53 I think? should be done in under 60 days! I could probably get 36 of those in my tent in smaller pots. Definitely potential for a quick commercial harvest!

i want a full and proper smoke report from that auto please wow if ya could be so kind old boy lol sorry m8 pissed n stoned as always lol

nar its just i read alot bout the autos but never actually smoked 1 in 17yrs of smoking lol
hahahahaha "sorry m8 pissed n stoned as always" that should be in your sig man! the last time I grew it me and my mate went out for a pure one and no shit two hours later we were still battered watching bear grylls lol. Id say it was as strong as some of the northern lights stuff I got a hold of. The only thing about it was the taste wasn't there but hopefully it should be better this time round with a decent molasses flush.

you've got room in your veg tent mate, just stick an auto in there and see what happens!


Active Member
The two at the front, on 1ml/L A + B, 2ml/L Rhizotonic, once they get a bit bigger ill add some Canna N into the mix. The other one is getting flushed with molasses as of today. Just pouring on top atm, no bottom feeding for me, I make sure I get a decent run off.
molasses?eh aint that sugar


Well-Known Member
Mornin wowster hows tings bro???? lol............that easyryders lookin some nice shade of green mate, healthy as!!!............also i like the last pic of the lowryder!!!........looks gorgeous!!


Well-Known Member
cheers man, she is looking a nice shade of green these days, gotta put that down to las' advice on the canna N though to be honest. She should tie me over for week or so, gonna flush her once more tonight and then let her dry out before the chop.


Well-Known Member
Glad that canna N workin for you bro!! long has it been on her??
I've been using it every other feeding. Just seems like using the A + B on it's own won't cut it in terms of N, Ca, Mg, not for me anyway. I had to add extra N last grow as well.

hahahah man tell me you were going to use that tennis racket for a scrog!!! buds look frosty bro!
lol na man but that would be some ghetto ass scrog! I'm just leaning it against the walls to stop it from getting sucked in, maximising my tiny space bro, that easyryder is pushing up against the walls big style.


Well-Known Member
What's going on back right of the tent there? Looks to be kinda pointing in the wrong way
OG no.18, all the branches were bent at right angles to keep the canopy down, they were stretching up a bit too much for my liking. Theres gonna have to be a lot of trimming on her as well, the fan leaves are huge and just overshadow all the lower growth, im not vegging her 6 weeks just to get 4 decent tops, im going for 10+ on that one.

thanks KM.