Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Those are showing really robust branch structure. I'm always amazed by people who grow such stout stalks in soil... I could never do it.

I can see you like growing those freakish looking short plants that end up looking like a little trophy stand of bulbous buds. I think they go nuts for that kind of thing in Europe.


Well-Known Member
Those are showing really robust branch structure. I'm always amazed by people who grow such stout stalks in soil... I could never do it.

I can see you like growing those freakish looking short plants that end up looking like a little trophy stand of bulbous buds. I think they go nuts for that kind of thing in Europe.
lol, we like it up in cali as well, haha, thanks lord


Well-Known Member
SUP TEAM RIU, thanks for all the comments guys, the 3 pack is doing magnificent IMO, now that i went 12/12 they are climbing for the sky like no ones business, wow...ill post some pics in a few days,...

IN THE MEANTIME, id like to mix it up a little and post some music, i personally cant stand jay-z and categorize him in the "new rappers" shit section, right alongside, lil wayne, TI, fabulous, and every other rapper who came out after '95....furthermore, i already think hes a shit "rapper" but this song really solidifies my opinion....can you believe assfuck jay-z actually says hes in the same category as biggie, tupac, NAS, and other pioneers of hip hop?????, ive even heard him say he was better, hahahah.....

so in this song you hear biggie smalls, who is one of the coldest MCs to ever bless the microphone, kill it in the first two verses with his fluid style and then here comes shit face jay-z to ruin the song in verse ask what jay-z rhymes about in this song?...well what does every other shit-fuck wannabe rapper talk about these days???, how rich he is, and how cool he can actually see what i mean when u hear it, all jay-z does , as usual, is a play on words or dragging out syllables just so they rhyme, fuckin garbage, oh well, here it is...


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: day 5 of flower may 30

Ok, so these plants are doing sooo good i had to post some pics, they are right at the point where they are starting to stretch hard but its working to my favor and they are all doing what i envisioned, they will fill in and stop stretching at a perfect heighth IMO, im straight pumped up!...

this is the silver diesel, i got her like a week or 2 later than the other clones but she is doing real good considering shes so much young, i was bummed out it would end up being a small ass plant but i think it will actually do real good...

and this is the LA chesse, i can tell shes gonna be awesome as well, i heard alotta good things about this strain and its easy to manipulate how she grows so im real looks like its gonna have like 5 or 6 good nug tops....i tried something new and well see how it works out, the side branches were growing almost straight out sideways which i cant handle cause im short on elbow room for the ladies, so.....i twist tied the branches tight the the main stem, i did it do about 5 or 6 of them and now she looks like a nice bouqet of roses almost, all the side nodes are pointed up and almost the same heighth as the top so its gonna be perfect, IMO...IMG_20110530_002221.jpgIMG_20110530_002207.jpgIMG_20110530_002234.jpg

NOW THIS is the grapefruit haze, oh man, if every plant i ever grew like this id be a happy camper, extremely short and compact , manageable and bushy as fuck would be a understatement!....IMG_20110530_002033.jpgIMG_20110530_002016.jpg

so this is how they look in the cabinet....IMG_20110530_002407.jpg

so what do you guys think???...i cant wait for the pistel clusters start forming,lol, i call it the afros...


Well-Known Member
heya maz - them girls are lookin TIGHT! I like how healthy they're looking and down-right thick stemmed - a great sign that there's some thick bud to come! Looks like you have them trained nicely to be deep and wide - nice and short, ready to pack on the weight soon - good luck! +rep


Well-Known Member
heya maz - them girls are lookin TIGHT! I like how healthy they're looking and down-right thick stemmed - a great sign that there's some thick bud to come! Looks like you have them trained nicely to be deep and wide - nice and short, ready to pack on the weight soon - good luck! +rep
hey thanks dayz, yea im really stoked man, they are doing excellent IMO, everyday they are changing, the grapefruit haze flipped SO fast,lol, i went 12/12 the 25th of may and the pistels are exploding everywhere, the white pistel clusters will be flourishing in no time!... to top it off im going to AZ this next weekend, ill post a good update at that point.


Well-Known Member
Lookn good bro. They will be overwhelmed with bud soon :)
hey big nature, wassup my man, glad to see u came back to see whats up...yea bro, i cant see ANYTHING wrong at all, at first i was trippin cause the cabinet gets kinda hot with the lights on but @86f i actually dont think its a big deal no more, fans blowin and the only thing i notice is that they need water a day earlier, lol....i dunno if your still subbed but stop back by in a few days, the white hair explosion is gonna happen real soon, hows your girls comin along?


Well-Known Member
I'm always watchin bro and fa sho still subd up. Yea I always trip out about temp but hell they see hotter than 85-86 in the wild. I can't wait to see all the pistils/buds pop up on them babies. Mine r doin decent I guess. The veneno is makin me extremely happy. She's packin on some weight now, and as u said, lookn venemous. Definitely recommend her if u ever get the chance.


Well-Known Member
I'm always watchin bro and fa sho still subd up. Yea I always trip out about temp but hell they see hotter than 85-86 in the wild. I can't wait to see all the pistils/buds pop up on them babies. Mine r doin decent I guess. The veneno is makin me extremely happy. She's packin on some weight now, and as u said, lookn venemous. Definitely recommend her if u ever get the chance.
thats cool, good for you bro...hey have u ever tried any additives that pack on the weight??....i went to the grow store and told the guy i dont wanna get all super technical with nutes, just an easy regiment so i dont over nute or some other dumb shit and he highly recommended the powder form of "koolbloom", i think its 2-45-28 which is low in nitrogen but very high in P and K, as soon as i fed the blue venom from last grow she fuckin exploded thick as fuck man, i know your limited cause of your area but i think the stuff was only like 20 bucks-ish....and its easy to use, just a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon along with regular nutes, this bag is huge, it will last FOREVER...


Well-Known Member
Hell yea good lookn out bro. Only thing I've used to try and get a lil more weight is molasses. Idk if it actually does anything but the last lemon skunk had more resin output than this one currently so maybe it did make a difference. I never actually thought about getting some bud boosters. I'm gonna look that stuff up right now. So how did u like the blue venom smoke? I was thinkn bout ordering some blue venom beans this wkend.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea good lookn out bro. Only thing I've used to try and get a lil more weight is molasses. Idk if it actually does anything but the last lemon skunk had more resin output than this one currently so maybe it did make a difference. I never actually thought about getting some bud boosters. I'm gonna look that stuff up right now. So how did u like the blue venom smoke? I was thinkn bout ordering some blue venom beans this wkend.
dude, like i said b4, i got my blue venom as clones which i know you dont really have access to if im correct but if u can get some fem seeds, definitely fuckin hop on it 100%, i love the way it grew, it stretched kind of alot when i switched 12/12 but it was good cause there was opening in between the nodes so the light penetrated deep, it had this crazy blue dream sativa sweet candy smell mixed with a cheesy aroma, AS SOON AS any of my friends smelled the bag they didnt even say anything, they just looked up at me with this puzzled look and back down at the bag like, "is this for real"?? and it tasted like it smelled, so smooth and for sure gonna get more, but first i wanna sample all the strains my local clinic has, i heard this LA CHEESE i have going now is gonna be some straight up fire!...we'll see, i dont wanna take pics just yet but ALL 3 plants have stopped making fan leaf clusters and they are just beginning to throw out the spiky green leaf points instead mixed in with the pistels, the familiar "white afro" as i like to call them, when i post pics in a few days youll see what i mean bro...

hey nature, heres the link for the stuff, i think they say use 1st and last 3 weeks of flower but i just added soem to every watering oin the blue venom, dont overdue it, just add a little....maybe i did too much but it got so thick like in 2 days you wouldnt believe it!...,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1660&bih=834&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15632568832806894996&sa=X&ei=PrLlTeWHLsXhiAKil6m9CQ&ved=0CFEQ8wIwAA


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, I remembered u were a clone man; and I don't blame u for that anyday I wish I could get em but I searched and the only blue venom I found was g13 labs so hopefully its the same. I love the way it looked. I can get 5 fem beans for like 48 bucks I think so I'm gonna do that. I was reading up on the kool bloom on eBay, the only thing that worries me is it says it stresses the plant? Which I guess with the high P and K I guess its by overfert, who knows lol, but if it works for u ill definitely be getting some by the next round of flower. Man I've heard great things bout the LA Cheese. All the strains u got going sound like they're gonna be fire for real. Silver diesel has caught my eye tho.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, I remembered u were a clone man; and I don't blame u for that anyday I wish I could get em but I searched and the only blue venom I found was g13 labs so hopefully its the same. I love the way it looked. I can get 5 fem beans for like 48 bucks I think so I'm gonna do that. I was reading up on the kool bloom on eBay, the only thing that worries me is it says it stresses the plant? Which I guess with the high P and K I guess its by overfert, who knows lol, but if it works for u ill definitely be getting some by the next round of flower. Man I've heard great things bout the LA Cheese. All the strains u got going sound like they're gonna be fire for real. Silver diesel has caught my eye tho.
i seen on the read up that it said that as well, i personally didnt see any signs of stress but i wouldnt say that in my write up if i was the seller,lol...o well, yea the g13 labs BV is the same BV i had, im sure theres only 1...

oh hey by the way, i know im the clone guy,lol, but i seen on attitude some blueberry from dutch passion that looked real good so i actually purchased a fem seed for like 11 bucks plus they threw in some "UFO #1 SPR haze-feminized" seed for free, its probably some garbage but it was free and i heard great things about the blue berry, well see...


Well-Known Member
Hell yea I'm glad to hear that, ill be ordering it and gettn the 10 freebies this wkend and ill be getting the kool bloom for my next flower. THE CLONE MAN GOT A BEAN, WTF!? Don't think I'm hatin on u for being the clone man bro, I wish I had the access to em cause I'd do the same. I'm glad u got that BB tho, ill be around for it. I believe that haze is an auto, not sure tho, but they're cool watchin em flower on there own. I've grown 5 but my yields were lacking averaging around 13 gs but it was purple Afghani so I love it lol. Good thing about getting that bean tho is u can clone it if u want and keep it going so u get more than ur moneys worth. Oh shit man I meant to tell u, I put a white rhino and bagseed in the ffof and they fuckn LOVE it. It may just be in my head but they look greener than any seedlings I've had and the soil is super clean compared to mg. Definitely glad I got it.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea I'm glad to hear that, ill be ordering it and gettn the 10 freebies this wkend and ill be getting the kool bloom for my next flower. THE CLONE MAN GOT A BEAN, WTF!? Don't think I'm hatin on u for being the clone man bro, I wish I had the access to em cause I'd do the same. I'm glad u got that BB tho, ill be around for it. I believe that haze is an auto, not sure tho, but they're cool watchin em flower on there own. I've grown 5 but my yields were lacking averaging around 13 gs but it was purple Afghani so I love it lol. Good thing about getting that bean tho is u can clone it if u want and keep it going so u get more than ur moneys worth. Oh shit man I meant to tell u, I put a white rhino and bagseed in the ffof and they fuckn LOVE it. It may just be in my head but they look greener than any seedlings I've had and the soil is super clean compared to mg. Definitely glad I got it.
see man? tellin you, im stoked you got that FFOF!!!, that shit is the bomb, it has enough nutes to last you ALL throughout veg so dont fertilize until u go 12/12 IMO, i never gave my girls any nutes during veg and they did awesome, u might risk over fertilizing if u try, but im not some pics man, i wanna see that shyt,lol!