Can My Babe be Saved?


Am not going to be able to get epsom salt today but am going first thing in the morning. Also well am there can anyone tell me the perfect size rockwool to grow plant to full maturity. also any other med's to pervent shit like this from happining again? Any posts is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
once you find a formula that works seed/clone to finish, this won't happen again. it can take a while, and it can be tough, but it's definitely doable, you're on your way there right now.

why do you want to grow in rockwool? i'm not sure it's the best medium to grow. do you not like your DWC? if not, i recommend coco.


Well I just got everything really new like ec ph metters I billed my own dwc don't have that much more to invest I just need to make it work with what I got at the moment. But am going to fix it so where the white plastic covers the rockrool. And when I started I dident kno that I had to let it sit in vinager for 24 befor use.


Well-Known Member
oh i see so you're already growing in rockwool. i thought that was hydroton. well listen, i could be wrong on this but if you're in dwc and your res is under the rw, it shouldn't really matter the size of the cube, because your roots will be soaked in the res anyway. no?


Yah that's what I was thinking but then I seen someone said that to small of rockwool can makes some type of root billed up and won't let them roots get in the water. But this is what I read on a forum but never seen the ending to it.


Well-Known Member
do your roots go below? what's the size of your cube? if it's small they should be out of it by now. tell us a bit more about your grow, the setup and how it's going, it's kinda shooting in the dark now.


Well its was in a one inch cube then when roots grew out into a 3 inch into the system which is only a 5 gallon with a 3 inch net pod I had to trim the side off alil to make it fit..and a 6 inch airstone. about 6 days if that after that I saw roots touching water there ok in size I will send pic soon there white but there's some brown. Under 400 watt cooltube mh in a 4x4 mayler box with a 4 inch inline fan blowning air out with a lil 3 inch fan blowning around..


Well-Known Member
Its 6 inch the leaves are bigger then what the pic makes it look. Durt u need a lot more feteralzers nah?
the other way around I believe. But still I don't think soil is easier than hydro. But you need to do quite a bit of research before to get on top of things. and also to have some good environmental conditions, especially temps.


Well-Known Member
Well its was in a one inch cube then when roots grew out into a 3 inch into the system which is only a 5 gallon with a 3 inch net pod I had to trim the side off alil to make it fit..and a 6 inch airstone. about 6 days if that after that I saw roots touching water there ok in size I will send pic soon there white but there's some brown. Under 400 watt cooltube mh in a 4x4 mayler box with a 4 inch inline fan blowning air out with a lil 3 inch fan blowning around..

good info. there's your problem right there, brown is very bad. get some h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) to treat that. Also some rooting complex and enzymes will help but are optional. you need more oxygen in your water, otherwise this won't work out. what's the res temp? perhaps more pumps, idk.


Well I did bye a water thrmonter broke the first day I got it so haveent been able to know. That why I have that white platic over the system to try and keep it cool. But where I think I fucked up at is where about 5 days ago I put a bottle of ice in the bukket to try and cool off. Seemed like it stund it and that's when the curling started to happen.


Well-Known Member
well i dont wanna diss you mate but it sounds like you gotta take this more seriously, it's not like soil where you can mess up a bit and it'll be alright, you gotta keep things perfect in hydro, temps is very important. what is the ambient temp? what res temp did you measure when you had the thermometer? and yeah, the thing with the ice doesn't sound good :\


My first trial it was in the 70"s but that was only 6 hours of light and heat. When I opened it one day it was like a blast of heat or humitty came out that's when I put the ice in soon after the curling.


No I have a 6 inch airstone.. with a dual air pump.. am going to get a new water thromonater , h2ho And that salt. I'll be good tomrrow.


Well-Known Member
dude I'm tellin you that there is nothing wrong with that plant but a heat issue... Keep doing what your doing and she should be fine as long as your light isn't too close