I have 2 light bulbs and I could only use one I'm only growing one plant. Light bulb A reads 26w 120vac 60hz 340mA FLE26HT3/2/ DV/SW. Light bulb B reads 5500k 120v 60Hz 14W 0.230A. Which one do I use? I planted the seed about 2 days ago and I'm trying to sprout it outside with the sun but I want to bring it in after a week after sprouting. I have never grown indoors before but I have grown outside before I used a mixture of 4/5 peat moss and about 1 part miracle grow potting soil those babies turned out huge! That was actually my first time growing and this will be my second I'm using regular miracle grow soil only this time. Second part of this question is will there be a difference in growing using only this type of soil?